[SOLVED] 计算机代考 STAT340 Homework: EDA, Unsupervised Learning and Regression

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STAT340 Homework: EDA, Unsupervised Learning and Regression

STAT340 Homework: EDA, Unsupervised Learning and Regression

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Keith Levin and Wu

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Part 1: Regression (20 points)

Chapter 3 of ISLR (page 121 in book, or page 131 in pdf document), questions 1,3,4,10.

Also chapter 4 (page 193 in book, or page 203 in pdf) question 13(a-b only). Which variables appear to be significant? Which have the largest effect sizes? Interpret one of the coefficient estimates. What does the number mean?

Problem 1 (4 points)

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Problem 3 (4 points)

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Problem 4 (4 points)

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Problem 10 (4 points)

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Problem 13 (4 points)

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Part 2: EDA/Unsupervised Learning

Clustering (15 points)

The faithful data set, which comes packaged with R, represents measurements of the eruptions of Old Faithful, a geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Each row of the data frame represents a single eruption of the geyser, with a column that captures the length of the eruption in minutes (eruptions) and the time in minutes until the next eruption (waiting).


Important note: there is another data set built into R called faithfuld. This problem is not about that data set. We are working with faithful, here.

Part a: visualizing the data

Let’s start by following the first rule of data science [Editor’s note: Keith made that name up] and look at our data. Create a scatter plot showing the waiting time as a function of the eruption time. You may use either the built-in R plotting functions or ggplot2, whichever you prefer. Give your plot an appropriate title and axis labels.

# TODO: plotting code goes here.

Part b: Inspecting the plot

If all went well, you should see some pretty obvious cluster structure in the plot. Repeat your plot from Part (a) above, but this time include a line indicating where you think is a reasonable boundary between the two different clusters. That is, draw a line such that on one side of the line are all of the points that you think belong to “cluster 1” and on the other is all of the points that you think belong to “cluster 2”.

Note: once again, there are plenty of different but equally “right” answers, here.

Hint: If you are using the built-in R plotting functions, you’ll want to use abline. If you are using ggplot2, you’ll want to look at geom_abline. You may need to toy around with the slope and intercept arguments a bit to get things looking right. Don’t worry about getting your line exactly where you want it, just make it so that it separates the data into what you think are the “best” two clusters. You can even be lazy, if you want, and just use vline or hline to add a vertical or horizontal line, respectively.

#TODO: plotting code goes here.

Part c: a bit more data viz

Just to make things interesting, let’s visualize your guess a bit more vividly. Make the same plot as Part (b) (i.e., with the line indicating the cluster of the points), but now color the points in your plot according to which side of the line they are on. You may use any two colors you like, so long as they are easy to tell apart (e.g., blue and red).

Hint: given a line with slope (m) and intercept (b), the two-dimensional point ((x,y)) is on one or the other side of the line according to the sign of (y – mx – b). Use this to create a vector with one entry for each observation in the data set, specifying which of your two colors to use. Refer to the EDA lecture notes for examples of how to do this.

# TODO: code goes here.

Part d: normalizing the data

We are going to play around with clustering a bit, now, but as we saw in lecture, clustering can be sensitive to different scales in the data. To avoid those pitfalls, let’s standardize our data. Create a new data frame faithful_z (Z for Z-score, but don’t worry, that’s the last you’ll hear of them this lecture!), with the same two columns as faithful, but with the column data recentered and rescaled so that they have mean 0 and variance 1. Recall that we do this by subtracting out the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. Something like x <- (x – mean(x))/sd(x).As a sanity check, you should see that mean(faithful_z$eruptions) and mean(faithful_z$waiting) are both zero, and sd(faithful_z$eruptions) and sd(faithful_z$waiting) are both 1. Note that this standardization is precisely the operation carried out by prcomp when we specify scale=TRUE (don’t worry– you’ll use prcomp in the next problem!).# TODO: code goes here.Part e: plotting againHaving recentered and rescaled the data, plot it again. That is, plot your new faithful_z data set, again showing showing the waiting time as a function of the eruption time. Color the points in your plot with the same color assignments as your plot in Part (c).# TODO: code goes here.Do you still agree with your initial clustering guess? Why or why not? A sentence or two is plenty, here.TODO: explanation/discussion goes here.Part f: clusteringOkay, here’s the payoff. Use kmeans to group the rows of your data set faithful_z into two clusters. Don’t forget to set the nstart argument to something moderately large (10 or 20 should be fine) to make sure you are finding a reasonably good solution. Then, make a plot of the data, colored according to its true cluster.#TODO: code goes here.How does this clustering compare with your original clustering guess from Part (e)? Bear in mind that depending on the output of kmeans, you might have the cluster colors swapped from one plot to the other. This is no big deal– after all, like we said in lecture, clusterings are invariant to what we label the clusters.TODO: discussion goes here (just a sentence or two is fine!)Principal Components Regression (PCR; 15 points)In this problem, we’ll see a brief illustration of why PCA is often useful as a preprocessing step in linear regression or as a regression method all its own.Let’s set the stage by considering a regression problem with two predictors (x_1) and (x_2) and one response (Y). As a simple example, perhaps (x_1) is height, (x_2) is weight, and the response (Y) is blood pressure.We try to predict our response (Y) as a linear function of (x_1) and (x_2) (plus an intercept term) [Y = beta_0 + beta_1 x_1 + beta_2 x_2 + epsilon,] where (epsilon) is mean-zero normal noise, independent of the (x) and (beta) terms, with unknown variance (sigma^2 > 0).

We can solve multiple linear regression problems almost as easily as we can solve simple linear regression, but a problem can arise if two or more of our predictors are highly correlated.

Part a: loading the data

The following code downloads a synthetic data set from the course webpage adn loads it into a data frame called illustrative.

download.file(‘https://kdlevin-uwstat.github.io/STAT340-Fall2021/hw/04/illustrative.csv’, destfile=’illustrative.csv’);
illustrative <- read.csv(‘illustrative.csv’);The data frame has three columns: x1, x2 and y. Here, y is a response variable driven by x1 and x2.head(illustrative);## x1x2y## 1 -0.4650909 -0.077076170.1324370## 20.91624321.221499914.0817104## 31.70611642.044395465.0334565## 4 -1.0962439 -0.62233114 -0.6284286## 51.39156861.241927434.3737899## 6 -0.6982374 -0.408128580.4030172The problem is, as you’ll see, x1 and x2 are highly correlated.Create a pairs plot showing the relation between the three columns in this data frame. Briefly describe what you see (a sentence or two is fine).# TODO: plotting code goes hereTODO: brief description/explanation goes here.Just to drive things home, compute the correlations between each of the three pairs of variables x1, x2 an y. The built-in function cor will do fine, here, but feel free to explore more if you wish.#TODO: correlation code goes here.Part b: understanding the issueTo understand the issue, suppose that y is determined completely by x1, say (Y = beta_0 + beta_1 x_1) for some (beta_0,beta_1 in mathbb{R}). Then we should expect x_1 to be a good predictor of y, and simply by virtue of x_1 and x_2 being correlated, x_2 will be a very good predictor of y, as well.Fit two regression models: one regressing y against x1 (and an intercept term), the other regressing y against x2 (and an intercept term). Compare the two models and their fits. Is one better than the other? Just a few sentences of explanation is plenty, here.#TODO: model fitting goes here.TODO: brief discussion/description goes here.Part c: residuals of the multivariate modelNow, instead of predicting y from just x1 or just x_2, let’s consider the model that uses both predictors. That is, we will consider a model (Y = beta_0 + beta_1 x_1 + beta_2 x_2). To see the problem with our correlated predictors, we need to be able to see how our model’s squared error changes as a function of these coefficients.Write a function illustrative_residual( beta0, beta1, beta2 ), where beta0, beta1 and beta2 are all numerics, which computes the sum of squared residuals between the observed responses y in the data frame illustrative and the predicted responses if we predict y as beta0 + beta1*x_1 + beta2*x_2. That is, for any choice of coefficients beta0, beta1, beta2, your function should return the sum of squared residuals under the model using these coefficients. Something like [sum_i left( y_i – (beta_0 + beta_1 x_{i,1} + beta_2 x_{i,2} )right)^2.illustrative_residual <- function( beta0, beta1, beta2 ) {# TODO: code goes here.Part d: ambiguous coefficientsNow, we’ll use illustrative_residual to get to the heart of the matter. Evaluate the sum of squared residuals for different choices of the coefficients beta0, beta1 and beta2. A natural starting point is to set beta0 equal to the estimated intercept term from one of the two models fitted in Part (b) above, and eitherSet beta1 to the coefficient of x1 estimated in the y ~ 1 + x1 model in Part (b) and set beta2 to 0Set beta2 to the coefficient of x2 estimated in the y ~ 1 + x2 model in Part (b) and set beta1 to 0.Both of these should yield fairly small sum of squared residuals, at least compared with more arbitrary choices of (beta0,beta1,beta2).# TODO: code goes here.Now, the trouble is that since x1 and x2 are correlated, there exists a constant (c) such that (beta_1 x_{i,1} approx beta_1 c x_{i,2}) for all (i=1,2,dots,n). So if (y_i = beta_1 x_{i,1}) is a good model (i.e., has small squared error), (y_i = beta_2 x_{i,2}) with (beta_2 = c beta_1) will be a good model, too. In the data in data frame illustrative, (c=1). Try evaluating the squared residuals with the same choice of beta0 but with beta1 set to the coefficient of x2 from Part (b) (and beta2 set to (0)). Similarly, keep beta0 as it was and evaluate the squared residuals with beta2 set to the coefficient of x1 in Part (b) (and beta1 set to zero).# TODO: code goes here.You should see that all of the suggested settings above yield approximately the same sum of squared residuals (again, at least compared to other more arbitrary choices of coefficients– there will be random variation!). So we have many different estimates of the coefficients that have about the same performance. But the problem is even worse than that. Continuing to keep beta0 equal to the intercept in the y ~ 1 + x1 model from Part (b), let b denote the coefficient of x1 in that model. Try changing beta1 and beta2 in illustrative_residual so that beta1 + beta2 is approximately equal to b. You should see that so long as beta1 + beta2 is approximately b, the sum of squared residuals remains small (again compared to “sillier” choices of coefficients).# TODO: code goes here.So we see that there are a wide range of different choices of coefficients, all of which give comparably good fits to the data. The problem is that these different choices of coefficients lead to us making very different conclusions about the data. In our example above, different choices of coefficients beta1 and beta2 mean blaming either height or weight for increased blood pressure.Part e: principal components regression to the rescueLet’s look at one possible solution to the above issue (though hardly the only solution– see ISLR Sections 3.3.3 and 6.3 for more discussion) using PCA. We saw in lecture and in the readings that PCA picks out the directions along which the data varies the most. So to avoid the colinearity and correlation issues illustrated in Parts (a) through (d), principal components regression (PCR; not to be confused with PCR applies principal components analysis to obtain a lower-dimensional representation of the data, in which the data has been projected onto those high-variance directions, and then performs regression on the projected, lower-dimensional data.Use PCA to extract the first principal component of the two-dimensional data stored in the x1 and x2 columns of the illustrative data frame, and regress the y column against the projection of the (x1, x2) data onto this first component.That is, fit a model that looks something like y ~ 1 + pc1.# TODO: code goes here.Compute this model’s sum of squared residuals and compare to what you saw in Part (d). A sentence or two will suffice.#TODO: code goes here.TODO: brief discussion/comment goes here.程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] 计算机代考 STAT340 Homework: EDA, Unsupervised Learning and Regression
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