[Solved] BCS241 Operating Systems


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Research Topics:

Select ONE of the following four research topics:

  • Topic (A) It is required to prepare a comparative study between different techniques of deadlock handling.
  • Topic (B) It is required to prepare a comparative study between different techniques of file allocation.
  • Topic (C) It is required to prepare a comparative study between different techniques of disk scheduling.
  • Topic (D) It is required to prepare a comparative study between different techniques of system protection.

General Instructions:

  • Each research topic is prepared by teams of at most FIVE
  • Each comparative study must applied among at least THREE different operating systems of your choice.
  • Each team of students will submit one combined report and must contribute equally to the work.
  • Students have collective ownership and responsibility of their project. Any violation of academic honesty will have severe consequences and punishment for ALL team members.
  • Please submit only work that you did yourself. If you copy work from your friend or book or the internet, you will fail the course.
  • Use the cover page in Appendix A as the report cover.
  • The report contains the following parts (10-15 pages):
    • Table of contents.
    • Introduction (about the selected topic).
    • Brief description of the selected Operating systems.
    • A Comparative study (using your selected comparative features).
    • Conclusion
    • References (a guideline of reference writing could be found in this link https://libguides.lub.lu.se/c.php?g=297505&p=1984175)


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[Solved] BCS241 Operating Systems