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[SOLVED] ARC180 Computation and Design Assignment 3 Typological Intelligences Java


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ARC180: Computation and Design

Assignment #3: Typological Intelligences

Barton Myers: Sectional Perspective Looking West, Yorkville Public Library, Toronto

In Assignment #2, you designed a parametric model that can reproduce a chosen typology across a range of sites and scales. For Assignment #3, you will design a contemporary response to your chosen typology. Crucially, you will design a system of possible approaches using parametric modelling techniques in Grasshopper. Your system can operate at a variety of scales, but on a technical level it should produce an array of outcomes that vary in response to a changing input—in this case, the boundaries of a site and at least one other varying parameter of your choosing.

Students are encouraged to incorporate one or more of the conceptual threads from our seminar discussions. Your response could be a renovation, addition, or reinvention, but it must be related in some legible way to your chosen typology. You can retain as much or as little of the current typology as you wish, but your project must clearly demonstrate both your design contribution and its relation to your chosen typology.

Responses to typology: NADAA, previous page; Ryan W. Kennihan, top; Gordon Matta-Clark, bottom.

Demonstrate how your new architectural response fits on the three sites you chose for Assignment #2. You will do this by preparing a design space diagram, as in Assignment #2, that shows how one or more parameters of your project can be varied on three sites. The design space diagram should show nine versions in total on three different sites.

In addition to the diagrammatic requirements, prepare a rendering or collage showing one version of your design. If you choose to use text-to-image AI as part of your workflow, be sure to substantially rework the outputs to make the drawing your own.

Your script. and Rhino file are due one week in advance of the final deadline, on December 16th at 11:59pm. Submit the following two files:

1. Your Grasshopper file in .GH format. All references to Rhino geometry must be internalized, including your initial link to the property data map.

2. Your working Rhino file.

Late marks for this component are reduced to 1% of your assignment mark per day.

Please submit the following one file to Quercus on December 23rd at 11:59pm:

3. PDF document

o On the first page, display your rendering or collage, name and student number

o On the second and following pages, show the following:

§ Your design space drawing

§ An image of your Grasshopper script.

§ A 150-250 word narrative describing your design process and conceptual approach.

Note that December 23rd is the last day that term work can be submitted. We are unable to accept work submitted past this date or extend the deadline further—it’s already been extended to the last possible hour.

This assignment is worth 45% of your final grade. The mark breakdown is as follows:

10%: Organization and performance of your Grasshopper script.

Does your script. open correctly? Does it accurately reproduce your design on a variety of sites? How detailed are the models produced by your script?

10%: Success of design space diagram

Does your design space diagram indicate the breadth of different possible design outcomes? Are the outputs of the design space diagram sufficiently varied?

15%: Design

Does your proposal reflect a high level of creativity and design ability? Does your collage or rendering effectively communicate your design idea?

10%: Clarity and creativity

Does your written submission clearly your modelling process? Did you approach the assignment in a creative or conceptual way?

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[SOLVED] ARC180 Computation and Design Assignment 3 Typological Intelligences Java