[Solved] Assignment3

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1. Use the same organisation that you used in Assessment 2 (i.e. SP Services or UOB Bank)2. Use all relevant chapters from your textbook to help you analyse your chosen organisation with regard to the following:e measures of performancee rewards and recognitiono behaviour and culture3. Note that students are not expected to include all the work they did under Assessment 2 into Assessment 3. However. strategy and operating practices discussed in Assessment 2 influence the aspects discussed in Assessment 3. Students arc therefore expected to briefly relate points raised back to the topics of `straten. and operating practices where relevant.This assessment requires students to make extensive use of:1. Relevant academic journal articles2. Relevant chapters from your textbook and other academie hooks.3. Relevant journal articles sourced via databases such as the Web of Science, Scopus or ABI/INFORM. Complete via UOW library.4. Relevant and specific examples from organisational wehsites and other sources such as annual reports.Fora guide on how to reference in essays, refer to the section entitled Referenciniz. in this subject outline below.i rite approximately 40&450 words each tonic area (i) measures of performance; (ii)
rewards & recognition; and (iii) behaviour and culture Introduction and conclusion should be approximately 2541-300 words in total.
Use a minimum of ti academic references (journal articles or books) in addition to the company websites and other web-based references.


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[Solved] Assignment3
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