[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 gui flex chain Hive Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Advanced Design Patterns


School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

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– GoF Design Patterns

– Flyweight

– Bridge

– Chain of Responsibility

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Flyweight Design Pattern

Object Structural

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Motivation – Text Editor Application

– Design of document editor system

– Use objects to represents tables/figures

– Use object for each character

– Discuss benefits and drawbacks ?

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Flyweight – Motivation

– Flexibility at fine granular level – uniform

formatting and processing

– Support new character set without impacting

other functions (extensibility)

– Very high cost (memory)

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Motivation – Text Editor Application

– An object for each letter of the alphabet

– Shared object than can be used in multiple contexts simultaneously

– What about object’s state?

– Character code

– Character position (coordinates)

– Typographic style

– Given the sharing aspect, how the above states should be stored?

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Motivation – Text Editor Application

– An object for each letter of the alphabet

– Shared object than can be used in multiple contexts simultaneously

– What about object’s state?

– Character code (intrinsic/shared)

– Character position (extrinsic/not shared)

– Typographic style (extrinsic/not shared)

– Given the sharing aspect, how the above states should be stored?

– Intrinsic state: shared and thus stored in the shared object

– Extrinsic state: cannot be shared as it depends on the context (client’s responsibility)

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Text Editor Application – Flyweight Objects

– One shared flyweight object per

character which can appear in

different contexts in the document


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Text Editor Application – Flyweight Design

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Flyweight Pattern

– Object structural

– Intent:
– Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently

– Applicability:
– Large number of objects are used

– Storage costs are high

– Most object state can be made extrinsic

– Many groups of objects may be replaced by relatively few shared objects once

extrinsic state is removed

– The application does not depend on object identity

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Flyweight – Structure

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Flyweight – Participants & Collaboration

– Flyweight (Glyph)
– Interface for extrinsic state

– ConcereteFlyweight (Charcterer)
– Implements Flyweight interface adding intrinsic state

– UnsharedConcereteFlyweight (Row, Column)
– Make some concrete flyweight subclasses unshared

– FlyweightFactory
– Creates and manages flyweight objects and ensure proper sharing

– Client
– Maintains a reference to flyweights


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– Benefits
– Efficiency: save memory at run-time (sharing objects, intrinsic state)

– Consistency: centralized objects’ state

– Drawback
– Un-time costs to transfer find and/or compute extrinsic stae

– All objects are controlled identically

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Flyweight – Implementation

– Extrinsic state and efficient storage
– If there are as many different kinds of extrinsic state as there are objects before

sharing, then removing it from shared objects won’t reduce storage costs

– Managing shared objects
– FlyweightFactory objects often use an associative store to let clients look up flyweight of


– Sharing implies reference counting or garbage collection to reclaim a flyweight’s storage

when it’s no longer needed, especially when number of flyweights is large

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Flyweight – Related Patterns

– Composite
– Flyweight often combined with the composite pattern to implement a

hierarchical structure as a graph with shared nodes

• Leaf nodes cannot store a pointer to their parent (passed)

– State and Strategy Patterns
– Flyweight often implement state and strategy objects as flyweights

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Object Structural

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Motivating Scenario

– Portable window abstraction in a user interface


– Abstraction to allow writing applications that

work in different platforms (e.g., Windows, IBM)

– Design using inheritance (right diagram)

– Good/bad design? Why/Why not?

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Motivating Scenario – Design with Inheritance

– Extend window abstraction to cover

different implementation, BUT:

– Implement many classes in the


– Strong binding between abstraction

and binding(client code is platform-


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Better Design – using the Bridge

– . Bridge

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Bridge Pattern (Handle or Body)

– Avoid permanent binding between an abstraction and its implementation

– Abstractions and their implementations should be extensible

– Changes in an abstraction’s implementation should not impact its client

– Large number of classes involved
– Split into two class hierarchies (“nested generalization”)

– Share an implementation on multiple objects and make the client unaware of it

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Bridge Pattern – Participants and Collaboration

– .


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Bridge Pattern – Participants and Collaboration

– Abstraction (Window)
– Defines the abstraction’s interface and maintains a reference to an object of type


– RefinedAbstraction (IconWindow)
– Extends the interface defined by Abstraction

– Implementor (Windowlmp)
– Defines the interface for implementation classes.

– The Implementor interface provides only primitive operations, and Abstraction

defines higher-level operations based on these primitives

– Concretelmplementor (XWindowImp, PMWindowImp)
– Implements the Implement or interface and defines itsconcrete implementation.

– Client
– Abstraction forwards client requests to its Implementor object.

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Bridge Pattern – Consequences

– Decoupling interface and implementation
– Implementation can be configured at run-time

– Reduce compile-time dependencies on implementation

– Better structured design

– Improve extensibility
– Abstraction and implementor can be extended independently

– Hiding implementation details from clients

– Increased complexity!
– Two hierarchies to grow and to manage

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Bridge Pattern – Implementation

– One implementor
– Abstract implementor class isn’t necessary if there’s only one implementation

– It’s still useful when a change in the implementation of a class must not affect its

existing clients

– Creating the right implementor object when there is more than one
– Abstraction’s constructor if it knows about all ConcereteImplementor classes

– A collection class supports multiple implementations, decide by the collection’s size

• Use linked list for a small collection

• Use a hash table for a large collection

– Default implementation which can be changed according to usage

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Bridge Pattern – Related Patterns

– Abstract Factory
– Can create and configure particular Bridge

– Adapter
– Aims at making un-related classes work together(after design consideration)

– Bridge focuses on making abstraction and implementations vary independently

(during design)

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Chain of Responsibility


Object Behavioural

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Motivating Scenario – GUI with Help

– GUI with a help facility where a user gets help information by clicking on it

– Help information dependent on the interface’s context (context-sensitive)
– Button in dialog box vs. button in a window

– Display general help info. About the immediate context in case no specific help


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GUI with Help – Potential Design

– Organize help info. according from the most specific to the most general

– Several UI objects, one per help request

– Discuss the prose/cons of this design.

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GUI with Help – Potential Design

– It helps to serve different types of help requests

– However, the object that ultimately provides the help isn’t known explicitly

to the object that initiates the help request (strong coupling)

– So, we need a way to decouple the object that initiates the help request

from those that might provide the help information

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Better Design – Chain of Responsibility (CoR)

– Provide multiple objects a chance to handle a request
– Pass the request along a chain of objects until one handles it

– First object receives the request either handles it or forward it to the next

candidate on the chain, and so on so forth

– The request has an implicit receiver as the requester object has no explicit

knowledge of the handler object

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Better Design – Chain of Responsibility (CoR)

– Solution details
– User clicks the “Print” button’s help

(contained in PrintDialog instance)

– PrintDialog knows the object it belongs to

– The client (request issuer) has no direct

reference to the object that ultimately

realizes it

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Better Design – Chain of Responsibility (CoR)

– How to ensure implicit receiver?
– Each object shares common interface for handling requests and accessing its

successors on the chain

– Classes that want to handle help

requests can make HelpHandlera


– HelpHandler’s HandleHelp

forwards the request to the

success by default

– Subclasses can override this

operation to provide help under

the right conditions

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Chain of Responsibility Pattern

– Intent
– Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver

– It allows more than one object a chance to handle the request

– Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object

handles it

– Use
– More than one object may handle a request, and the handler should be ascertained


– Hide the receiver (explicitly) when a request should be issued to one of several


– The handling behavior should be specified dynamically

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CoR Pattern – Structure

Class structure

Typical object


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CoR Pattern – Participants and Collaboration

– Handler (HelpHandler)
– Defines interface for handling requests

– May implement the successor line

– ConcreteHandler (PrintButton, PrintDialog)
– Handles requests it is responsible for

– forwards the request to its successor if it cannot handle it

– Client
– Initiates a request which will be propagated along the chain until a

ConcereteHandler takes responsibility for handling it

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CoR Pattern – Consequences

– Reduced Coupling
– Objects in the chain does not have explicit knowledge about each other

– Flexibility in distributing responsibilities among objects
– Can add/change responsibilities at run-time

– Requests could be unhandled
– There’s no guarantee that a request could be handled

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CoR Pattern – Implementation (1)

– Declaring child management operations: which classes declare the child management

operations (add, remove) in the composite class hierarchy:

– Define child management interface at the class hierarchy’s root

• Allows treating all components uniformly (transparent)

• Clients may add/remove objects from leaves (not safe)

– Child management in the composite class

• Add/remove objects at the compile-time in statically typed languages (safe)

• Leaves and composites have different interfaces (not transparent

– Transparency over safety

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CoR Pattern – Implementation (2)

– Child ordering

– Ordering on the children of composite is important in some designs

– Composites represents parse trees then compound statements can be instances of a

composite whose children must be ordered to reflect the program

– Design child access and management interfaces carefully to manage the sequence

(use iterator pattern)

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CoR Pattern – Related Patterns

– Composite
– In CoR pattern, a component’s parent can act as its successor and hence the use of

Composite pattern

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– Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.
1995. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

– OO Design, Online: [https://www.oodesign.com/bridge-pattern.html]


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 gui flex chain Hive Software Construction & Design 1
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