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[SOLVED] Assignment 2 MIPS Multicycle ProcessorSPSS


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Assignment 2: MIPS Multicycle Processor

Assignment Outline

l Assignment 2 accounts for 15% of your overall mark in the EEE339 module. This assignment is to test your understanding of the behavioural specification of the MIPS-Lite multi-cycle processor design presented in the lectures.

l A sample Verilog code is available at Appendix A.

l You need to write the machine code of your MIPS instructions into the desired locations of the memory in the following Verilog code.

l To ensure that it is your own work that is being assessed, Appendix B indicates the specific tasks for each student.

l The assignment is to be undertaken in a series of steps which you should complete in order.

1. Sketch the ASM chart of the state machine. [ 10 Marks]

2. Write a programme to: [50 Marks in total and 10 Marks each]

a. Load the data stored in locations X and Y of the data memory into registers P and Q.

b. Add register P with constant 6 and store the result in the register R.

c. If the result in registers Q and R is equal to each other, then branch to instruction a.

d. Store the result in the register R into the memory location 24. e. Jump to instruction a.

3. Simulate your program. To test instructions d and e, you need to change the data in the data memory at some stage. [ 10 Marks]

4. Add code to support R-type instructions such as AND, OR, sub, slt, and NOR, and simulate the instruction specified for each student in the attached table. [20 Marks]

5. Add some extensions to cope with the exceptions when an opcode not supported by this MIPS-lite processor is detected or PC goes into an address for data memory. [ 10 Marks]


Your report should include the following contents:

1. The ASM chart for the state machine.

2. The MIPS code and the corresponding machine code.

3. Simulation waveforms for the opcode, state, PC, IR, ALUOut and relevant registers (P, Q, R) must be demonstrated and annotated. You should clearly indicate why the simulations show that the operation is correct or incorrect.

4. Description of the modifications made to implement the additional instruction or extensions. Highlight the changes made in the code.

5. Lab demonstration for your work is not required.

6. The submission deadline is at 11:59 pm on Wednesday 11th December 2024 (Week 13). A single pdf file should be submitted to the Learning Mall.


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[SOLVED] Assignment 2 MIPS Multicycle ProcessorSPSS