[Solved] 18.06 Unit 2 Exercise 1-Orthogonal vectors and subspaces

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Problem 16.1: (4.1 #7. Introduction to Linear Algebra: Strang) For every system of m equations with no solution, there are numbers y1, …, ym that multiply the equations so they add up to 0 = 1. This is called Fredholm’s Alternative:

Exactly one of these problems has a solution: Ax = b OR ATy = 0 with yTb =1.

If b is not in the column space of A it is not orthogonal to the nullspace of AT . Multiply the equations x1x2 = 1, x2x3 = 1 and x1x3 = 1 by numbers y1, y2 and y3 chosen so that the equations add up to 0 =1.

Problem 16.2: (4.1#32.) Suppose I give you four nonzero vectors r, n, c and l in R2.

  1. What are the conditions for those to be bases for the four fundamental subspaces C(AT), N(A), C(A), and N(AT)ofa2by2 matrix?
  2. What is one possible matrix A?


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[Solved] 18.06 Unit 2 Exercise 1-Orthogonal vectors and subspaces
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