[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 mips computer architecture assembly Introduction to Computer Architecture Building Functions

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Introduction to Computer Architecture Building Functions

For this assignment, you will need to write a set of five functions.The first two functions are min

and max functions for integers.You should compare the parameters and return the smallest or largest

value respectively.The third function is a double function.It doubles the value of an integer if the result

fits inside a 32-bit register.If the result is too large or too small, then it returns 0.The last two functions

take an ASCII character and either change it to uppercase or lowercase when applicable.If the parameter

is not a valid ASCII character (you don’t need to consider extended ASCII characters either), then they

should return -1 to represent an error.If the character is not a letter, then it should just be returned as is.

You will want to refer to an ASCII table for the form of ASCII characters and which ones are valid.

You should not need to modify the test suite.You only need to write the functions.Since QT SPIM

expects all of your code to be in a single file, you can concatenate them together in a few ways.If you are

on Windows, you can use the included batch file to do the work for you.Simply dragging your source file

and dropping it on the batch file should be sufficient.If you are having trouble with the batch file, make

sure that your file names match those below.You can also use a command line operation.

Windows:copy /Y “ ”+”Test Suite.asm” Output.asm

Unix:cat “ ” “Test Suite.asm” > Output.asm

Your program should include appropriate comments indicating what the code should be doing and

what registers are being used for.After displaying the results, your program should exit cleanly.You should

test your programs using the SPIM simulator to ensure their functionality before submitting them.You

should only submit your five functions.You will not receive credit if you submit the test suite in any form.

You should also not include any driver or debug code in your submission.


1. To introduce and practice writing functions in the MIPS assembly language.

2. To introduce and practice validating parameters.

Introduction to Computer Architecture Building Functions

Expected output:

##————————Testing the Minimum Function————————##
Test #1 passed:Testing min(1, 2).
Test #2 passed:Testing min(2, 1).
Test #3 passed:Testing min(1, 1).
Test #4 passed:Testing min(-1, 1).
Test #5 passed:Testing min(1, -1).

##————————Testing the Maximum Function————————##
Test #1 passed:Testing max(1, 2).
Test #2 passed:Testing max(2, 1).
Test #3 passed:Testing max(1, 1).
Test #4 passed:Testing max(-1, 1).
Test #5 passed:Testing max(1, -1).

##————————Testing the Double Function————————-##
Test #1 passed:Testing double(1) = 2.
Test #2 passed:Testing double(12345) = 24690.
Test #3 passed:Testing double(-12345) = -24690.
Test #4 passed:Testing double(0x3FFFFFFF) = 0x7FFFFFFE.
Test #5 passed:Testing double(0xC0000000) = 0x80000000.
Test #6 passed:Testing double(0x40000000) produces overflow.
Test #7 passed:Testing double(0xBFFFFFFF) produces overflow.
Test #8 passed:Testing double(0x66666666) produces overflow.
Test #9 passed:Testing double(0xAAAAAAAA) produces overflow.

##———————–Testing the Uppercase Function———————–##
Test #1 passed:Testing uppercase(a) = A.
Test #2 passed:Testing uppercase(q) = Q.
Test #3 passed:Testing uppercase(z) = Z.
Test #4 passed:Testing uppercase(A) = A.
Test #5 passed:Testing uppercase(M) = M.
Test #6 passed:Testing uppercase(Z) = Z.
Test #7 passed:Testing uppercase(#) = #.
Test #8 passed:Testing uppercase(@) = @.
Test #9 passed:Testing uppercase(^) = ^.
Test #10 passed:Testing uppercase({) = {.
Test #11 passed:Testing uppercase(128) produces an error.
Test #12 passed:Testing uppercase(255) produces an error.
Test #13 passed:Testing uppercase(255) produces an error.
Test #14 passed:Testing uppercase(-5) produces an error.

##———————–Testing the Lowercase Function———————–##
Test #1 passed:Testing lowercase(A) = a.
Test #2 passed:Testing lowercase(M) = m.
Test #3 passed:Testing lowercase(Z) = z.
Test #4 passed:Testing lowercase(a) = a.
Test #5 passed:Testing lowercase(q) = q.
Test #6 passed:Testing lowercase(z) = z.
Test #7 passed:Testing lowercase(#) = #.
Test #8 passed:Testing lowercase(@) = @.
Test #9 passed:Testing lowercase(^) = ^.
Test #10 passed:Testing lowercase({) = {.
Test #11 passed:Testing lowercase(128) produces an error.
Test #12 passed:Testing lowercase(255) produces an error.
Test #13 passed:Testing lowercase(-1) produces an error.
Test #14 passed:Testing lowercase(-5) produces an error.

##—————————–Testing completed.—————————–##


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 mips computer architecture assembly Introduction to Computer Architecture Building Functions
30 $