[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-1

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Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 8-4

def main():

# Local variables

morse_string = ”

index = 0

# List of Morse codes

morse_list = [‘ ‘, ‘–..–‘, ‘.-.-.-‘, ‘—–‘,

‘.—-‘, ‘..—‘, ‘…–‘, ‘….-‘,

‘…..’, ‘-….’, ‘–…’, ‘—..’,

‘—-.’, ‘.-‘, ‘-…’, ‘-.-.’, ‘-..’,

‘.’, ‘..-.’, ‘–.’, ‘….’, ‘..’, ‘.—‘,

‘-.-‘, ‘.-..’, ‘–‘, ‘-.’, ‘—‘, ‘.–.’,

‘–.-‘, ‘.-.’, ‘…’, ‘-‘, ‘..-‘, ‘…-‘,

‘.–‘, ‘-..-‘, ‘-.-‘, ‘–..’]

# Get the string as input from the user.

morse_string = input(‘Enter the string to be ‘

‘converted to Morse code: ‘)

# Step through the string, determine each

# character’s Morse code index in the list,

# and display the Morse code for the character.

for ch in morse_string:

# Convert the character to uppercase.

ch = ch.upper()

# Determine the index from the list.

if ch == ‘ ‘:

index = 0

elif ch == ‘,’:

index = 1

elif ch == ‘.’:

index = 2

elif ch == ‘?’:

index = 3

elif ch == ‘0’:

index = 4

elif ch == ‘1’:

index = 5

elif ch == ‘2’:

index = 6

elif ch == ‘3’:

index = 7

elif ch == ‘4’:

index = 8

elif ch == ‘5’:

index = 9

elif ch == ‘6’:

index = 10

elif ch == ‘7’:

index = 11

elif ch == ‘8’:

index = 12

elif ch == ‘9’:

index = 13

elif ch == ‘A’:

index = 14

elif ch == ‘B’:

index = 15

elif ch == ‘C’:

index = 16

elif ch == ‘D’:

index = 17

elif ch == ‘E’:

index = 18

elif ch == ‘F’:

index = 19

elif ch == ‘G’:

index = 20

elif ch == ‘H’:

index = 21

elif ch == ‘I’:

index = 22

elif ch == ‘J’:

index = 23

elif ch == ‘K’:

index = 24

elif ch == ‘L’:

index = 25

elif ch == ‘M’:

index = 26

elif ch == ‘N’:

index = 27

elif ch == ‘O’:

index = 28

elif ch == ‘P’:

index = 29

elif ch == ‘Q’:

index = 30

elif ch == ‘R’:

index = 31

elif ch == ‘S’:

index = 32

elif ch == ‘T’:

index = 33

elif ch == ‘U’:

index = 34

elif ch == ‘V’:

index = 35

elif ch == ‘W’:

index = 36

elif ch == ‘X’:

index = 37

elif ch == ‘Y’:

index = 38

elif ch == ‘Z’:

index = 39

# Display the Morse code for this character.

print (morse_list[index], ‘,’, sep=”, end=”)

# Call the main function.



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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-1
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