[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 python c++ algorithm decision tree DNA matlab University of Waterloo

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University of Waterloo
ECE 657A: Data and Knowledge Modeling and Analysis

Winter 2017
Assignment 2: Classification and Clustering

Due: Sunday March 19, 2017 (by 11:59pm)

Assignment Type: group, the max team members is 3.
Hand in: one report (PDF) per group, via the LEARN dropbox. Also submit the code / scripts
needed to reproduce your work.
Objective: To gain experience on the use of classification and clustering methods. The emphasis is
on analysis and presentation of results not on code implemented or used. You can use libraries
available in MATLAB, python, R or any other programs available to you. Some instructions for
MATLAB are provided, you need to mention explicitly the source of any other references used.

Data sets (available on the UW ‘LEARN’ system)

Dataset D

This data is the splice junctions on DNA sequences.
The given dataset includes 2200 samples with 57 features, in the matrix
‘fea’. It is a binary class problem. The class labels are either +1 or -1,
given in the vector ‘gnd’. Parameter selection and classification tasks are
conducted on this dataset.

Dataset F

This is a handwritten collection including digits 0 to 9.
The given dataset includes 6200 samples with 256 features, given in
the matrix ‘fea’. This dataset is used in clustering tasks.The sample class
labels (‘gnd’) are used for the purpose of performance evaluation.

I. Parameter Selection and Classification (for dataset D)

Classify dataset D using five classifiers: k-NN, Support Vector Machine (with RBF
kernel), Decision Trees and Neural Networks. The objective is to experiment with
parameter selection in training classifiers and to compare the performance of these well-
known classification methods.

1) Preprocess the given data using the Z-score normalization, and split the data into two

halves, the first half being the training set and the second half being the test set.
(Normally you would do this randomly, but for this assignment a deterministic split
will make the rest of the answers easier to grade).

2) For k-NN you need to evaluate the best value k to use. Using 5-fold cross validation
(the crossvalindfunction can help) on the training set evaluate k-NN on
the values k=[1, 3, 5, 7, …, 31]. Plot a figure that shows the relationship between
the accuracy and the parameter k. Report the best k in terms of classification accuracy.

3) For the RBF kernel SVM, there are two parameters to be decided: the soft margin
penalty term “c” and the kernel width parameter “sigma”. Again use 5-fold cross
validation on the training set to select the parameter “c” from the set [0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5,
10, 20, 50] and select the parameter “sigma” from the set [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5,
10]. Report the best parameters in terms of classification accuracy including plotting
the ROC curves.

4) Train (at least) six classifiers and report the results:

a) Classify the test set using k-NN, SVM, Decision Trees, Random Forests and Neural
Networks. Use the chosen parameters from the parameter selection process in
question 1.3 for k-NN and SVM. For the next two classifiers use the default setups
for Decision Trees, Random Forests and Neural Networks in the Matlab tool.

b) For the sixth classifier, you should explore the parameters of the Random Forests
and/or Neural Network models to devise your own classifier instance that does
better than the other methods. For example, you could consider a deeper neural
network with multiple layers of auto-encoders or you could modify the Random
Forests using different parameter settings for depth, number of trees.

c) Repeat each classification method 20 times by varying the split of training-test set
as in 1.1. Report the average and standard deviation of classification performance
on the test set regarding: accuracy, precision, recall, and F- Measure. Also report
the training time and classification time of all the methods.

5) Comment on the obtained results, what are the benefits and weaknesses of each method
on this dataset. How could this analysis help to make the choice of the right method to
use for a dataset of this type in the future?

II. Clustering Analysis (for dataset F)

The data has already been normalized into the range of [-1, 1], the sample labels are used
for the purpose of performance evaluation.
Apply PCA to reduce the dimension to be 4, and then conduct the following clustering

1) Perform hierarchical clustering using agglomerative algorithms:
a) Stop when the number of clusters is 10 (the same as the number of given classes).

Compare the linkage methods of “single”, “complete”, and “ward (minimum
variance algorithm)”. Evaluate the clustering results in terms of Separation-Index,
Rand-Index, and F-measure. Compare the three linkage types and comment.

b) Fix the linkage type as “ward”, study the number of clusters from 2 to 15, increment
by 1, what is the optimal number of clusters suggested by Separation- Index in
this case?

2) Cluster the data using k-means algorithm.
a) Run the algorithm for the number of clusters k from 2 to 15, increment by 1.

Evaluate the clustering results in terms of Separation-Index, Rand-Index, and F-

b) Plot these evaluation measures with respect to the number of clusters. What is the
optimal number of clusters suggested by these indexes?

3) Cluster the data using fuzzy c-means algorithm, with number of clusters as 10, and
the fuzzy parameter (the exponent for partition matrix) m = 2.
a) Plot the average cluster membership values for the samples of the digit ‘1’ and

‘8’; explore their overlaps with other clusters.

b) We can produce a hard clustering by setting option(1) of fcm to 1.01 or by making
the max membership value of a sample to be one and the rest of its membership
values zero. Do this and evaluate the clustering results. Comment on the obtained
results and how they compare with k-means. (see
fuzzy-c-means-clustering.html for example of using a range of crispness
value in Matlab).


1. For classification methods of k-NN, Naive Bayes, SVM, and Decision trees and

Random Forests (bagged decision trees), Matlab has implemented functions as:
knnclassify, svmtrain
/svmclassify,andfitctree /eval, and TreeBagger

2. There is a well-known SVM library named libSVM, which is implemented in C++ and

includes a matlab interface (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/)

3. For the clustering methods of k-means, fuzzy c-means, and hierarchical clustering, Matlab
has implementation as kmeans, fcm, and linkage/clusterdata.

4. For Neural Networks you should be able to use the Matlab patternnet function. See

neural-network.html) for a tutorial on setting up neural networks visually and
generating the initial code. For an example of a deeper network built out of autoencoders
look at (https://www.mathworks.com/help/nnet/examples/training-a-deep-

5. Late submissions (up to 3 days) are accepted with penalty of 10% per day.

Default Parameters:
Decision Trees:

• If using Python or R you can find the default values used in matlab at

Random Forests:
• If using Python or R you can find the default values used in matlab at

Neural Networks:

• If using Python or R you can find the default values used in matlab at


I. Parameter Selection and Classification (for dataset D)
II. Clustering Analysis (for dataset F)


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 python c++ algorithm decision tree DNA matlab University of Waterloo
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