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Introduction to Databases for Business Analytics
Week 9 Big Data 2
Term 2 2022
Lecturer-in-Charge: Kam-Fung (Henry): Tutors:

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UNSW Business School acknowledges the Bidjigal (Kensington campus) and Gadigal (City campus) the traditional custodians of the lands where each campus is located.
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Chapter 14
Big Data and NoSQL

W9 Learning Outcomes
❑ Big Data Technologies
❑ Hadoop Ecosystem
❑ Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) ❑ MapReduce
❑ NoSQL Database Types ❑ Key-value databases
❑ Document databases
❑ Column-oriented databases ❑ Graph databases
❑ Big Data Strategies

Big Data Technologies

Big Data Infrastructure Challenges
❑Linear scalability
❑ To accommodate for the scalability of processing, thereby the storage management and
architecture of traditional data management techniques become obsolete.
❑High throughput
❑ Infrastructure that is extremely fast across input/output (I/O), processing, and storage.
❑Fault tolerance
❑ Any portion of the processing architecture should be able to take over and resume processing
from the point of failure in any other part of the system.

Big Data Infrastructure Challenges
❑ Auto recovery
❑ The processing architecture should be self‐managing and recover from failure without manual
❑High degree of parallelism
❑ Distribute the load across multiple machines, each having its own copy of the same data, but
processing a different program.
e.g., data analysis using different methods: linear regression, random forests
❑Distributed data processing
❑ The underlying platform must be able to process distributed data to achieve extreme scalability.

What is Hadoop?
❑Hadoop is an open-source framework for storing and analyzing massive
amounts of distributed, unstructured data.
❑Hadoop was created by Doug Cutting and in 2005.
❑Hadoop clusters run on inexpensive commodity hardware so projects can scale-out inexpensively.
❑Open source – hundreds of contributors continuously improve the core technology.
❑What is Hadoop? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s-vSeWej1U

❑Not a single product, not a single database.
❑ A collection of big data applications.
❑ A framework, platform and ecosystem. ❑Consisting of different components / modules.
❑Most important components:
▪ Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) ▪ MapReduce
▪ HBase ▪ Impala

Why Hadoop?
❑ Problems with relational database management system (RDBMS): • Insufficiently scalable for big data
• Insufficient speed for live data
• Lack of sophisticated aggregation/analytics
• Essentially a design based on the premise of a single CPU and RAM (you can easily “scale up” to an extend, but not easily “scale out”)
❑ Polyglot persistence: The coexistence of a variety of data storage and data management technologies within an organization’s infrastructure.
Structured: Customer’s data, e.g., date of birth, address, bank account, … Unstructured: Customer’s feedback (in text), …

Hadoop Ecosystem

Hadoop Ecosystem – Core Components
❑ Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) ❑ MapReduce

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) ❑ Hadoop stores files across networks using Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS)
❑ Hence, Hadoop is not a single file, it is not a classical database, it is a distributed file system (with many added functions and tools in its ecosystem)
❑ Networks can be very large, 10,000s of computers
❑ HDFS is a low-level distributed file processing system (can be used directly for data storage)

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) HDFS/Hadoop approach based on several key assumptions:
❑ High volume: Default physical block sizes is 64 MB, hence much fewer blocks per file (files are assumed to be very large)
❑ Write-once, read-many: Model simplifies concurrency issues and improves data throughput
❑ Streaming access: Hadoop is optimized for batch processing of entire files as a continuous stream of data
❑ Fault tolerance: HDFS is designed to replicate data across many different devices so that when one fails, data is still available from another device (default replication factor of three)

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
❑ HDFS uses several types of nodes (computers): (see figure next slide) ❑ Data node stores the actual file data
❑ Name node contains file system metadata
❑ Client node makes requests to the file system as needed to support user applications
❑ Same computer can fulfil several node types functions.
❑ Data node communicates with name node by regularly sending block reports
(list of blocks, every 6 hours) and heartbeats (every 3 seconds) ❑ If heartbeat stops, data blocks of that node are replicated elsewhere

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

How Does HDFS Work? [Writing]
1. The client node needs to create a new file, and communicates with the name node.
2. The name node
▪ adds the new file name to the metadata;
▪ determines a new (first) block number for the file;
▪ determines a list of on which data nodes the new block will be stored; ▪ and passes that information back to the client node.
3. The client node
▪ contacts the first data node specified by the name node and begins writing; ▪ sends the data node the list of replicating data nodes.
4. First data node contacts the second data node in the list for replication while receiving it from the client node.
5. The client node gets further block numbers from the name node … until file is written.

❑ Implementation complements HDFS structure.
❑ Open-source application programming interface (API).
❑ Framework used to process large data sets across clusters.
❑ “Divide and conquer” strategy: breaks down task into smaller subtasks, performed at node level in parallel and then aggregated to final result.
❑ Based on batch processing, runs tasks from beginning to end with no user interaction.
❑ YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), or MapReduce 2, can do ❑Batch processing
❑Stream processing (for data that comes in/out continuously) ❑Graph processing (for social networks)

❑ Map function takes a collection of data and sorts and filters it into a set of key- value pairs.
▪ Mapper program performs the map function
❑ Reduce function summaries results of map function to produce a single result.
▪ Reducer program performs the reduce function
❑ Map and reduce functions are written as Java programs.
❑ Instead of central program retrieving the data for processing in a central location, copies of the program are “pushed” to the nodes.
❑ Typically 1 mapper per block, 1 reducer per node.

❑Job tracker or central control program to accept, distribute, monitor and report on jobs in a Hadoop environment
▪ Typically on name node.
❑Task tracker is a program in MapReduce responsible for
reducing tasks on a node ▪ Typically on data node.

How Does MapReduce Work? [Reading/Analyzing]
1. Aclientnode(clientapplication)submitsaMapReducejobtothejob tracker.
2. Thejobtracker(onserverthatisalsothenamenode): ▪ communicates with name node to determine the relevant data node;
▪ determines which task trackers are available for work (could be busy); ▪ send portions of work to task trackers.
3. Thetasktracker(onserverthatisalsoadatanode)
▪ runs map and reduce functions (in virtual machine);
▪ sends heartbeat (“still working”) and “complete” message to job tracker.
4. Theclientnode
▪ periodically queries job tracker if all task trackers are completed; ▪ receives completed job.

Hadoop Ecosystem – Data Ingestion Applications
❑ Flume ❑ Sqoop
❑ Why? Help getting data from existing systems into Hadoop clusters. These tools “ingest” or gather data into Hadoop.

❑ Flume is a component for ingesting data in Hadoop.
❑ Primarily for harvesting large sets of data such clickstream data/server logs. ❑ Simple query processing component to performing some transformation.
❑ Can move data into HDFS or HBase.

❑ “SQL-to-Hadoop.”
❑ Sqoop is a tool for converting data back and forth between relational
databases and HDFS (both directions).
❑ Works with Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, …
❑ Example of Hadoop-to-SQL: MapReduce results imported back into a traditional (relational) data warehouse.

Hadoop Ecosystem – MapReduce Simplification Applications
❑ Hive ❑ Pig
❑Why? They help creating MapReduce jobs.
▪ Creating MapReduce jobs requires significant programming skills.
▪ As the mapper and reducer programs become more complex, the skill requirements increase and the time to produce the programs becomes significant.

❑Hive is a data warehousing system that sites on top of HDFS. ❑ Supports its own SQL-like language: HiveQL (declarative / non-procedural) ❑ Summarizes queries, analyzes data
This is the component that most people are going to use in terms of how to actually work with the data!

❑ Hadoop platform to write MapReduce programs.
❑ Has its own high-level scripting/programming language: Pig Latin (procedural).
❑ Pig compiles Pig Latin scripts into MapReduce jobs for executing in Hadoop.

Hadoop Ecosystem – Direct Query Applications
❑ HBase ❑ Impala
❑ Why? To provide faster query access directly to HDFS (without going through the MapReduce processing layer).

❑ HBase is a NoSQL database
❑ Column-oriented
❑ Designed to sit on top of HDFS
❑ Quickly processes smaller subsets of the data ❑ No SQL support, instead uses Java

❑ First SQL-on-Hadoop application
❑ Produced by Cloudera
❑ SQL queries directly against the data while it is still in HDFS ❑ Makes heavy use of in-memory caching on data nodes

NoSQL Database Types

❑ Non-relational database technologies developed to address Big Data challenges
❑ NoSQL = “not modelled using relational model” (“non-SQL” / “not-only SQL”)
❑ Category emerged from organizations such as Google, Amazon and Facebook that faced problems of their data sets reached enormous sizes
❑ Much larger data volumes can be stored
❑ Flexible structure and often faster
❑ No standardized query language – no SQL! (maybe in the future)
❑ Less adopted than RDBMS:
▪ Was at peak in 2015-2016
▪ Survey 2016, 16% of companies use NoSQL databases and 79% of companies use relational databases
❑ NoSQL seems to be in decline nowadays ??!!

NoSQL – Key-Value Database
▪ Store data as a collection of key- value pairs (keys ~ primary keys, there are no foreign keys)
▪ Key-value pairs are organized in logical groupings, buckets (buckets ~ tables)
▪ Key values must be unique (only) within a bucket.
▪ Queries are based on buckets and keys (not values)
▪ get, store and delete operations

NoSQL – Document Databases
❑ Document databases store data in key-value pairs in which the value components are tag-encoded documents.
❑ Document can be encoded in XML, JSON or BSON (Binary JSON).
❑ Have tags, but still schema-less (not schemas, documents may have different tags).
❑ Documents are grouped into logical groups called collections (buckets).
❑ Tags can be queried (e.g., where balance = 0).

NoSQL – Column-Centric Databases
❑ Column-centric (columnar) databases focuses on storing data in columns, not rows, but still relational logic.
❑ Column-centric storage: Data stored in blocks which hold data from a single column across many rows
❑ Row-centric storage: Data stored in blocks which hold data from all columns of a given set of rows

NoSQL – Column-Centric Databases
❑ Column-oriented (column family) databases in NoSQL: ▪ Organizes data in key-value pairs.
▪ Keys are mapped to columns in the value component. ▪ The columns vary by row.
❑ Key-value pair: name of the column as key + data as value. Example: “cus_lname: Ramas”. (~cell in relational model)
❑ Super column: group of columns that are logically related (~composite attribute)
❑ Rows keys: created to identify objects (~entity instances) in the environment
❑ Column family: All of the columns (or super columns) that describe objects are grouped (~table)

NoSQL – Graph Databases ❑Suitable for relationship-
❑ A collection of nodes and edges
❑Properties are the attributes of a node or edge of interest to a user
❑Traversal is a query in a graph databases

Applications of NoSQL
❑ Twitter app generating 7 Tbs+ of daily tweets and displaying it back.
❑ Property details in a real-estate website, redundant in nature but accessed in huge numbers.
❑ Online coupon sites distributing coupons to open market.
❑ Update of railway schedules and accessed by thousands of users at peak time.
❑ Real time score update of baseball / cricket match.

Big Data Strategies

What is Big Data Strategy?
A Big Data strategy defines and lays out a comprehensive vision across the enterprise and sets a foundation for the organization to employ data-related or data-dependent capabilities.
Source: https://www.bigdataframework.org/formulating-a-big-data-strategy/

Challenges of Implementing Big Data Strategy
❑ Technological
▪ Lack of managerial analytics knowledge
▪ Technical misunderstandings between managers and data scientists
▪ Inherent challenges related to Big Data (e.g., 3Vs)
▪ Technical requirements in compliance with data ownership and privacy regulations (e.g., NSW Transport data liberation could lead to app deluge https://www.itnews.com.au/news/nsw-%20transport-data- liberation-could-lead-to-app-deluge-418406)
▪ Costly data management tools
(Tabesh et al. 2019)

Challenges of Implementing Big Data Strategy
❑ Cultural
▪ Extensive reliance on intuitive or experiential decision-making approaches ▪ Dominance of management in the decision-making process
▪ Lack of a shared understanding of Big Data and its goals
(Tabesh et al. 2019)
Tabesh, P., Mousavidin, E. and Hasani, S., 2019. Implementing big data strategies: A managerial perspective. Business Horizons, 62(3), pp.347-358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2019.02.001

Implementing Big Data Strategy
Source: https://www.bigdataframework.org/formulating-a-big-data-strategy/

Source: stacker.com

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[SOLVED] 程序代写 Introduction to Databases for Business Analytics
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