[SOLVED] COMS10016 | Week 05-07 | Summative Coursework 01:


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COMS10016 | Week 05-07 | Summative Coursework 01:


This is your first assignment in imperative programming. This coursework runs over approximately the next two weeks (Blackboard submission deadline Thursday 31st October 2024, well before 1pm) and counts 20% towards your credit for the COMS10016 unit. Start the coursework as soon as possible and make sure you read the entire task first. Its main purpose is to show us what you have learned regarding fundamental aspects of C so far, that is writing basic syntactically and semantically correct programs with no memory leaks using pointers, strings, and bit operations. Our weekly lectures and sample code, labs and optional exercises with sample solutions built up to this point. This time you MUST work individually and not collaborate with anyone or any AI. All code you submit must be your own, no part should be developed with someone or be taken from somewhere else. Use our MS Teams channel or the 3h lab on the 30th October 2024 to ask questions.

Mastering the coursework yourself will enable you to progress in your learning, show what you have learned so far, and provide a foundation for many future assessments and vivas.

Ask your questions on our MS Teams channel only. Do not share or paste code snippets or solution details in the MS Teams channel or anywhere else with anyone. We will answer your questions in the MS Teams channel and help you along if there are questions re the assignment. Our 3h lab in Week 07 in MVB2.11/1.15 will provide in-person help with submissions and so far unanswered queries – the vast majority of the coursework should be done by this point. For someone new to C in this unit achieving an average result in this coursework may take between 5 and 15 hours if you are up-to-date in your learning, sometimes more. Since the coursework covers basics, a professional programmer may pass the coursework in well under one hour. However, to allow for inclusive assessment for students at all skill levels at this point, we have Consolidation Week upcoming for revising lectures and formative programs, and for taking as much time as needed for recap and getting up to speed with your programming and this coursework.

Again, do not copy or otherwise accept any code parts from peers or other sources and do not publish or make accessible parts of your own code anywhere. Do the right thing for yourself. The programs we may use for checking against the web, your peers and other sources are advanced.

Unethical conduct and plagiarism are unprofessional and may result in 0 marks for a coursework, the entire unit, may lead to repeating a year or in repeated cases the forced end to your studies.

Use only standard libraries as given in the skeleton code for this task, so your code compiles and runs without linking any other libraries. Your task comes in two parts: a closed task worth the first 50% of your mark that comes with all tests so you can self-check progress and get feedback at any time, and an open-ended task. Backup your work regularly. Do not attempt the open-ended task before successfully and fully finishing the closed task.

Step 1: Understand Doubly -linked Lists

Before you start on this task make sure you watched and understood all lectures up to Lecture 15. You should have compiled, run, and understood all the code provided for pointers, dynamic data, stacks, and lists. In particular, be sure you have run, compiled and understood in detail the program linkedlist.c from Lecture 15 and maybe looked at the preparatory optional exercises on Bits and Pointers.

Your task will evolve around doubly-linked lists with a sentinel node. Thus, let us understand and visualise this concept first. One way of producing a list or sequence of variable elements is to form a node by attaching a pointer to each element, one that points to the next node and so forth. In essence, a doubly- linked list is made up of a sequence of nodes where neighbouring nodes point to each other. Each node is a structure that has a payload x (e.g. just an int) and two pointers: back and next. The back pointer always points to the predecessor node and the next pointer always points to the successor node.

Two neighbouring nodes in a doubly-linked list can therefore be pictured like this:

This emphasizes that a node structure contains three fields. However, for most purposes you can simplify the visualisation by depicting the above two nodes like this:

In this simplified visualisation, a pointer from the left end of a node represents its back pointer, and a pointer from the right end is its next pointer. A pointer to anywhere on a node’s rectangle means a pointer to the start of the node.

The Sentinel Node. It used to be a standard solution to implement doubly- linked lists by keeping track of the first and last node of the list (like the 3 node and 7 node in the picture above), where the first node would point backward to NULL, and the last node would point forward to NULL. However, it turns out that adding an extra node, called a sentinel node, simplifies list implementations and makes the code much more readable. For a circular, doubly-linked list our sentinel node (pictured with no payload x) is linked in between the first and last payload in the list:

Using this idea, the nodes of a new ’empty’ list with no payload nodes look like this:

Here both the back and next pointers of the sentinel node simply point to the sentinel node itself.

The Structure list. To represent a list in a list data structure we need two node pointers: one fixed pointer to the sentinel node (called none) to access both list ends in constant time, and one current pointer that points to a current node in the list allowing for traversals:

In the above image the current position is the node that holds 7, so payload 7 is selected. If the current pointer in a list points to none then we will interpret this as ‘no payload is selected’:

If there are payload nodes in our list, none->next should link to the first payload, and none->back should link to the last item. So we get simple access to both ends of the list and we do not need to store pointers to the first or last node anywhere else.

Picturing List Manipulations. To visualize what a function does to a list, draw a picture of the situation before the function call, and another of the situation after the call. For instance, consider the function after. If a payload is selected it moves the current pointer one element forward. When applying the function to our list with the payload 3 selected, it would have the simple effect of moving the current pointer one step forward to payload 7:

Applying the after function to our list when the payload 7 is selected moves the current pointer one step forward to the sentinel node, meaning ‘no item’ is selected after the call:

Thus, whenever in doubt, draw a picture of a particular situation before and after a function call to understand the detailed workings.

Step 2: Understand the Closed Task

Your closed task is to implement 14 missing procedures in the skeleton file list.c all of which manipulate circular doubly-linked lists with one sentinel node. The 14 missing procedures are described in detail in the header file list.h. You must use the provided files and are not allowed to alter any of the provided code, only add the 14 missing functions where marked:

list.h (header file) list.c (skeleton) Makefile

The header file list.h forms an API, which you should read carefully because the comments describe what the functions you will have to implement in list.c have to do. The list.c file has just two data structures node and list which you must use, and a lot of tests. The program as given to you will not compile initially. So, our first task is to produce a compiling skeleton by studying the signatures of the 14 missing procedures and accordingly defining some initial dummy functions.

Step 3: Create a Compiling Skeleton

For a start, download all above files into a folder of your development machine that only you have access to. After that, your first task is to turn list.c into a full skeleton program that compiles. You can do this without understanding all of the technicalities of the assignment.

Two Key Data Structures. In the file list.c a structure for the nodes which make up the list is defined, and a structure for the list itself. The node structure struct node is not visible to the user of the module. Each node is used to hold a payload x and pointers to the two neighbouring nodes (next and back) which define the list ordering. The overall list structure struct list represents a list and is essential so that your newList function can return something to the user which is well defined. This structure holds two pointers: one to the sentinel node of the list and one to the currently selected node. Read the code comments about the list structure carefully. You will have to use the two data structures exactly as described to comply with the tests.

Define Dummy Functions. Write a minimal dummy definition of each of the 14 functions mentioned in the header file in your file list.c. The safest way to do that is to copy-and-paste a function’s declaration from list.h, then replace the semicolon by curly brackets. If the function returns anything other than void, add a return statement which returns the easiest temporary value of that type you can think of (e.g. NULL for a pointer, false for a boolean). For functions


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[SOLVED] COMS10016 | Week 05-07 | Summative Coursework 01: