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[SOLVED] ACC309 Accounting Analytics S1 AY2024/25 SQL


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ACC309 Accounting Analytics (S1, AY2024/25):

Oral Presentation

(Worth 30% of Total Grade)

The TaskUsing the AMPS Model to Address the Question of Loan Payment

•    For details, please refer to the textbook, page 648, Chapter 11, Project 1 (Appendix A).

You presentation should include the following information:

1.   Ask the Question

Please refer to the textbook for the question.

2.   Master the Data

Illustrate the steps you have taken to ensure no data is missing, there are no errors in the data, and the data has been transformed into a form. that is ready for analysis.

3.   Perform. the Analysis and Share the Story

Present your analysis results using appropriate data visualization techniques. Interpret the results and answer the question.

4.   AI Usage

Explain how AI is used in your project.

Submission Instructions:

Each student must submit an oral presentation video filea  and a PowerPoint fileb to the submission boxes under “Presentation” in the “ Module Information” section on  the Learning Mall (LM) module page by the deadline.

Presentation Submission Deadline:                              11:55 pm Sunday, Week 13


a.   Notes for the video:

1)   You can use Tencent Meeting to record the presentation.

2)   The filename for submission should be “ACC309 Presentation XXXXXX”, where “XXXXXX” is your student ID.

3)   The length: 5±1 minutes. The video size should be no larger than 100MB.

4)   You must show your face in the video.

5)   Please make sure that the submitted video can be played by Windows Media Player.

b.   Notes for the PPT file:

1)   The filename for submission should be “ACC309 Presentation XXXXXX”, where “XXXXXX” is your student ID.

Marking: Presentations will be judged according to Appendix B “ACC309 Oral Presentation Assessment Form” and Appendix C “ACC309 Group Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric” .


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[SOLVED] ACC309 Accounting Analytics S1 AY2024/25 SQL