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[SOLVED] Assignment 1. foundations csed342


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In this problem, you will implement a bunch of short functions related vector representations.
The main purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with Python, and to understand
vector representations in programming.If you’re new to Python, the following provide pointers to various tutorials and examples
for the language:
• Python for Programmers:
• Example programs of increasing complexity:
https://wiki.python.org/moin/SimpleProgramsProblem 1a [2 points]
Implement denseVectorDotProduct in submission.py.
Problem 1b [2 points]
Implement incrementDenseVector in submission.py.
Problem 1c [2 points]
Implement dense2sparseVector in submission.py.Problem 1d [2 points]
Implement sparseVectorDotProduct in submission.py.
Problem 1e [2 points]
Implement incrementSparseVector in submission.py.Problem 2. Programming 2
In this problem, you will implement short functions more, and the main purpose of this
exercise is also to familiarize yourself with Python.
Problem 2a [2 points]
Implement minkowskiDistance in submission.py.
Problem 2b [2 points]
Implement getLongestWord in submission.py.
Problem 2c [2 points]
Implement getFrequentWords in submission.py.

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[SOLVED] Assignment 1. foundations csed342