[Solved] CECS326 Homework 13


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Program 1:

Build a multiplier using named pipes (aka FIFOs).

You will have a client process that does all the input and output and a server process that does the multiplies. C++ is acceptable here.

You will need two named pipes, one to send from the client to the server the other to server from the client.

The client process does the following 5 times (loop): cin the multiplicand write the multiplicand to the named pipe.

cin the mulitplier write the multiplier to the named pipe. read back the answer from the other named pipe

Server process behavior read the multiplicand from the named pipe read the multiplier from the named pipe multiply

write the answer to the other named pipe

The server process exits on control-c The server should be started first.

fifo.c and fifor.c are available from /net/326.

When you are done. Remove the fifo (by hand using the rm command).

Program 2:

Build a multiplier using messages.

You will have a client process that does all the input and output and a server process that does the multiplies. C++ is acceptable here.

You will need two message queues, one to send from the client to the server the other to server from the client.

The client process does the following 5 times (loop): cin the multiplicand write the multiplicand to the message queue.

cin the mulitplier write the multiplier to the message queue. read back the answer from the other message queue

Server process behavior read the multiplicand from the message queue read the multiplier from the message queue multiply

write the answer to the other message queue The server process exits on control-c sndmes.c and rcvmes.c are available.

Demo: Your fifo and message programs.

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[Solved] CECS326 Homework 13