Advanced NLP: Assignment 1
Feature-Based Semantic Role Labeling (SRL)
A) Introduction:
You will conduct a feature-based machine learning classification experiment in order to automatically label Propbank Semantic Roles (given the predicate). To accomplish this you will need to: i) get acquainted with the Universal Propbank V1.0 dataset; ii) pre-process this dataset into a workable format for your experiment; iii) motivate and extract three features suitable for automatic SRL, and iv) train and evaluate a logistic regression classifier for SRL as your first model for this course. Please note that this model will be used in the take-home exam.
B) Objectives:
– Gain hands-on experience developing and running a logistic regression classifier for SRL following the specifications of the Universal Propbank V1.0 dataset.
– Gain hands-on experience on identifying and motivating features (drawing on linguistic insight) specifically for SRL.
– Gain hands-on experience producing code that is ready and suitable to be further used in interpretability experiments (i.e., challenge datasets).
C) Logistic Regression model for SRL
Imagine that you are participating in the shared task and need to build a Semantic Role Labeller. A classic SRL consists of four steps:
1. Predicate identification
2. Predicate classification (to be ignore in this assignment)
3. Argument identification (often taken together with step 4)
4. Argument classification
Your assignment is to build a system to perform. the last 2 steps of the SRL task in a single model [argument identification + argument classification together] given the predicate. This means you can assume you know the predicates of each sentence in advance.
Because this model is going to be used later, during your take-home exam, you SHOULD NOT use information about predicate classification available in the dataset. The Universal Propbank dataset includes information that helps disambiguate the predicate (e.g., come.01 is related to motion, come.02 is related to pursue). Even though the dataset includes this information, you should not use this information to inform. your features.
D) What to do:
1. If you have not done so, download and explore the structure of the Universal Propositions Bank v1.0 English dataset (train and test) from its Git repository;
2. Preprocessing: A sentence may have more than one predicate. To solve this, replicate each sentence as many times as there are predicates so each training instance has a single labeled argument structure (See “Appendix: SRL task and data section” for more detailed information).
3. Provide a set of statistics over the train and test set including, for each dataset, the number of tokens and number of sentences before and after preprocessing the datasets to deal with sentences containing multiple predicates. (You can but) You are not required to produce any other statistics. Note that the number of tokens you produce for the test set must match the support in your classification report (i.e., the results).
4. Motivate and extract three features (see “ E) Requirements for Feature Extraction” for more information about this step) for SRL classification using Logistic Regressions.
5. Run one classification experiment using Sklearn’s LogisticRegression by training a token-level SRL on the Universal Propositions Bank v1.0 English dataset.
6. Evaluate the model you produce on the test set. You must use Scikit-learn’s Classification Report to provide Precision, Recall and F1 measures for token-level classification. Make sure to also include a labeled confusion matrix that supports the classification metrics.
7. Store your model’s predictions over the preprocessed testset and save it in a human-readable text format (e.g., as a tsv). Make sure this file contains, at least, the token, the gold label and the predicted label for each prediction.
8. Prepare a ready-to-use function where one can use the trained model to perform SRL on standalone sentences, given the predicate. Among other necessary arguments (e.g., model, etc.), the function should allow the input of a sentence segmented as a list of strings (e.g., [‘ Pia’ , ‘asked’ , ‘ Luis’ , ‘to’ , ‘write’ , ‘this’ , ‘sentence’ ,’ .’]) and a list defining the location of the predicate to label (e.g. [0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0], for the predicate ‘write’). If you think of another better way to design this function, that is also acceptable, as long as it is well documented. Provide an example showing that the function runs a sentence with more than one predicate (you can choose your own sentence(s)!). Note: this function will be important for your take-home exam.
9. Submit one zip file containing a Jupyter notebook (and HTML printout) accompanied by a requirements.txt file and any number of python modules with helper functions. Include also your model’s predictions on the testset (e.g., as a tsv). Do not upload the saved model on Canvas! Provide a link to download the model instead (e.g. needs to be a public link) – make sure the link is available at the top of your notebook. Make sure you run the notebook and save the notebook with the output of all cells. Read more information about the requirements below.
E) Requirements for Feature Extraction:
– You must motivate and extract EXACTLY three features (not more and not less). There is no such thing as “base/core/default” features.
– One of the features you need to motivate and extract is given (same for everyone): This is a complex feature integrating: the directed dependency path from the token to the predicate + the predicate’s lemma;
– Feature extraction must be self-sufficient (i.e., not dependent on information contained in the dataset). i.e., you must be able to perform. SRL (given the predicate) of any given tokenized sentence (i.e., a list of strings) and the predicate position. You cannot assume information like lemmas, POS, dependency parse, etc. will be provided with the sentence (i.e., if you use this information to produce features, you must extract it yourself).
– Please note that for training/evaluation you will need to ensure the word tokenization is the same as the one used in the dataset. This poses some challenges using SpaCy parsing (which defaults to a different word tokenization to the one used in the shared task). Make sure you are able to handle this. We will discuss this briefly in class.
– Each feature must be motivated and be both useful for the task and appropriate for the model (in this case Logistic Regression). Make sure you describe and motivate each feature in your notebook (you can use a markdown cell, or comments to do this). Making sure all features are suitable is a minimum requirement of this assignment (nonsensical or poorly motivated features will lead to failing the assignment).
F) Other Requirements for Jupyter Notebook:
The Python Notebook should be formatted in a way that will substitute a written report. As such, it should be crafted with care, highlight all important steps of the pipeline and, when necessary, include explaining text and notes about decisions. Your report must include:
– A (publically open) link to download the trained model. We recommend using google drive to share a zip containing the model. 』 Do not upload your model on Canvas!
– A printed summary of the statistics for both the training and test sets (see above). Make sure your evaluation (and confusion matrix) matches the numbers you have printed in these statistics (i.e. the total number of tokens must match).
– A section motivating and explaining the three extracted features (one paragraph per feature should suffice). This paragraph should, for each feature, motivate why the feature is useful for SRL, and describe both how they are extracted and represented (with examples). The motivation should be specific to SRL.
– A printed example showing the three extracted features for 2~3 sentences (in pre-vectorized state). This should be an excerpt of the data that will later be fed into the model after vectorization. Make sure no gold data is passed into the model. Passing gold data into the model will result in failing the assignment.
– A printed evaluation table using Scikit Learn’s evaluation report, including a labeled confusion matrix. You should also include a couple paragraphs discussing these results (e.g., Are the results good? Which semantic roles are easiest to identify? Which ones were most difficult? etc.)
– A printed example showing that your function to perform SRL on standalone sentences is working.
Make sure the notebook is sufficiently documented. When in doubt about authorship or lack of understanding, you may be asked for an interview to explain your decisions/code.
G) What to submit:
Each student submits one zip file using the predefined naming convention (e.g. A1-Student
Inside the zip you should include:
– A requirements.txt with the necessary installation requirements.
– A Python Notebook showcasing the full experiment. This should be submitted both as a notebook (.ipyn) and as an HTML (.html). Make sure you save the notebook (and the HTML) after running every cell – so the outputs are also saved. You should be able to confirm this by inspecting the HTML.
– Any number of helper python modules (if needed).
– The model’s predictions on the testset as a text file (e.g., as a tsv).
H) Grading:
The assignment will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. And based on the following requirements:
– Produce a running Python Notebook, including all steps (corpus preprocessing, feature extraction, training and evaluation) to train and evaluate a logistic regression model for SRL;
Note: make sure the code runs and does not depend on any files that are not included with your submission (including preprocessed datasets). The only files your code can (and should) depend on are the original Universal Propbank data.
– Motivate and extract a predefined feature: a complex feature integrating the directed dependency path from the token to the predicate and the predicate’s lemma;
– Motivate and extract two features (in addition to the predefined one), suitable for SRL and Logistic Regression;
– Produce a ready-to-use inference function for your model which allows the model to be tested (this used in during the take-home exam);
Appendix: SRL task and data
The SRL task
Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) can be handled as a token classification task. Here, given an input sentence, we want to identify its predicates, and then for each predicate, we want to identify and label its corresponding arguments.
Example Sentence: While I read my assignment, the cat sleeps.
Predicate-Argument Structure:
A dataset for SRL
We are using Universal Proposition Banks 1.0, which is in CoNLL format. Remember that this data is labeled only for the syntactic heads (for example, the argument: “while I read my assignment” will only have a label for its syntactic-head (read) instead of the full span. Do note that the notion of head here pertains to the gold dependency parse of the sentence (different theories of grammar may choose different heads).
Instead of having:
SPAN: [ ‘while’ , ‘ I’ , ‘read’ , ‘my’ , ‘assignment’]
LABELS: [’ B-AM-TMP’ , ’I-AM-TMP’ , ’I-AM-TMP’ , ’I-AM-TMP’ , ’I-AM-TMP’]
we will have:
SPAN: [‘while’ , ‘ I’ , ‘read’ , ‘my’ , ‘assignment’]
LABELS: [ ’O’ , ’O’ , ’B-AM-TMP’ , ’O’ , ’O’ ]
You will be working with the English data. Here is a screenshot the data (2 sentences):
The first sentence has one predicate (enjoy.01), and the second sentence has three predicates (compare.01, be.03, gain.02). Beware that there can be examples without any predicate.
Also, note that the conll file has 10 main columns. The 10th column has a predicate-sense label if the current token is a predicate or a “_” otherwise. The columns from 11th to nth are of variable size, and they depend on the number of predicates a sentence has. A sentence with zero predicates has 10 columns, a sentence with 3 predicates has 13 columns, etcetera. The 11th column corresponds to the argument structure of the first predicate, the 12th column corresponds to the argument structure of the second predicate, and so on …
For the two sentences shown in the example above, you have four predicates. Each of these four predicates can have its own arguments. This means that, during training, the second sentence will be seen by the model three times – once for each of its predicates.
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