Distributed File System
In this assignment, you will be developing a working distributed file server. We provide you with only the gunrock_web
HTTP framework; you have to build the rest.
The goals of this project are:
To learn the basics of on-disk structures for file systems To learn about file system internals
To learn about distributed storage systems
This project consists of three main parts: reading on-disk storage using command line utilities, a local file system, and using the local file system to impelemnt a distributed file system. We recommend implementing your server in this order
where you ensure that you have a solid foundation before moving on to the next part.
Fundamentally, this project is all about persistent storage. However, the interfaces you have to work with are all different. The disk operates only on disk blocks, the local file system organizes disk blocks into a heirarchical file system, and the API layer uses the local file system to provide an object abstraction. Each of these components have their own unique
physical reality to work with and illusion they provide to software running above.
Distributed File System
The main idea behind a distribute file system is that you can have multiple clients access the same file system at the same time. One popular distributed file system, which serves as inspiration for this project, is Amazon’s S3 storage
system. S3 is used widely and provides clear semantics with a simple REST/HTTP API for accessing data. With these basics in place, S3 provides the storage layer that powers many of the modern apps we all use every day.
Like local file systems, distributed file systems support a number of high level file system operations. In this project you’ll implement read(), write(), and delete() operations on objects using HTTP APIs.
In your distributed file system you will have two different entities: files and directories. You will access these entities using standard HTTP/REST network calls. All URL paths begin with /ds3/, which defines the root of your file system.
To create or update a file, use HTTP PUT method where the URL defines the file name and path and the body of your PUT request contains the entire contents of the file. If the file already exists, the PUT call overwrites the contents with the
new data sent via the body.
In the system, directories are created implicitly. If a client PUTs a file located at /ds3/a/b/c.txt and directories a and b do not already exist, you will create them as a part of handling the request. If one of the directories on the path exists as a file already, like /a/b, then it is an error.
To read a file, you use the HTTP GET method, specifying the file location as the path of your URL and your server will return the contents of the file as the body in the response. To read a directory, you also use the HTTP GET method, but
directories list the entries in a directory. To encode directory entries, you put each directory entry on a new line and regular files are listed directly, and directories are listed with a trailing “/”. For GET on a directory omit the entries for . and
... For example, GET on /ds3/a/b will return:
And GET on /ds3/a/ will return:
The listed entries should be sorted using standard string comparison sorting functions.
To delete a file, you use the HTTP DELETE method, specifying the file location as the path of your URL. To delete a directory, you also use DELETE but deleting a directory that is not empty it is an error.
You will implement your API handlers in DistributedFileSystemService.cpp (gunrock_web/DistributedFileSystemService.cpp).
Since Gunrock is a HTTP server, you can use command line utilities, like cURL to help test it out. Here are a few example cURL command:
% curl -X PUT -d “file contents” http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b/c.txt
% curl http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b/c.txt file contents
% curl http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b/ c.txt
% curl http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b c.txt
% curl http://localhost:8080/ds3/a b/
% curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b/c.txt
% curl http://localhost:8080/ds3/a/b/
Dealing with errors
To implement your distributed storage interface, you will use a sequence of LocalFileSystem calls. Although each of
these calls individually will ensure that they will not modify the disk when they have an error, since your implementation uses several LocalFileSystem calls it needs to clean up when something goes wrong. The key principle is that if an API
call has an error, there should not be any changes to the underlying disk or local file system.
To clean up the LocalFileSystem on errors, you can use the Disk (gunrock_web/include/Disk.h) interface for transactions. To use transactions, when you know that a file system call can change the disk’s state, then start a transaction by calling beginTransaction. As your implementation for an API call proceeds, if the call is successful then you can commit your transaction to ensure that all file system modifications persist. If the call ends with an error, you can call rollback to reverse any writes that happened before the error.
There are four types of errors that your distributed file system can return. First, use ClientError::notFound() for any API calls that try to access a resouce that does not exist. Second, use ClientError::insufficientStorage() for operations that modify the file system and need to allocate new blocks but the disk does not have enough storage to satisfy them. Third, use ClientError::conflict() if an API call tries to create a directory in a location where a file already exists. Fourth, use ClientError::badRequest() for all other errors.
To return an error to the client, in your DistributedFileSystemService.cpp file, throw an exception using the ClientError (gunrock_web/include/ClientError.h) exception class, and the gunrock web framework will catch these errors and convert them to the right HTTP response and status code for that error.
Local file system
On-Disk File System: A Basic Unix File System
The on-disk file system structures follow that of the very simple file system discussed here
( https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/%7Eremzi/OSTEP/file-implementation.pdf). On-disk, the structures are as follows:
A single block (4KB) super block
An inode bitmap (can be one or more 4KB blocks, depending on the number of inodes)
A data bitmap (can be one or more 4KB blocks, depending on the number of data blocks) The inode table (a multiple of 4KB-sized blocks, depending on the number of inodes)
The data region (some number of 4KB blocks, depending on the number of data blocks)
More details about on-disk structures can be found in the header ufs.h (ufs.h), which you should use. Specifically, this has a very specific format for the super block, inode, and directory entries. Bitmaps just have one bit per allocated unit as described in the book.
As for directories, here is a little more detail. Each directory has an inode, and points to one or more data blocks that contain directory entries. Each directory entry should be simple, and consist of 32 bytes: a name and an inode number
pair. The name should be a fixed-length field of size 28 bytes; the inode number is just an integer (4 bytes). When a directory is created, it should contain two entries: the name . (dot), which refers to this new directory’s inode number, and
.. (dot-dot), which refers to the parent directory’s inode number. For the root directory in a file system, both . and ..
refer to the root directory.
When your server is started, it is passed the name of the file system image file. The image is created by a tool we provide, called mkfs. It is pretty self-explanatory and can be found here (gunrock_web/mkfs.c).
When accessing the files on an image, your server should read in the superblock, bitmaps, and inode table from disk as needed. When writing to the image, you should update these on-disk structures accordingly.
One important aspect of your on-disk structure is that you need to assume that your server can crash at any time, so all disk writes need to leave your file system in a consistent state. To maintain consistency you’ll need to order your writes carefully to make sure that if your system crashes your file system is always correct.
Importantly, you cannot change the file-system on-disk format.
For more detailed documentation on the local file system specification, please see LocalFileSystem.h (gunrock_web/include/LocalFileSystem.h) and the stub LocalFileSystem.cpp (gunrock_web/LocalFileSystem.cpp). Also, please see Disk.h (gunrock_web/include/Disk.h) for the interface for accessing the disk.
Bitmaps for block allocation
We use on-disk bitmaps to keep track of entries (inodes and data blocks) that the file system has allocated. For our bitmaps for each byte, the least significant bit (LSB) is considered the first bit, and the most significant bit (MSB) is considered the last bit. So if the first bit of a two byte bitmap is set, it will look like this in hex:
byte position: |
0 |
1 |
hex value: |
01 |
00 |
bit |
position |
0 |
15 |
bit |
value: |
1 0 0 |
0 |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
and if the last bit is set it will look like this in hex:
bit |
position |
0 |
15 |
bit |
value: |
0 0 0 |
0 |
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 |
byte position: 0 1
hex value: 00 80
LocalFileSystem write and read semantics
In our file system, we don’t have a notion of appending or modifying data. Conceptually, when we get a write call we overwrite the entire contents of the file with the new contents of the file, and write calls specify the complete contents of the file.
Calls to read always read data starting from the beginning of the file, but if the caller specifies a size of less than the size of the object then you should return only these bytes. If the caller specifies a size of larger than the size of the object,
then you only return the bytes in the object.
LocalFileSystem out of storage errors
One important class of errors that your LocalFileSystem needs to handle is out of storage errors. Out of storage errors can happen when one of the file system modification calls — create, write, and unlink — does not have
enough availabe storage to complete the request. You should identify out of storage errors before making any writes to disk. So in other words, your file system should be unchanged if an out of storage error happens.
File system utilities
To help debug your disk images, you will create three small command-line utilities that read information about a given disk image and write it out to the command line. We have included an example disk image and expected outputs in the disk_testing (gunrock_web/disk_testing) directory, but make sure that your utilities can handle multiple different disk
image configurations and contents.
To implement your file system utilities, you’ll want to have implementaitons for read-only functions within
LocalFileSystem.cpp and use these functions to implement the utilities. In particular, you should implement stat
and read to implement ds3ls and ds3cat (remember, the root directory is always inode 0 in our file system). For
ds3bits you’ll want to implement readSuperBlock, readInodeBitmap, and readDataBitmap.
Our hope is that with these utilities you can ensure that your read-only functions work and you can use these utilities to help debug as you implement more functionality.
Note: We will only test your utilities on correct disk images — you can assume that all data on disk in the test cases is consistent and correct.
The ds3ls utility
The ds3ls utility prints the names for all of the files and directories in a disk image. This utility takes a single command line argument: the name of the disk image file to use. This program will start at the root of the file system, print the
contents of that directory in full, and then traverse to each directory contained within. This process repeats in a depth-first fasion until all file and directory names have been printed.
When printing the contents of a directory, first, print the word Directory followed by a space and then the full path for the directory you’re printing, and ending it with a newline. Second, print each of the entries in that directory. Sorted each entry using std::strcmp and print them in that order. Each entry will include the inode number, a tab, the name of the entry, and finishing it off with a newline. Third, print a empty line consisting of only a newline to finish printing the contents
of the directory.
Make sure that your solution does not print the contents of . and .. subdirectories as this action would lead to an infinitely loop.
After printing a directory, traverse into each subdirectory and repeat the process recursively in a depth-first fashion.
The ds3cat utility
The ds3cat utility prints the contents of a file to standard output. It takes the name of the disk image file and an inode number as the only arguments. It prints the contents of the file that is specified by the inode number.
For this utility, first print the string File blocks with a newline at the end and then print each of the disk block numbers for the file to standard out, one disk block number per line. After printing the file blocks, print an empty line with only a
Next, print the string File data with a newline at the end and then print the full contents of the file to standard out. You do not need to differentiate between files and directories, for this utility everything is considered to be data and should be printed to standard out.
The ds3bits utility
The ds3bits utility prints metadata for the file system on a disk image. It takes a single command line argument: the name of a disk image file.
First, it prints metadata about the file system starting with the string Super on a line, then inode_region_addr
followed by a space and then the inode region address from the super block. Next, it should print the string
data_region_addr followed by a space and the data region address from the super block, followed by a newline.
Finally, print an empty line with just a newline character.
Next it prints the inode and data bitmaps. Each bitmap starts with a string on its own line, Inode bitmap and Data bitmap respectively. For each bitmap, print the byte value, formatted as an unsigned int followed by a space. For each byte in your bitmap your print statement might look something like this:
cout << (unsigned int) bitmap[idx] << ” “;
Where each byte is followed by a space, including the last byte and after you’re done printing all of the bytes print a single newline character.
Print the indoe bitmap first, followed by blank line consisting of only a single newline character, then print the data bitmap.
We are using Gradescope to autograde your projects. You should submit the following files to Gradescope:
LocalFileSystem.cpp, DistributedFileSystemService.cpp, ds3ls.cpp, ds3cat.cpp, and ds3bits.cpp. The autograder requires all files to run so we provided stubs for each of these that you can use until you have your own implementation of them.
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