[SOLVED] Java assembler mips x86 algorithm flex computer architecture assembly compiler Microsoft PowerPoint CSE220 Unit03 MIPS Assembly Basics.pptx


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Microsoft PowerPoint CSE220 Unit03 MIPS Assembly Basics.pptx


1Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

CSE 220:

Systems Fundamentals I

Unit 3:

MIPS Assembly:

Basic Instructions,

System Calls, Endianness

2Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Computer Instructions
Recall that a computers architecture is the programmers

view of a computer

The architecture is defined, in part, by its instruction set

These instructions are encoded in binary as the
architectures machine language

Because reading and writing machine language is tedious,
instructions are represented using mnemonics (neh-
MAHN-icks) as assembly language

You are going to be learning the fundamentals of the MIPS
architecture in this course, so that means we will be
covering MIPS assembly language

3Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Architecture Design Principles
1. Simplicity favors regularity

Simple, similar instructions are easier to encode and
handle in hardware

2. Make the common case fast

MIPS architecture includes only simple, commonly used

3. Smaller is faster

Smaller, simpler circuits will execute faster than large,
complicated ones that implement a complex instruction

4. Good design demands good compromises

We just try to minimize their number

4Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly
Why MIPS and not x86?

Like x86, MIPS CPUs are used in real products, but mostly
embedded systems like network routers

The MIPS architecture is simpler than x86 architecture,
which makes the assembly language simpler and easier to

Good textbooks and educational resources exist for MIPS

Once you learn one architecture and its assembly language,
others are easy to learn

Fun fact: MIPS was invented by John Hennessy, the former
president of Stanford University and alumnus of Stony
Brooks MS and PhD programs in computer science


5Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Instructions: Addition
Java code: MIPS assembly code:

a = b + c; add a, b, c

add: mnemonic indicates operation to perform

b, c: source operands (on which the operation is to be


a: destination operand (to which the result is written)

In MIPS, a, b and c are actually CPU registers. More on this


6Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Instructions: Subtraction
Java code: MIPS assembly code:

a = b c; sub a, b, c

sub: mnemonic

b, c: source operands

a: destination operand

It should come as no surprise that the code is virtually the
same as for an addition

1. Simplicity favors regularity

Consistent instruction format

Same number of operands (two sources and one

Easier to encode and handle in hardware

7Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Multiple Instructions
More complex code is handled by multiple MIPS instructions

Java code: MIPS assembly code:

a = b + c d; add t, b, c# t = b + c

sub a, t, d# a = t d

In MIPS assembly, the # symbol denotes a comment

2. Make the common case fast

More complex instructions (that are less common) are
performed using multiple simple instructions

MIPS is a reduced instruction set computer (RISC), with
a small number of simple instructions

Other architectures, such as Intels x86, are complex
instruction set computers (CISC)

8Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operand location: physical location in computer

Registers: MIPS has thirty-two 32-bit registers

Faster than main memory, but much smaller

3. Smaller is faster: reading data from a small set of
registers is faster than from a larger one (simpler

MIPS is a 32-bit architecture because it operates on
32-bit data


Constants (also called immediates)

Included as part of an instruction


9Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Register Set
Name Register Number Usage

$0 0 the constant value 0

$at 1 assembler temporary

$v0-$v1 2-3 function return values

$a0-$a3 4-7 function arguments

$t0-$t7 8-15 temporaries

$s0-$s7 16-23 saved variables

$t8-$t9 24-25 more temporaries

$k0-$k1 26-27 OS temporaries

$gp 28 global pointer

$sp 29 stack pointer

$fp 30 frame pointer

$ra 31 function return address

10Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operands: Registers

$ before name

Example: $0, register zero, dollar zero

Registers are used for specific purposes:

$0 always holds the constant value 0.

The saved registers, $s0-$s7, are used to hold


The temporary registers, $t0-$t9, are used to hold

intermediate values during a larger computation

We will discuss other registers later

Programming in MIPS assembly demands that you follow
certain rules (called conventions) when using registers.

11Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Instructions with Registers
Lets revisit the add instruction

Java code: MIPS assembly code:

a = b + c; # $s0 = a, $s1 = b, $s2 = c

add $s0, $s1, $s2

When programming in a high-level language like Java, you
generally dont (and shouldnt) comment every single line
of code

With MIPS assembly you should!

Assign meaning to registers and calculations

Even simple formulas will have to be implemented using
at least several lines of assembly code


12Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operands: Memory
A typical program uses too much data to fit in only 32


Store more data in memory

Memory is large, but slow

Commonly used variables kept in registers

Less frequently used values will need to be copied from
registers to memory for safe keeping when we run out
of registers

Later we will need to copy the values from memory back
to the register file when we need to do a calculation with


13Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operands: Memory
Each 32-bit data word has a unique 32-bit address

A word is the unit of data used natively by a CPU

A possible logical structure of main memory (word-
addressable), which is not how MIPS actually works:

14Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operands: Memory
Most computer architectures cannot read individual bits

from memory

Rather, the architectures instruction set can process only
entire words or individual bytes

If the smallest unit of data we can read from memory is a
word, we say that the memory is word-addressable

In this case, memory addresses would be assigned
sequentially, as in the previous figure

The MIPS architecture, in contrast, is byte-addressable

Each byte has its own memory address

15Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Operands: Memory

Byte-addressable memory (what MIPS uses)

16Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Reading Word-Addressable Memory

A memory read is called a load

Mnemonic: load word (lw)

Format: lw $s0, 16($t1)

Address calculation:

add base address ($t1) to the offset (16)

so a register first needs to have the base address that we
want to add to the offset

effective address = ($t1 + 16)

Result: $s0 holds the value at address ($t1 + 16)

Any register may be used to hold the base address


17Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Reading Word-Addressable Memory

Example: suppose we want to read a word of data at
memory address 8 into $s3

address = ($0 + 8) = 8

So what we want is for
$s3 to hold 0x01EE2842

Assembly code:

# read memory

#word 2 into $s3

lw $s3, 8($0)

18Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Writing Word-Addressable Memory

A memory write is called a store

Mnemonic: store word (sw)

Example: suppose we wanted to write (store) the value in
register $t4 into memory address 8

offset for loads and stores can be written in decimal
(default) or hexadecimal

add the base address ($0) to the offset (0x8)

address: ($0 + 0x8) = 8

Assembly code:

sw $t4, 0x8($0)# write the value in

# $t4 to memory addr 8

19Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Big-Endian & Little-Endian Memory

Each 32-bit word has 4 bytes. How should we number the
bytes within a word?

Little-endian: byte numbers start at the little (least
significant) end

Big-endian: byte
numbers start at the big
(most significant) end

LSB = least significant
byte; MSB = most
significant byte

Word address is the
same in either case

20Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Big-Endian & Little-Endian Memory
Suppose $t0 initially contains 0x23456789

After following code runs, what value is in $s0?

sw $t0, 0($0)

lb $s0, 1($0)


Little-endian: 0x00000067

The MIPS simulator we will use is little-endian


21Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Byte-Addressable Memory
Each data byte has a unique address

Load/store words or single bytes: load byte (lb) and store
byte (sb)

32-bit word = 4 bytes,
so word addresses
increment by 4

So when performing a
lw or sw, the effective

address must be a
multiple of 4

22Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Byte-Addressable Memory
When loading a byte, what do we do with the other 24 bits

in the 32-bit register?

lb sign-extends to fill the upper 24 bits

Suppose the byte loaded is zxxx xxxx 8 bits

The bit z is copied into the upper 24 bits

Normally with characters do not want to sign-extend the
byte, but rather prepend zeroes

This is called zero-extension

MIPS instruction that does zero-extension when loading

load byte unsigned: lbu

23Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Reading Byte-Addressable Memory
The address of a memory word must be a multiple of 4

For example,

the address of memory word #2 is 2 4 = 8

the address of memory word #10 is 10 4 = 40 (0x28)

So do not forget this: MIPS is byte-addressed, not word-

To read/write a word from/to memory, your lw/sw

instruction must provide an effective address that is

24Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Instruction Formats
4. Good design demands good compromises

Multiple instruction formats allow flexibility

add, sub:use 3 register operands

lw, sw: use 2 register operands and a constant

Number of instruction formats kept small

to adhere to design principles 1 and 3 (simplicity
favors regularity and smaller is faster)


25Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Instruction Formats
lw and sw use constants or immediates

Immediately available from instruction

The immediate value is stored in the instruction as a 16-bit
twos complement number

addi: add immediate

Is subtract immediate (subi) necessary?

Java code: MIPS assembly code:

# $s0 = a, $s1 = b

a = a + 4; addi $s0, $s0, 4

b = a 12; addi $s1, $s0, -12

26Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Machine Language
Binary representation of instructions

Computers only understand 1s and 0s

32-bit instructions

Simplicity favors regularity: 32-bit data & instructions

3 instruction formats:

R-Type: register operands (register-type instruction)

I-Type: immediate operand (immediate-type

J-Type: for jumping (jump-type instruction) more on
this later

27Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

R-Type Instructions
3 register operands:

rs, rt: source registers

rd: destination register

Other fields:

op: the operation code or opcode (0 for R-type)

funct: the function; with opcode, tells CPU what

operation to perform

shamt: the shift amount for shift instructions;

otherwise its 0

28Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

R-Type Examples

Note the order of registers in the assembly code:
add rd, rs, rt


29Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

I-Type Instructions
3 operands:

rs, rt: register operands

imm: 16-bit twos complement immediate

Other fields:

op: the opcode

Simplicity favors regularity: all instructions have opcode

Operation is completely determined by opcode

30Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

I-Type Examples

Note the differing
order of registers in
assembly and machine

addi rt, rs, imm

lw rt, imm(rs)

sw rt, imm(rs)

31Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

J-Type Instructions
26-bit address operand (addr)

Used for jump instructions (j)

if-statements, loops, functions

32Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Review: Instruction Formats


33Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Power of the Stored Program
32-bit instructions and data are stored in memory

To run a new program:

No rewiring required

Simply store new program in memory

Affords general purpose computing

Program execution:

Processor fetches (reads) instructions from memory in

Processor performs the specified operation and fetches
the next instruction

34Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Interpreting Machine Code
Start with opcode: tells how to parse the rest

If opcode all 0s we have an R-type instruction

Function bits (funct) indicate operation

Otherwise, opcode tells operation

35Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Interpreting Machine Code

36Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Programming
Theres a lot more to the MIPS instruction set still to cover,

but we (almost) know enough now to write some simple
programs that do computations

Every statement is divided into fields:

[Label:] operation [operands] [#comment]

Parts in square brackets are optional

A label is a sequence of alphanumeric characters,
underscores and dots. Cannot begin with a number. Ends
with a colon.

After the assembler has assembled (processed) your
code, the label refers to the address of where the line of
MIPS code is stored in memory


37Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Memory Layout

Data Segment (static)

Dynamic Data

Text Segment



(for OS functions)

this way

Memory addresses (byte addresses)





In MARS, static data starts at
0x10010000 and dynamic
data starts at 0x10040000.

Stack Segment

this way

38Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Programming
The main label indicates the start of a program

Labels are also used to give names to locations in memory
where we want to store data (we will see this shortly)

Assembly programs also include assembler directives,
which start with a dot and give commands to the
assembler, but are not assembly language instructions

.text: beginning of the text segment

.data : beginning of data segment

.asciiz: declares an ASCII string terminated by NULL

.ascii: an ASCII string, not terminated by NULL

.word: allocates space for one or more 32-bit words

.globl: the name that follows is visible outside the file

39Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Programming
Strings (.asciiz and.ascii) are enclosed in quotes

They recognize escape sequences:
, t, , r, etc.

Finally, we need some way of doing basic input and output

The computers architecture does not handle those
responsibilities, but relies on the operating system

A system call is a request made by the program for the OS
to perform some service, such as to read input, print
output, quit the program, etc.

In our MIPS assembly programs we write syscall to

perform a system call

We have to include a numerical code (loaded into $v0) to

indicate the service requested

40Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS System Calls


Call Code
Arguments Result

print_int 1 $a0=integer

print_float 2 $f12=float

print_double 3 $f12=double

print_string 4 $a0=string

read_int 5 integer (in $v0)

read_float 6 float (in $f0)

read_double 7 double (in $f0)

read_string 8 $a0=buffer,

sbrk 9 $a0=amount

exit 10


41Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS System Calls
sbrk allocates memory in the heap (e.g., large chunks of


These are the original MIPS system calls

The SBU MARS simulator has a few custom ones you will
learn about later. These system calls are not available in the
vanilla version of MARS publicly available on the web.

42Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Generating Constants
16-bit constants using addi:

Java code: MIPS assembly code:

// int is a 32-bit # $s0 = a
// signed word addi $s0, $0, 0x4f3c

int a = 0x4f3c;

32-bit constants use load upper immediate (lui) and ori
(more on ori in a few minutes):

Java code: MIPS assembly code:

int a = 0xFEDC8765; # $s0 = a

lui $s0, 0xFEDC

ori $s0, $s0, 0x8765

43Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Pseudoinstructions
MIPS implements the RISC concept

Relatively few, simple instructions

But there are some operations that assembly language
programmers need to do frequently that are not so natural
to write in native MIPS assembly instructions

These instructions can instead be written as a single

Example: to load a 32-bit integer into a register requires
lui and ori

Instead we can use the li (load immediate)


Example: li $v0, 4# loads 4 into $v0

44Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Pseudoinstructions
Another useful pseudoinstruction is la (load address)

Example: assume that str is a label (i.e., a memory


la $a0, str # loads addr of str into $a0

The move pseudoinstruction copies the contents of one

register to another

move $1, $2 # equiv to add $1, $2, $0


45Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Program: Hello World
No introduction to a new programming language would be

complete without the obligatory hello world program

Lets see how this is done in MIPS

46Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Multiplication and Division
Special registers: lo, hi

32-bit 32-bit multiplication produces a 64-bit result

mult $s0, $s1

Result in {hi, lo}

32-bit division produces a 32-bit quotient and a 32-bit

div $s0, $s1

Quotient in lo

Remainder in hi

Instructions to move values from lo/hi special registers

mflo $s2

mfhi $s3

47Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Assembly Pseudoinstructions
Another useful pseudoinstruction that will help us write up

a program:

mul d, s, t# d = s * t

mul d, s, t is equivalent to:

mult s, t

mflo d

Similar pseudoinstruction for div

48Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Program: Compute + +

For the first version of this program we will hard-code the
values for the three coefficients and x

Major steps of our program:

1. Load values of A, B, C and x from memory into registers

2. Compute + +

Requires 5 total arithmetical operations

3. Print the result with an appropriate message

Requires several system calls

I am going to comment nearly every single line of MIPS
assembly code I write. You should do the same on your


49Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Program: Compute + +

For version 2 of the program we will add prompts to ask
the user to enter the values for x, A, B and C

Each prompt requires two system calls:

One to print the prompt message on the screen (if one is

Another to read the input

50Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Logical Instructions
and, or, xor, nor

and: useful for masking bits

Masking out (excluding) all but the least significant byte
of a value: 0xF234012E AND 0x000000FF = 0x0000002E

Why? Lets see:

0xF234012E AND 0x000000FF

1111 0010 0011 0100 0000 0001 0010 1110

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1110


51Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Logical Instructions
or: useful for combining bit fields

Combine 0xF2340000 with 0x000012BC:

0xF2340000 OR 0x000012BC = 0xF23412BC

Written as bits:

0xF2340000 OR 0x000012BC

1111 0010 0011 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0010 1011 1100

1111 0010 0011 0100 0001 0010 1011 1100


52Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Logical Instructions
nor: useful for inverting bits

A NOR $0 = NOT A

andi, ori, xori

16-bit immediate is zero-extended (not sign-extended)

nori not needed (can use ori and nor)

Examples in a moment


53Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Logical Instructions Examples

54Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Logical Instructions Examples

55Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Shift Instructions
Allow you to shift the value in a register left or right by up to

31 bits

sll: shift left logical

Example: sll $t0, $t1, 5# $t0 = $t1 << 5 Shifts bits to the left, filling least significant bits with zeroes srl: shift right logical Example: srl $t0, $t1, 5# $t0 = $t1 >>> 5

Shifts zeroes into most significant bits

sra: shift right arithmetic

Example: sra $t0, $t1, 5# $t0 = $t1 >> 5

Shifts sign bit into most significant bits

56Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Shift Instructions Examples


57Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Variable-Shift Instructions
These R-type instructions shift bits by number in a register

sllv: shift left logical variable

sllv rd, rt, rs (note: rs and rt reversed)

rt has value to be shifted

5 least significant bits of rs give amount to shift (0-31)

Example: sllv $t0, $t1, $t2 # $t0 = $t1 << $t2 srlv: shift right logical variable Example: srlv $t0, $t1, $t2 # $t0 = $t1 >>> $t2

srav: shift right arithmetic variable

Example: srav $t0, $t1, $t2 # $t0 = $t1 >> $t2

shamt field is ignored

58Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Variable-Shift Instructions Examples

59Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Rotate or Circular Shift
Bits are not lost when we rotate them (i.e., do a circular


They wrap around and enter the register from the other

These are pseudo-instructions:

rol: rotate left

ror: rotate right

Example: rol $t2, $t2, 4

Rotate left bits of $t2 by 4 positions:

1101 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1101

60Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Applications of Bitwise Operators
The bitwise operations are useful in situations where we

have a set of Yes/No properties and using many Boolean
variables would waste memory

Example: file access flags in Unix/Linux

Network protocols: packets have very specific formats,
which may include many bits that need to be extracted to
determine how to process a packet

Compression algorithms sometime work on a bit-by-bit

Implementing a mathematical set of values: item is
present in the set if bit i is 1; not present if the bit is 0


61Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Bitwise Operator Examples
Suppose we want to isolate byte 0 (rightmost 8 bits) of a

word in $t0. Simply use this:

andi $t0, $t0, 0xFF

0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1000

62Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Bitwise Operator Examples
Suppose we want to isolate byte 1 (bits 8 to 15) of a word

in $t0. (Bits are numbered right-to-left.) We can use:

andi $t0,$t0,0xFF00

but then we still need to do a logical shift to the right by 8
bits. Why? To move the byte we have isolated into byte 0
and also to set bytes 1, 2 and 3 to all zeroes.

Could use instead:

sll $t0,$t0,16 *

srl $t0,$t0,24 **

0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000

0101 0110 0111 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 *

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 0110 **

63Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

Bitwise Operator Examples
In binary, multiplying by 2 is same as shifting left by 1 bit:

11 10 = 110

Multiplying by 4 is same as shifting left by 2 bits:

11 100 = 1100

Multiplying by 2 is same as shifting left by n bits

Since shifting may be faster than multiplication, a good
compiler (e.g., C or Java) will recognize a multiplication by
a power of 2 and compile it as a shift:

a = a8; would compile assll $s0,$s0,3

Likewise, shift right to do integer division by powers of 2.

Remember to use sra, not srl. Why?

64Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University CSE 220

MIPS Programming Tips
Initialize all your variables as needed (e.g., use li)

The MARS simulator fills the memory with zeroes, but
this is merely a convenience and luxury

When we test your homework programs, we may fill the
registers and main memory with garbage to make sure

you initialize registers with values!

Use the MARS debugger to fix problems with your code

The Registers view (on right) is especially useful

Use $s0-$s7 for local variables, and $t0-$t9 for

temporary values, such as intermediate results

We will see just how important this distinction is when
we study functions!


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[SOLVED] Java assembler mips x86 algorithm flex computer architecture assembly compiler Microsoft PowerPoint CSE220 Unit03 MIPS Assembly Basics.pptx