Q1a Write last 9 digits of your university ID in reverse order, for example if your ID is 11123456789, answer will be: 987654321
Q1b Create 4 points using the answer for Q1, if your answer was 987654321, points will be (9,8), (7,6), (5,4), (3,2). For these four points calculate the linear interpolation function with using Newtons Form and Divided Differences.
Q1c Predict the value of this interpolation function for x=10.
Assume you are given an image, which has dimensions from the last 9 digits of your university ID in reverse order. If these digits are 987654321, A will be a 98765 x 4321 image. Each pixel requires 8 bits.
Q2a What is the space required to save this image in bytes.
We want to reduce the space required to save this image by SVD. What will be the space required if you use;
Q2b mode-10 (rank-10) SVD approximation
Q2c mode-100 (rank-100) SVD approximation
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