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[SOLVED] Assignment 4. peeking blackjack csed342


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Consider an MDP problem. There are four states {SA, SB, SC, SD}, at each of which two
actions {+, −} are available, and the state transition and reward have no randomness. All
the (action, reward) pairs are described in Figure 1. Assume all the episodes have length 3
(e.g. SA
+−→ SB
−−→ SA
−−→ SA).
Figure 1: MDP problem with (action, reward) pairs.Problem 1a [2 points] Ò
Find the optimal policy at the initial state SA with discount factor γ = 0.001. Justify your
Problem 1b [2 points] Ò
Find the optimal policy at the initial state SA with discount factor γ = 0.999. Justify your
answer.Problem 1c [2 points] Ò
What is the optimal policy at the initial state SB? Explain your answer in terms of discount
factor γ ∈ (0, 1).You will be creating a MDP to describe a modified version of Blackjack. (Before reading
the description of the task, first check how util.ValueIteration.solve finds the optimal
policy of a given MDP such as util.NumberLineMDP.)For our version of Blackjack, the deck can contain an arbitrary collection of cards with
different values, each with a given multiplicity. For example, a standard deck would have
card values [1, 2, . . . , 13] and multiplicity 4. You could also have a deck with card values
[1, 5, 20]. The deck is shuffled (each permutation of the cards is equally likely).The game occurs in a sequence of rounds. Each round, the player either (i) takes the
next card from the top of the deck (costing nothing), (ii) peeks at the top card (costing
peekCost, in which case the card will be drawn in the next round), or (iii) quits the game.
(Note: it is not possible to peek twice in a row; if the player peeks twice in a row, then
succAndProbReward() should return [].)The game continues until one of the following conditions becomes true:
• The player quits, in which case her reward is the sum of the cards in her hand.
• The player takes a card, and this leaves her with a sum that is strictly greater than
the threshold, in which case her reward is 0.• The deck runs out of cards, in which case it is as if she quits, and she gets a reward
which is the sum of the cards in her hand.In this problem, your state s will be represented as a triple:
(totalCardValueInHand, nextCardIndexIfPeeked, deckCardCounts)
As an example, assume the deck has card values [1, 2, 3] with multiplicity 1, and the threshold is 4. Initially, the player has no cards, so her total is 0; this corresponds to state
(0, None, (1, 1, 1)). At this point, she can take, peek, or quit.• If she takes, the three possible successor states (each has 1/3 probability) are
(1, None, (0, 1, 1))
(2, None, (1, 0, 1))
(3, None, (1, 1, 0))
She will receive reward 0 for reaching any of these states.• If she instead peeks, the three possible successor states are
(0, 0, (1, 1, 1))
(0, 1, (1, 1, 1))
(0, 2, (1, 1, 1))
She will receive reward -peekCost to reach these states. From (0, 0, (1, 1, 1)),
taking yields (1, None, (0, 1, 1)) deterministically.• If she quits, then the resulting state will be (0, None, None) (note setting the deck
to None signifies the end of the game).
As another example, let’s say her current state is (3, None, (1, 1, 0)).
• If she quits, the successor state will be (3, None, None).• If she takes, the successor states are (3 + 1, None, (0, 1, 0)) or (3 + 2, None, None).
Note that in the second successor state, the deck is set to None to signify the game
ended with a bust. You should also set the deck to None if the deck runs out of cards.Problem 2a [5 points] ¥
Your task is to implement the game of Blackjack as a MDP by filling out the succAndProbReward()
function of class BlackjackMDP.So far, we’ve seen how MDP algorithms can take an MDP which describes the full dynamics
of the game and return an optimal policy. But suppose you go into a casino, and no one
tells you the rewards or the transitions. We will see how reinforcement learning can allow
you to play the game and learn the rules at the same time!Problem 3a [5 points] ¥
You will first implement a generic Q-learning algorithm Qlearning, which is an instance
of an RLAlgorithm. As discussed in class, reinforcement learning algorithms are capable
of executing a policy while simultaneously improving their policy. Look in simulate(),
in util.py to see how the RLAlgorithm will be used. In short, your Qlearning will be
run in a simulation of the MDP, and will alternately be asked for an action to perform in
a given state (Qlearning.getAction), and then be informed of the result of that action
(Qlearning.incorporateFeedback), so that it may learn better actions to perform in the
future.We are using Q-learning with function approximation, which means Qˆ
opt(s, a) = w · ϕ(s, a),
where in code, w is self.weights, ϕ is the featureExtractor function, and Qˆ
opt is
self.getQ.We have implemented Qlearning.getAction as a simple ϵ-greedy policy. Your job is to
implement Qlearning.incorporateFeedback(), which should take an (s, a, r, s′
) tuple and
update self.weights according to the standard Q-learning update.Problem 3b [5 points] ¥
Now, you’ll implement SARSA, which can be considered as a variation of Q-learning. Your
task is fill in incorporateFeedback of SARSA, which is same with Qlearning except the
update equation.Problem 3c [5 points] ¥
Now, we’ll incorporate domain knowledge to improve generalization of RL algorithms for
BlackjackMDP. Your task is to implement blackjackFeatureExtractor as described in the
code comments in submission.py.This way, the RL algorithm can use what it learned
about some states to improve its prediction performance on other states. Using the feature
extractor, you should be able to get pretty close to the optimum on some large instances of

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[SOLVED] Assignment 4. peeking blackjack csed342