[SOLVED] 编程代写 COMP30023 is A LOT of content

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Tutorial 1 – Computer Systems

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Hello, World!
I’m Ayesha

A final year BSc. student

I studied and repped this subject
in 2020 and tutored in 2021, head
tutoring this semester!

I Helped Olya organise security
events for high school and
security students

I have industry experience in tech
companies (Google, Atlassian,
etc.) and can help with questions
about CVs, applying for grad
roles/internships, coding

Feel free to reach out!


How many of you are NOT
majoring in computer science?

What are you studying?

How many of you just moved
back to Melbourne?

What do you hope to get out of
this subject?

What are you most/least excited

Other questions…?

About Computer Systems

1 COMP30023 is A LOT of content

2 Please ask questions in Ed!

3 There will be weekly quizzes that
make up 10% of your grade

4 Commit to your tutorials by11
March, 2022, Friday

How to do well?

Try to watch lectures the week
they come out and solve some
questions in the textbooks

Networking: Computer
Networking by Kurose
Hopefully Olya will upload all chapters

Security: Helpful to just watch
the lectures, google for some
more information

Operating Systems: Modern
Operating Systems by

Regular tutors can’t really do
much about extensions, you will
have to get in touch with me or
Olya with a statement and
supporting documents

Some other
misc. things

We might not finish our tute
questions. If you have questions
outside these sessions, please
ask Ed or message me!

About tutorial activities…

You will have weekly tutorial activities on Canvas that count
toward 10% of your total grade.

You can get the unique access code to these activities at
the end of your specific tute.

They are the same this week for everyone since we are
sorting out tutorial commitments

You must finish the quiz the same day as your tutorial (by
11.59PM AEDT).

If you miss the quiz, you have to fill out a form linked on the
LMS by 8PM AEDT Friday that week.

What is an

A piece of software that
provides an abstraction

of hardware for the
applications running

Resource Manager

Acts as a manager to
resources and allocates

specific tasks when

Can be seen as a

Resource manager and
an extended machine

Extended Machine

Acts as an abstraction layer so
that application does not have

deal directly with underlying
hardware. Slower and easier.

…are just programs in execution by CPU

Each process is associated with its own address space and
resources to execute

Multiple processes can be running concurrently! How??

The state of most processes can be found in the registers
since it provides most immediate memory access

Have 2 modes of

User mode is where regular
applications and some drivers

Kernel is when the program
has complete and direct

access to resources

Common misconception: sudo

A computer program can uses
kernel services by requesting

them through system calls
from the kernel

Context switching involves
switching from user mode to

kernel mode every time a
system call is requested -> a

question of efficiency

Text (program code)
Data (global variables,

Stack (local variables)

The context of a process is all
the information it needs to

execute at that time (address
space, text, data, stack, and

some more pieces information
that you will cover later

System calls Process adress space

User Mode to Kernel Mode

System calls (src: wikipedia)

Multiprogramming vs

Multiprogramming: the ability of a computer to run
multiple programs at once. Doesn’t necessarily mean
running at the same time. It can mean allocating resources
when programs need it and switching between them so
that they seem like they are running at the same time to

Multiprocessing: When computers use multiple processors.
Processes are “truly” parallelly executed.

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] 编程代写 COMP30023 is A LOT of content
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