[SOLVED] 编译器代写:ECE 468 Project Step 2 — Parser

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Project Step 2 — Parser

Due: September 15th

The second step of the project is building a parser . The job of a parser is to convert a stream of tokens (as identified by the scanner) into a parse tree : a representation of the structure of the program. So, for example, a parser will convert:

A := B + 4;

Into a tree that looks something like:

parse tree for A := B + 4

This tree may look confusing, but it fundamentally captures the structure of an assignment statement : an assignment statement is an assignment expression followed by a semicolon. An assignment expression is decomposed into an identifier followed by an assignment operation followed by an expression . That expression is decomposed into a bunch of primary terms that are combined with addition and subtraction, and those primary terms are decomposed into a bunch of factors that are combined with multiplication and division (this weird decomposition of expressions captures the necessary order of operations). Eventually, those factors become identifiers or constants.

One important thing to note is that the leaves of the tree are the tokens of of the program. If you read the leaves of the tree left to right (ignoring lambdas, since just represent the empty string), you get:


Which is exactly the tokenization of the input program!

Context-free grammars

To figure out how each construct in a program (an expression, an if statement, etc.) is decomposed into smaller pieces and, ultimately, tokens, we use a set of rules called a context-free grammar . These rules tell us how constructs (which we call “non-terminals”) can be decomposed and written in terms of other constructs and tokens (which we call “terminals”). Lecture 3 has a lot of discussion about what context free grammars are and how to define them.

The context-free grammar that defines the structure of Micro (the language we are building a compiler for) is:

/* Program */program -> PROGRAM id BEGIN pgm_body END id-> IDENTIFIERpgm_body-> decl func_declarationsdecl-> string_decl decl | var_decl decl | empty/* Global String Declaration */string_decl -> STRING id := str ;str -> STRINGLITERAL/* Variable Declaration */var_decl-> var_type id_list ;var_type-> FLOAT | INTany_type-> var_type | VOID id_list -> id id_tailid_tail -> , id id_tail | empty/* Function Paramater List */param_decl_list -> param_decl param_decl_tail | emptyparam_decl-> var_type idparam_decl_tail -> , param_decl param_decl_tail | empty/* Function Declarations */func_declarations -> func_decl func_declarations | emptyfunc_decl -> FUNCTION any_type id (param_decl_list) BEGIN func_body ENDfunc_body -> decl stmt_list /* Statement List */stmt_list -> stmt stmt_list | emptystmt-> base_stmt | if_stmt | for_stmtbase_stmt -> assign_stmt | read_stmt | write_stmt | return_stmt/* Basic Statements */assign_stmt -> assign_expr ;assign_expr -> id := exprread_stmt -> READ ( id_list );write_stmt-> WRITE ( id_list );return_stmt -> RETURN expr ;/* Expressions */expr-> expr_prefix factorexpr_prefix -> expr_prefix factor addop | emptyfactor-> factor_prefix postfix_exprfactor_prefix -> factor_prefix postfix_expr mulop | emptypostfix_expr-> primary | call_exprcall_expr -> id ( expr_list )expr_list -> expr expr_list_tail | emptyexpr_list_tail-> , expr expr_list_tail | emptyprimary -> ( expr ) | id | INTLITERAL | FLOATLITERALaddop -> + | -mulop -> * | //* Complex Statements and Condition */ if_stmt -> IF ( cond ) decl stmt_list else_part FIelse_part -> ELSE decl stmt_list | emptycond-> expr compop exprcompop-> < | > | = | != | <= | >=init_stmt -> assign_expr | emptyincr_stmt -> assign_expr | emptyfor_stmt-> FOR ( init_stmt ; cond ; incr_stmt ) decl stmt_list ROF

So this grammar tells us, for example, that an if_stmt looks like the keyword IF followed by an open parenthesis, followed by a cond expression followed by some decl (declarations) followed by a stmt_list followed by an else_part followed by the keyword FI .

An input program matches the grammar (we say “is accepted by” the grammar) if you can use the rules of the grammar (starting from program ) to generate the set of tokens that are in the input file. If there is no way to use the rules to generate the input file, then the program does not match the grammar, and hence is not a syntactically valid program.

Building a Parser

There are many tools that make it relatively easy to build a parser for a context free grammar (in class, we will talk about how these tools work): all you need to do is provide the context-free grammar and some actions to take when various constructs are recognized. The tools we recommend using are:

  • ANTLR (this is the same tool that can also build lexers). You should define your grammar in the same .g4file in which you defined your lexer.
    1. Running ANTLR on that .g4file will produce both a Lexer class and a Parser class.
    2. In your mainfile, rather than initializing a lexer and then grabbing tokens from it (as you may have done in step 1), you instead initialize a lexer, initialize a CommonTokenStreamfrom that lexer, then initialize a parser with the CommonTokenStream you just created.
    3. You can then call a function with the same name as your top-level construct (probably program) on that parser to parse your input.
  • bison (this is a tool that is meant to work with scanners built using flex). Note that integrating a flex scanner with bison requires a little bit of work. The process works in several steps that seem interlocking:
    1. Define your token names as well as your grammar in your bison input file (called something like microParser.y)
    2. Run bison -d -o microParser.cppon microParser.y, it will create two output files: microParser.cpp(which is your parser) and microParser.tab.hpp(which is a header file that defines the token names)
    3. In your scanner file (called something like microLexer.l), add actions to each of your token regexes to simply returnthe token name (from your .yfile) you defined. ( Warning: make sure that you don’t have a token named BEGINeven if the regex matches the string “BEGIN”, because that will cause weird, hard-to-find errors. Call that token something like _BEGIN.) To make sure that your scanner compiles, you will need to put #include "microParser.tab.hppin the part of your .lfile where you can include C code.
    4. Run flexon microLexer.lto produce lex.yy.cpp
    5. In another file, write a mainfunction (this file will alsoneed to include microParser.tab.hpp). Your mainfunction should initialize open the input file and store the file handle in a variable called yyin. Calling yyparse()will then run your parser on the file associated with yyin.
    6. Compile together all of microParser.cpp, lex.yy.cpp, and your main function to build your compiler.

What you need to do

The grammar for Micro is given above. All you need to do is have your parser parse the given input file and print Accepted if the input file correctly matches the grammar, and Not Accepted if it doesn’t (i.e., the input file cannot be produced using the grammar rules).

In bison, you can define a function called yyerror (look at the documentation for the appropriate signature) that is called if the parser encounters an error. In antlr, this is a little more complicated. You will need to create a new “error strategy” class (extend DefaultErrorStrategy ) that overrides the function reportError . You can then set this as the error handler for your parser by calling setErrorHandler on your parser before starting to parse.

Sample inputs and outputs

The inputs and outputs we will test your program can be found here .

A sample compiler (a .jar file that you can invoke with -jar ) is available here .

What you need to submit

  • All of the necessary code for your compiler that you wrote yourself. You do not need to include the ANTLR jar files if you are using ANTLR.
  • A Makefile with the following targets:
    1. compiler: this target will build your compiler
    2. clean: this target will remove any intermediate files that were created to build the compiler
    3. team: this target will print the same team information that you printed in step 0.
  • A shell script (this mustbe written in bash, which is located at /bin/bashon the ecegrid machines) called runmethat runs your scanner. This script should take in two arguments: first, the input file to the scanner and second, the filename where you want to put the scanner’s output. You can assume that we will have run make compilerbefore running this script.

While you may create as many other directories as you would like to organize your code or any intermediate products of the compilation process, both your Makefile and your runme script should be in the root directory of your repository.

Do not submit any binaries . Your git repo should only contain source files; no products of compilation.

You should tag your step 2 submission as step2-submission


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[SOLVED] 编译器代写:ECE 468 Project Step 2 — Parser
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