[Solved] CECS326 Homework 0

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Purpose: To test your accounts, logins, remote access, demos, and write simple programs on Linux. This assignment is ungraded but should help familiarize you with the Linux environment.

Applications/Utilities directory.

The terminal will start you out in your home directory. It is in /home and is named after your student id. If you do an “ls” you should see sub directories like Downloads and Desktop.

  • Use “cd Desktop” to go to your desktop. Now, make a new directory called testdir using the command “mkdir testdir”. You should see this directory appear on your desktop.
  • Create an empty file with the touch command. “touch emptyfile”. You’ll see an emtpy file on your desktop. You can open and edit it if you wish.
  • Delete the empty file with “rm emptyfile”. You should see it dissapear. Delete the directory using “rm -r testdir”. (the -r argument is needed for directories. It stands for recursive.)
  • Use “cd ..” to go back up one level to the root of your home directory. Make a new directory there called “Homework00” (this should not be on your desktop, although you can open a file explorer and see it in a window).
  • Create 3 files in this Homework00 directory.
  1. The first should be called “whereami” and should contain a single line with the output of the “pwd”command.
  2. The second is a python “helloworld.py”. You should already know how to do this, but perhaps youhaven’t done this outside of an IDE like pycharm. I’d like you to write this with a basic text editor and run it on the command line using “python helloworld.py”.
  3. Lastly, you’ll write an equivalent C++ “helloworld.cpp” program in a basic text editor. To compile the program: g++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld
  • After the first homework, work will be done on a remote server called “linux1.cecs.csulb.edu”. First, run

the “hostname” command on your local machine and note the name. Then use “ssh [email protected]” and run the hostname command there.

  • OPTIONAL: If you have a laptop or are at home, you may still access linux1 remotely. If you use Linux or a Mac, open a terminal, use “ssh -p 2022 [email protected]”. If you are using windows, download a tool called “Putty” and use ssh (port 2022) with that. Note: ssh may work with the default port 22, but this is not guarenteed due to campus firewall rules.


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[Solved] CECS326 Homework 0
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