[SOLVED] Java junit scheme COMP285 CW2


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COMP285: Computer Aided Software


Assignment 2 2016/2017

This is the second of two assessments for COMP285 which contributes 50% of the

final module mark.


This coursework involves the development and testing of a game in Java using

the software tools, Eclipse and JUnit.

Assessment Information

Assignment number 2 of2

Weighting 50%

Assignment Circulated date provided to class


Deadline Day & Date & Time Friday, May 5, 16:002017
Submission Mode Electronic

Learning outcome assessed 1. Perform software development
tasks using the techniques of

Automated Testing, Continuous

Integration and Test Driven


2. Use Ant, JUnit and Eclipse both
individually and jointly as tools

for Automated Testing,

Continuous Integration and Test

Driven Programming

Submission necessary in order

to satisfy Module requirements


Purpose of assessment

Marking criteria

To assess the students ability to

effectively use software development

and testing tools

See end of document


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This is the second of two assessments for COMP285 where each contributes
50% of the final module mark.

The general purpose is assessment of the following learning outcomes:

1. Perform software development tasks using the techniques of Automated
Testing, Continuous Integration and Test Driven Programming

2. Use Ant, JUnit and Eclipse both individually and jointly as tools for
Automated Testing, Continuous Integration and Test Driven Programming
with the main stress on JUnit testing and test driven programming with

The goal of this assignment is working on an initial (partial) implementation of
a game Hangman in the style of Test Driven Programming in Java by using
Unit Testing with JUnit4 in the framework of Eclipse. Two compatible Java
files are given to you: a source file Hangman.java and JUnit4 test case
HangmanTest.java, both implemented partially and Hangman.java also
containing some bugs.

You will need to finish/correct this implementation and testing framework. All
tests should succeed and the game should be functioning well.The game
Hangman is described as follows:
The computer chooses a word (the word-to-be-guessed), and displays a star
sign * for each letter in the word (the *-form of the word).
The user inputs a letter: if that letter occurs in the word, then every occurrence
of that letter in the word is shown (i.e., the letter is written instead of the *).

If the letter does not occur in the word or is chosen repeatedly, the user loses
a life. Play continues in this way until either
all the letters in the answer have been input and the user has won, or
the user has lost all their lives (10) and the computer has won.
After each round, the user has the option of quitting or playing another round.
If quitting, the number of rounds played is shown and the round numbers are
displayed which the user has won.


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You can download the (correctly implemented compiled version of) Java class
MyHangman.class into a directory H:dir and play it by running from the
command line as follows:

H:dir>java MyHangman

It has a slightly different name. You will work with Hangman.java,
HangmanTest.java and their compiled classes.

Presentation of work

In Eclipse, create a new project with the project name (directory) of the form
the students

Similarly, at the beginning of the two .java files given you should present your
personal data, plus personal e-mail address where the feedback will sent.

For simplicity, when creating this project in Eclipse, choose the option Use
project folder as root for source and class files. The source files and compiled
files will be under the same project directory named as described above. Also
for simplicity, this time no package declaration should be used in .java files
(although Eclipse discourages this choice).

All the actions (such as creating the project, Java source file, JUnit test case,
etc.) should be done by Eclipse wizards.

After creating Hangman.java, it should be populated by the code above.

After finishing the these steps, the JUnit 4 test case HangmanTest.java
should be created similarly by using an appropriate the Test Case wizard of
Eclipse. While using this wizard appropriate setUp and tearDown methods
should be chosen, then after clicking NEXT and checking all (11) methods of
the source file HangmanTest.java, except the main method, 11 stub test
methods will be generated automatically. The wizard will also suggest adding
JUnit 4 library to the build path. You should include this otherwise it will be
impossible to run JUnit test case from Eclipse. After the stub class
HangmanTest.java is generated, it should be populated by the code given
above, again with your personal data.


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Two MSWord files Hangman.doc and HangmanTest.doc containing the codes
of Hangman.java and HangmanTest.java should be created (directly from the
physical workspace). These files will be used by the lecturer for
coloured/highlighted comments and marking.

The main feature of this program (a game) is user input from the console. The
problem is how to test it. To this end, imitation of the sequence of input strings
by the user is done by a Vector INPUT and a mock method
input_next() imitating the standard one input.next() using
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
This should be clearly understood before doing anything. See examples of
how it works in the current versions of both files Hangman.java and

The general advice is to work first on something simple. Then there will be
fewer problems since you can then depend on what you have already
resolved and well-tested.
You should comment appropriately all the code you add to the sample code.
This way you can demonstrate your understanding of what they do. This will
also be taken into account when marking the work.


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All Java files presented by students should be compilable and appropriately

To submit this work, the following should be done:
Go to your physical workspace by using Windows Explorer.
Right-click your project name surname_name_ID, choose send to
Compressed (zipped) folder (with the same name). The resulting zip file
surname_name_ID.zip will automatically contain your project directory and all
it contents.

All the auxiliary files and one auxiliary directory created by Eclipse should be
present (since the submitted project surname_name_ID and its files will be
imported by Eclipse to run in Eclipse and mark them). The compiled files
Hangman.class and HangmanTest.class should be up to date.

This zip file should be submitted electronically by the deadline mentioned
above via Coursework Submission System:


by going to link Assignment Submission.

Late submissions policy and Plagiarism/collusion guidelines are described in
Students Handbook, http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/student/ugpdfhandbook.pdf,
Sections, 5.8-5.10.

Marking Schema
This assignment contributes 50% of the final mark for this module, and will be
marked according to the marking scheme which can be found in both java
files Hangman.java and HangmanTest.java with wording like Costs 7 marks.
The maximum total mark is 100. Any failures in fulfilling the above
requirements which cannot be taken into account by this marking scheme
(such as working not in Eclipse, etc.) can be penalised by up to 10 marks.


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[SOLVED] Java junit scheme COMP285 CW2