#lang racket
(require racket/trace)
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
;; Higher-order functions (HOFs)
HOFs either take a function as an argument or return a function.
Some useful built-in HOFs and related functions:
`apply`: apply a function to a list of arguments
`curry`: returns a version of a function that can be partially applied
`compose`: returns a function that is the composition of two other functions
`eval`: evaluates a sexp
;; `apply` applies a function to lists
#; (values
(apply + (1 2 3))
(apply + 1 2 (3))
(apply + 1 2 3 ())) ; the last argument to `apply` has to be a list
(define (sum . xs)
(apply + xs))
;; `curry` gives us partial application
#; (values
(cons 1 2)
(curry cons 1 2)
((curry cons) 1 2)
(((curry cons) 1) 2)
((curry cons 1) 2))
#; (((curry (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)) 1) 2) 3)
(define (repeat n x)
(if (= n 0)
(cons x (repeat (- n 1) x))))
(define thrice (curry repeat 3))
;; compose is a simple but powerful form of functional glue
#; ((compose sqrt abs) -2)
(define (flip f)
(lambda (x y) (f y x)))
(define even?
(compose (curry = 0)
(curry (flip remainder) 2)))
;; eval is like having access to the Racket compiler in Racket!
#; (values
(eval (+ 1 2 3))
(eval (cons println (cons hello ()))))
(define (my-if test e1 e2)
(eval `(cond (,test ,e1)
(else ,e2))))
#; (my-if (< 1 2) ‘(println “true”) ‘(println “false”))(define (repeatedly n sexp)(eval (cons ‘begin (repeat n sexp))))#; (repeatedly 10 ‘(println “hello”))#|—————————————————————————–;; Some list-processing HOFs—————————————————————————–|#(define (map f lst)(if (null? lst)(cons (f (first lst)) (map f (rest lst)))))#; (map (curry * 2) (range 10))#; (map (lambda (r) (circle r “solid” “blue”)) (range 10))(define (filter p lst)(if (null? lst)(if (p (first lst))(cons (first lst) (filter p (rest lst)))(filter p (rest lst)))))#; (filter even? (range 10))#; (filter (curry < 5) (range 10))(define (foldr f init lst)(if (null? lst)(f (first lst) (foldr f init (rest lst)))))#; (trace foldr)#; (foldr + 0 (range 10))#; (foldl – 0 (range 10))#; (foldr / 1 ‘(2 3 4))(define (foldl f init lst)(if (null? lst)(foldl f (f init (first lst)) (rest lst))))#; (trace foldl)#; (foldl + 0 (range 10))#; (foldl – 0 (range 10))#; (foldl / 1 ‘(2 3 4))#|—————————————————————————–;; Lexical scope- A free variable is bound to a value *in the environment where it is defined*, regardless of when it is used- This leads to one of the most important ideas we’ll see: the *closure*—————————————————————————–|#(define (make-adder n)(lambda (x) (+ x n)))(define a (make-adder 1))(define x 1000) CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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