1. (20 points) Solve the following problem
(a) When a new user logs in for the first time on a website, the user has to submit personal information
such as user_id, password, name, email address, telephone number, and so forth. Typically, there
are two fields for passwords, requiring the user to enter the password twice, to ensure that the user
did not make a typo in the first password field.Write a class encapsulating the concept of processing a form, called ProcessForm, with the
following elements: User_id, name, password, re-enter password, email address, and telephone
number. The ProcessForm class has one instance variable, called UserInfo. It is an array of 6
elements (in this case) of Strings, containing the user’s personal information elements. The
ProcessForm class contains the following methods: A constructor with one parameter, that is a one dimensional array of 6 words representing the
user’s information, used to initialize the ProcessForm class instance variable. The constructor
must check that the passed array length matches the array length of the instance variable. If the
two arrays do not have the same length, the instance variable array elements are initialized with
empty strings, and warning message is displayed on the screen. Accessor method, getUserInfo, that returns an array of Strings for the user’s information.
A method, called SetInfo, that accepts two parameters to set or update an element of the
UserInfo array, a string value and an index related to the position of the element in the array.
toString method that returns a string of the user’s information nicely formatted, containing all
the personal information in a printable form. However, the user’s password elements should
be hidden. A method, called CheckPasswords, which checks if the two Strings representing the passwords
are identical. If they are, it returns true; if not, it returns false. A method, called CheckEmailAdd, which used to check if the String representing the email
address actually “looks like” an email address. For simplicity, we assume that an email address
contains one and only one “@” character, and contains one or more periods after the @
character. The method returns true if the email address element looks like a valid one;
otherwise, it returns false. A method, called CheckPhone, which is used to check if the String representing the phone
number satisfies the format of a phone number in North America. The phone number format
is specified as follows:
Local number (7-digits subscriber): Nxx-xxxx, where N is for digits 2-9.
Domestic (10-digits): NPA-Nxx-xxxx, where NPA refers to 3-digit area code.
The method returns true if the phone number element is valid; otherwise, it returns false.
.(b) Write a client class, called Website_User, that allows a user to enter his/her personal information for a
website. The program should prompt the user to enter each data element. The entered information is used
to create an object of the ProcessForm class. Accordingly, the client program should check the validity of
user’s password, email address, and phone number, and allow the user to reenter each invalid information
till a valid one is accepted. Finally, the program should display the user’s information on the screen.Report and Program Submission Guidelines
It is expected that your report to be well written and organized. The report reflects your understanding of
the assignment and its solution. So, you must assume that your marks assigned to the report part is
related to how is the report is written and presented. All reports must be submitted in PDF format. Each
assignment should contain the following:1. Report
1.1. Title page with your name, assignment number and the day you are actually submitting this report
(Not the assignment due date).1.2. A brief description of your solution of each problem of the assignment, you can also explain your
solution using a pseudocode. Number your descriptions according to the problem numbers.
1.3. A comprehensive set of snapshots showing the inputs submitted, outputs obtained in the case of
a successful output or a failure, including required output formatting, prompts, and messages.2. Submission Procedure:
2.1. Java source files that contain your solutions. They must be a “*.java” files. Source programs
should contain meaningful comments and variable names.2.2. Please zip both the PDF document with the source codes and submit one zipped file. Please name
your zipped file as “HWx_firstname_lastname.zzz”. Where, “firstname” and “lastname” refer to
your first and last names, “x” refers to the homework number (e.g., 1, 2, etc), “zzz” refers to the
file name extension for the software used for archiving.2.3. Submissions after the due date are accepted with a penalty of 25% per day (weekend days
are counted as one-day delay).
Grading Table
Problem Item Points
Problem 1
Report (Description of solution) 2
Output snapshots (input/output, formatting) 1
Java Source Code
ProcessForm Class 12
Website_User Class 5
Total 20
Assignment, CECS, first, following, logs, points), Problem, solve, solved, Time, User, website, when
[SOLVED] Cecs 220 assignment 3 1. (20 points) solve the following problem (a) when a new user logs in for the first time on a website
File Name: Cecs_220_assignment_3_1___20_points__solve_the_following_problem__a__when_a_new_user_logs_in_for_the_first_time_on_a_website.zip
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