[SOLVED] 程序代写 CISC 360, F. 2022 1 2022/10/30

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Notes for Lecture 17 (Fall 2022 week 8, part 1):
Introduction to Prolog

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

October 30, 2022

The code for this lecture is in lec17.pl.
These notes, with lec17.pl, may take two lectures to cover, not one.
Because we have Quiz 2 on Thursday (2022-09-03), Wednesday’s lecture will be a review of

Haskell for the quiz. We’ll return to Prolog in Week 9.

1 SWI-Prolog

1.1 Installation

Download SWI-Prolog from the website


Installing SWI-Prolog is usually smoother than installing GHC, but please ask on Piazza if you
run into any trouble.

1.2 Beware other Prologs

Haskell is effectively standardized, because there is one major implementation of Haskell: GHC.
Prolog is not standardized. If you install other things called Prolog, they will not always work the
same way as SWI-Prolog.

You may wonder why I’m telling you this, because if I tell you to install SWI-Prolog you’ll
probably install it and not something else you find. That’s not what I’m worried about. The real
problem is that materials you find online, and even parts of the optional textbook for Prolog (Bratko,
Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence), may be about other versions of Prolog. That can be
frustrating, so if you’re looking for other material to read, keep in mind that it may not apply to

(I learned Prolog in the 1990s and barely touched it until I taught this course. Discovering
that some of the textbook’s examples just don’t work in SWI-Prolog was an unpleasant surprise,
especially since the textbook used to be required in this course. I can’t make it pleasant, but at least
it won’t be a surprise.)

1.3 Loading Prolog files

The way I load a Prolog file in SWI-Prolog is by typing, at the “?-” prompt, something like


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The specific string depends on your username and where you store course material. It also de-
pends on the pathname syntax for your OS, so you might need to use different syntax on Windows.

Another way (at least for some versions of macOS) is to select “Consult” from the File menu,
and choose the file you want to load.

1.4 Alternate method

There is a public website called swish.swi-prolog.org. I can’t officially recommend this: it’s slow,
somewhat unreliable, and encourages you to make your code visible to the entire world.

If you do use it anyway, I suggest (1) making an account on the site (based on a StackOverflow
account) and (2) unchecking some boxes when you save programs:

2 Prolog: why?

Prolog is a logic programming language. It takes two main ideas and pushes them pretty far:

• backwards proof search (CISC 204’s “backwards reasoning”);

• unification (basically, non-mathematical equation solving).

Decades ago, when “artificial intelligence” was a buzzword (just like now), AI was more focused
on “deductive reasoning” than on “machine learning”. Put very roughly, the foundation was CISC
204, not statistics.

Each language paradigm (functional, logic, object-oriented, etc.) makes some things easier and
some things harder. Assignment 3, for example, would probably be more annoying to do in Java
or Python than in Haskell. (At least, assuming roughly equal levels of familiarity with Java/Python
and Haskell.) But much of Assignment 3 fits very nicely into Prolog. Most of the complicated
structure of the Tiny Theorem Prover goes away in Prolog.

On the other hand, some of the wilder AI dreams of Prolog don’t pan out in reality. The temp-
tation Prolog offers is that we can directly translate logical rules into code, run them, and get what
we want. In practice, while we can directly translate logical rules into Prolog code and run them,
the result is not always what we want. Infinite recursion is a frequent problem in Prolog code, as
is code that takes a very long time to run. This is partly because Prolog is ambitious: in a sense,

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it proposes to do all your CISC 204 tests automatically. But answering some of those questions on
the 204 tests required thought, and we don’t know how to automate thought. Prolog goes looking
for solutions without thinking, and it may try paths that don’t lead anywhere.

2.1 Prolog: probably not what you’re used to

People often find Haskell to be unfamiliar overall, but some parts of Haskell are pretty similar to
other languages you’ve learned. For example, arithmetic in Haskell is quite similar to arithmetic in
Python or Java. The names given for the same things (or similar things) may vary, but a Haskell
“function” is fairly close to a Java “method”: each takes inputs (called “arguments”) and returns a
result. (There are differences. For example, Java methods don’t have to return a result, and Haskell
functions always do; Java methods have an object this which is an implicit argument, and Haskell
functions don’t.)

Prolog is more different. A Prolog program is not executed or evaluated. A Prolog program
expresses logical information—a “knowledge base” of facts and rules. A fact is something that we
assume is true, and a rule is a way to derive new facts from other facts.

By themselves, facts and rules don’t do anything. The utility of Prolog comes from the “query
engine” built into the Prolog compiler, which lets us ask questions (queries) about the facts and
rules. This query engine is an algorithmic (in the sense of “precise instructions to do something”,
not “statistical guessing”) version of the backwards reasoning taught in CISC 204. When we ask
Prolog whether something is true, say, “is MATH 101 a prerequisite to MATH 102”, it looks through
the facts and rules in the program. If it sees a matching fact, it says “yes, this is true”. If it doesn’t,
it looks for a rule whose conclusion matches “is MATH 101 a prerequisite to MATH 102”, and then
tries to derive the premises.

(Compare to CISC 204, where you learned that one way to prove a conjunction φ1 ∧ φ2 is to
use the “and-introduction” rule. Once you’ve decided to use that rule, your goal is to prove the two
premises, φ1 and φ2.)

We will look at this process in much more detail later, so don’t worry if the above seems murky.

3 Clauses: facts and rules

Before we do that, we need to become somewhat comfortable with the way that facts and rules are
expressed in Prolog.

A Prolog program consists of clauses. A clause is either a fact—something that we’re saying is
always true, it doesn’t depend on anything else being true—or a rule.

First, let’s look at some facts we could write (see lec17.pl):



The words has elevator and prereq are used as predicates. This is the same idea as in CISC
204, but we will be less terse. In 204 we might write “E(g)” to mean that the predicate E (for
Elevator), holds of the object g (for Goodwin). In Prolog we generally write out the entire word,
or at least a reasonable abbreviation, like prereq for “prerequisite”.

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The first two facts above say that Goodwin has an elevator, and Beamish-Munroe has an ele-
vator. The words goodwin and beamish munroe correspond to Haskell data constructors. Unlike
Haskell, in Prolog we don’t need to declare them as part of a specific ‘data’ type; we actually don’t
need to declare them at all. Prolog’s capitalization rules, annoyingly, are exactly backwards from
Haskell’s: in Haskell, data constructors must begin with a capital letter, and in Prolog, data con-
structors must begin with a lowercase letter.

As in 204, predicates can talk about more than one thing. Saying that “MATH 101 is a prereq-
uisite” doesn’t mean anything by itself; we need to know which course it’s a prerequisite for. We
can model this with a binary predicate prereq:

prereq(math101, math102).

prereq(math101, chem101).

prereq(math102, math210).

prereq(math102, phys102).

prereq(phys102, phys201).

prereq(math210, phys201).

In 204 we might have compressed the first line into something like “P(m101,m102)”, but again,
the idea is similar: prereq(X,Y) relates two “objects” (courses) by saying that you have to take
course X before you can take course Y.

By the way, I have no idea if these are actual course prerequisites at Queen’s. As usual with
computers, the answers Prolog gives are only as good as the information it has; if we tell it that
CISC 360 was needed before CISC 204, it would assume that to be true.

Exercise 1. Add the (correct) fact that says CISC 204 is a prerequisite of CISC 360 to lec17.pl.

3.2 A general warning about Prolog

Haskell has a type checker that complains when you do something that doesn’t make sense. Some-
times this feels like being yelled at, but the things Haskell complains about actually don’t make
sense; if you have enough experience to understand its error messages, they can really help you
write a correct program.

Prolog, generally, doesn’t complain. I really don’t like this; I want to be told when I’m doing
something that’s wrong, or even probably wrong.

For example, if we were trying to say that the Stauffer and Mitchell buildings have elevators,

has_elevator(stauffer, mitchell).

instead of



Prolog would not complain. It’s pretty dubious to use the same name has elevator for a unary
predicate (one argument) and a binary predicate (two arguments), but Prolog tends to assume that
you meant to say whatever you said, so it allows this.

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3.3 Another warning about Prolog

You have all used more than one programming language, so you know that different languages
have different notations for things. We haven’t seen enough of Prolog yet to see this, but Prolog’s
conventions often differ from Haskell’s—sometimes they’re exactly opposite to Haskell’s. So don’t
assume that things we’ve learned for Haskell, like “data constructors have to start with an upper-
case letter”, hold for Prolog. Prolog enforces the opposite: the thing in Prolog that’s like a data
constructor must begin with a lowercase letter.

Prolog also has something like Haskell’s pattern matching, and again, enforces the opposite
convention from Haskell. In Haskell, pattern variables must begin with a lowercase letter. In
Prolog, pattern variables (“unification variables”) must begin with an uppercase letter.

3.4 Simple queries

Before talking about rules, let’s try to confirm that Prolog actually loaded the facts in the file. Start
SWI-Prolog and type the following (the ?- will already be there). You will need to change the
pathname to the location of lec17.pl on your computer. You can also try to select “Consult” from
the “File” menu, and navigate to the file’s location on your computer.

?- consult(’/Users/jdunfield/360/lec17.pl’).

This may produce some warnings about “singleton variables”. These are warnings, not errors;
we’ll talk about what they mean later. As long as the last line displayed is “true.”, the file was
loaded successfully.

Let’s ask if Goodwin has an elevator:

?- has_elevator(goodwin).

Prolog answers “true” because it found that exact fact in lec17.pl.
Now let’s ask if has an elevator:

?- has_elevator(walter_light).

A more powerful query is to ask “does there exist a building that has an elevator?” We do this
by writing an uppercase letter instead of the building name:

?- has_elevator(X).

X = goodwin

Here, Prolog pauses to wait for instructions: are we satisfied with this answer, or do we want
to find other buildings that have elevators?

If we type a period, Prolog stops looking and waits for a new query:

?- has_elevator(X).

X = goodwin .

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If we type a semicolon, Prolog keeps looking. There are only two facts about elevators in
lec17.pl, so (in this particular situation) Prolog knows there are no more buildings with elevators,
so it stops.

?- has_elevator(X).

X = goodwin (I typed ; here)

X = beamish_munroe.

Here is a slightly more complicated query: “Is there a course X which is a prerequisite for
phys201?” We can translate this question into a 204-like formula:

∃X (prereq(X, phys201))

Prolog doesn’t make you write ∃X—it assumes that if you write an uppercase letter, you’re asking
whether such a thing exists. So we enter prereq(X, phys201):

?- prereq(X, phys201).

X = phys102 .

I decided I only wanted one answer, so I typed a period.

Exercise 2.

1. Find the other prerequisite of phys201.

2. Find the “follow-on” courses of math102: that is, for which course(s) Y is math102 a prerequi-

With only facts, Prolog is mildly useful (since we can write queries involving X and Y) but not really
that interesting. Rules allow us to express more general reasoning.

A rule looks like

conclusion :- premises.

Think of the :- symbol as←: “if the premises are true, then the conclusion is true”.
I often write rules on several lines, like this:

conclusion :-

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We are going to define a predicate required that tells us about indirect prerequisites. According
to the facts in lec17.pl, you have to take math101 before math102, and you have to take math102
before phys102. So math101 is an indirect prerequisite of phys102, because math101 is a (direct)
prerequisite of math102 and math102 is a (direct) prerequisite of phys102.

We are already using prereq to mean “direct prerequisite”. We’ll use required to mean “indirect

There are two ways that a course A can be an indirect prerequisite of C:

• A can be a direct prerequisite of C.

• A can be a direct prerequisite of some other course B, where B is an indirect prerequisite of C.

If we got to write our own rules in 204, we could express these as:

prereq(A, C)

required(A, C)

prereq(A, B) required(B, C)

required(A, C)

Just as in 204, we can replace “meta-variables” like φ and ψ with formulas, Prolog will replace A,
B, and C with things like math101.

In Prolog, we write the rules like this:

required(A, C) :-

prereq(A, C).

required(A, C) :-

prereq(A, B),

required(B, C).

Let’s translate these back into (mathematical) English:

required(A, C) :-

prereq(A, C).

“A is required for C if A is a prerequisite for C”.
If we prefer to think of the implication the other way, we could say
“If A is a prerequisite for C, then A is required for C.”
However we think about the implication, Prolog has “hidden quantifiers”: the rule

required(A, C) :-

prereq(A, C).

corresponds to the logical formula

∀A∀C (prereq(A, C)→ required(A, C))
Translating our second rule to a logical formula would give:

∀A, B, C (prereq(A, B)∧ (required(B, C)→ required(A, C))
(When I write ∀X, Y, Z I mean ∀X ∀Y ∀Z.)

Translating this back into (mathematical) English, we get:

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For all A, B, C,
if A is a direct prerequisite of B
and B is an indirect prerequisite of C, then A is an indirect prerequisite of C.

Exercise 3. Write an appropriate Prolog rule for a predicate postreq(X, Y) such that postreq(X,
Y) is true if and only if Y is a direct prerequisite of X.

Test your rule with some queries.
Finally, translate your rule into (1) a logical formula and (2) into mathematical English.
(If you really want, also translate it into a 204-style rule with a horizontal line, but I don’t

especially recommend this because it’s helpful to see the ∀s written out. 204-style rules implicitly
say “for all formulas φ” but we don’t write the “for all”.)

4 Modelling data in Prolog

You should probably read 3.2 again. I wish you didn’t have to.
Consider a Haskell ‘data’ declaration

data Tree = Empty

| Node Tree Integer Tree

This models trees with empty leaves and (branch) nodes containing Integer keys.
In Prolog, we can’t really declare this as a type. The best we can do (for now) is “declare” the

type in a comment:

% A tree is one of:

% node(A, K, B). where A is a tree,

% K is an integer,

% B is a tree.

This is only a comment, so Prolog will not enforce it—it will let us write things like node(empty,
empty, empty), even though empty is not an integer.

What I really detest, though, is that Prolog will let us write node as if it were a predicate. It’s
not a predicate—it’s a data constructor. But Prolog will let us accidentally use it as predicate. For
now, I’ll use it as a data constructor and hope you don’t get too confused. (Rant over.)

To write the equivalent of the Haskell expression

Node Empty 3 Empty

we can write node(empty, 3, empty).

% empty 3 empty

Let’s define a predicate child that tells us if one tree is a child (either left or right) of another

This requires only two facts:

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child(L, node(L, K, R)).

child(R, node(L, K, R)).

As with rules, if we write uppercase letters like L, they will be universally quantified: the first
fact means ∀L,K,R (child(L, node(L, K, R))).

5 See lec17.pl

The remaining parts of this lecture are in comments in lec17.pl, because I didn’t have time to
typeset them nicely.

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Beware other Prologs
Loading Prolog files
Alternate method

Prolog: probably not what you’re used to

A general warning about Prolog
Another warning about Prolog
Simple queries

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