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[SOLVED] 5PAHPRM3 Semester 2 Coursework Worksheet 2024/25


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5PAHPRM3 Semester 2 Coursework Worksheet 2024/25

The coursework involves the conduct and interpretation of a data analysis, which is assessed by means of a quiz on KEATS. You should complete the analyses on described this worksheet before attempting the quiz on KEATS.

You are provided with a data set file which contains data from a hypothetical direct replication of Wade-Benzoni et al. (2012), Experiment 1, as described in the data file information document. Note that the analyses on this worksheet do not correspond precisely to the analyses presented in the paper (e.g. the authors did not present analysis of the number of words written in priming task; you will not need to consider any aspects of Experiment 2 of the target article).

Once you have performed and interpreted the analyses below, you should be able to answer all of the KEATS quiz questions. The quiz will be open for several weeks, and you have 24 hours to complete the quiz questions after you open the quiz – so you will have time to review your and repeat an analysis if required.

Analyses can be conducted on JASP or SPSS. All analyses should run with all suitable data included (do not exclude any outliers, and take care if using filters with your data file)


Perform. Exploratory Analysis (Descriptive Statistics & Boxplots) for the following variables: Age, Amount, Words. These analyses should be conducted in three ways: (1) for the whole data set; (2) for each gender separately; (3) for each of the 4 experimental groups separately.

Ensure your output includes the mean, median and variance of each variable along with the kurtosis and skewness. Determine whether any variable shows noticeable skewness, or kurtosis, or contains any extreme outliers (based on a criterion of 3 x H-spread).

Generate a 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference in age between the two gender groups. Do not assume equality of variance.


Perform. a suitable ANOVA to investigate whether the Amount donated is influenced by the factors of priming type (death or control) and recipient type (present or future).

Using a suitable plot of the means, and/or a table of means, ensure that you understand the pattern of results. Complete a table summarising the key hypothesis tests within the ANOVA, including consideration of what each F test is evidence for

Predictor (model term)

Statistics (F, df p)

Effect size

[partial eta-squared]

Evidence for?


Perform. a one-way ANOVA to investigate whether the number of words written is influenced by experimental group assignment.

Your analysis should include measures of the effect size for this effect, and a test statistic for this ANOVA model which does not assume equality of variance, based on the Welch model.

Generate simultaneous 95% confidence interval estimates for the pairwise differences in the mean number of words written between participants in the four experimental groups. Do not assume equality of variance.


Perform. a suitable analysis investigate whether the number of words written is influenced by gender. Your analysis should include measures of the effect size for this effect.

Generate a 95% confidence interval estimate for the differences in the mean number of words written between the two gender groups. Do not assume equality of variance.


Perform. a suitable linear regression model to investigate the relationship between age and mean words written, to determine the following:

the correlation between age and number of words written, and whether this is significant.

the proportion of observed variation in words written that can be predicted by observed age (in this sample)

an estimate of the proportion of total variation in words written associated with age in the wider population (from which this sample was taken)

A 95% CI estimate of the predicted change in words written with a change in participant age of 1 year (from this model)

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[SOLVED] 5PAHPRM3 Semester 2 Coursework Worksheet 2024/25