[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 flex Java database algorithm gui concurrency chain interpreter Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202


Software Testing

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

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– OO Principles

– Design Principles

– Overview of Design Patterns

– GoF Design Patterns (review)

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OO Principles


Slides from SOFT2201 by Bernhard Scholz

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OO Principles

– Abstraction

– Encapsulation

– Polymorphism

– Inheritance

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Abstract Classes

– Abstract Classes whose method implementations are
deferred to sub-classes

– Important concept in OO

– Requires own key-word abstract

– No instance of an abstract class can be generated

The University of Sydney Page 7


– Java has no multi-inheritance

– Interface is a way-out (introduction of multi-inheritance via the back-door)

– Interfaces is a class contract that ensures that a class implements a set of

– Interfaces can inherit from other interfaces

– Ensures that a class has a certain set of behavior

– Interfaces are specified so that they form a directed acyclic graph

– Methods declared in an interface are always public and abstract

– Variables are permitted if they are static and final only

The University of Sydney Page 8

Example: Interface

// definition of interface

public interface A {

int foo(int x);


// class X implements interface A

class X implements A {

int foo(int x) {

return x;



The University of Sydney Page 9

Example: Interface

– Inheritance in interfaces

– Interface B has methods foo() and hoo()

// definition of interface

public interface A {

int foo(int x);


public interface B extends A{

int hoo(int x);


The University of Sydney Page 10

Virtual Dispatch

– Methods in Java permit a late binding

– Reference variable and its type does not tell which method is
really invoked

– The type of reference variable and class instance may differ

– Class variables may override methods of super classes

– The method invoked is determined by the type of the class

– Binding is of great importance to understand OO

The University of Sydney Page 11

Example: Virtual Dispatch

– Example:

public class Shape extends Object {

double area() { }


public class Rectangle extends Shape {

double area() { }


Shape X = new Shape();

Shape Y = new Rectangle();

double a1 = X.area() // invokes area of Shape

double a2 = Y.area() // invokes area of Rectangle

The University of Sydney Page 12

OO Design Principles



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GRASP: Methodological Approach to OO Design

General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns

The five basic principles:

• Creator

• Information Expert

• High Cohesion

• Low Coupling

• Controller

The University of Sydney Page 19


– A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the
definition of one element (the supplier) may cause changes to
the other (the client)

– Various reason for dependency
– Class send message to another
– One class has another as its data
– One class mention another as a parameter to an operation
– One class is a superclass or interface of another

The University of Sydney Page 20


– How strongly one element is connected to, has knowledge of, or

depends on other elements

– Illustrated as dependency relationship in UML class diagram





The University of Sydney Page 21

GRASP: Low Coupling Principle


How to reduce the impact of change, to support low dependency, and increase reuse?


Assign a responsibility so that coupling remains low

The University of Sydney Page 22


– How strongly related and focused the responsibilities of an
element are

– How to keep objects focused, understandable, and

manageable, and as a side effect, support Low Coupling?
– Assign responsibilities so that cohesion remains high

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OO Design Principles

– Separate aspects of your application that vary from what does not change

– Program to an interface not an implementation

– Behavior delegation

– Composition vs Inheritance

– Composition provides a lot of flexibility and change the behavior at runtime
(the object you’re composing with implements the correct behavior interface)

– Quality of OO designs are evaluated based on reusability, extensibility,
and maintainability

The University of Sydney Page 29

Design Patterns Review


Slides from SOFT2201

The University of Sydney Page 30

Catalogue of Design Patterns

Design Pattern Description

Gang of Four (Gof) First and most used. Fundamental patterns OO development, but not

specifically for enterprise software development.

Enterprise Application

Architecture (EAA)

Layered application architecture with focus on domain logic, web,

database interaction and concurrency and distribution. Database

patterns (object-relational mapping issues)

Enterprise Integration Integrating enterprise applications using effective messaging models

Core J2EE EAA Focused on J2EE platform. Applicable to other platforms

Microsoft Enterprise


MS enterprise software patterns. Web, deployment and distributed




The University of Sydney Page 31

Catalogue of Design Patterns

Design Pattern Description



Microsoft view on integration layer, system connections and

topologies for integration

Data Model Common patterns for data modelling and useful for object


Microsoft Data Patterns on data movement; replication and synchronization



The University of Sydney Page 32

Aspects of Enterprise Software

– Enterprise Application Architecture
– EAA typical structured into logical layers

– Some differences but some common aspects

– Technology independent/dependent

– Patterns of EAA
– Technology independent

– Core J2EE
– J2EE context

– Microsoft Enterprise Solution Patterns
– .NET views

The University of Sydney Page 33

Aspects of Enterprise Software

– Enterprise Integration
– EA developed independently but needs to work together

– Integration was not considered, or dependent on certain technology

– Enterprise Integration Patterns
– messaging

– Microsoft Integration Patterns
– strategies

– Microsoft Data Patterns
– replication and synchronization

The University of Sydney Page 34

Aspects of Enterprise Software

– Domain Logic
– Business rules, validations and computations

– Some systems intrinsically have complex domain logic

– Regular changes as business conditions change

– EAA Patterns
– organizing domain logic

– Data Model Patterns
– Data modeling approach with examples of domains

The University of Sydney Page 35

SOFT3202 / COMP93202

– GoF Patterns
– Flyweight, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility

– Concurrency
– Lock, Thread Pool

– Enterprise
– Lazy load, Value Object, Unit of Work (,MVC, SOA)

The University of Sydney Page 36

Review of GoF Design


The University of Sydney Page 37

Design Patterns

– Proven solutions to general design problems which can be applied to
specific applications

– Not readily coded solution, but rather the solution path to a common
programming problem

– Design or implementation structure that achieves a particular purpose

– Allow evolution and change

– Vary independently of other components

– Provide a shared language among development communities – effective

The University of Sydney Page 38

Elements of a Pattern

– The pattern name

– The problem
– When to apply the pattern

– The solution
– The elements that make up the design

– Consequence
– The results and trade-offs of applying the pattern

The University of Sydney Page 39

Gang of Four Patterns (GoF)

• Official design pattern reference

• Famous and influential book about design patterns

Recommended for students who wish to become


We will cover the most widely – used patterns from

the book

• Many other patterns but not all so popular

• GoF Design Patterns → Design Patterns

The University of Sydney Page 40

Design Patterns – Classification

Scope / Purpose Creational Structural Behavioral

Class Factory Method Adapter (class) Interpreter

Template Method

Object Abstract Factory




Adapter (object)







Chain of Responsibility









The University of Sydney Page 41

Design Patterns – Classification

Describes of 23 design patterns

– Creational patterns
– Abstract the instantiation process

– Make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed
and represented

– Structural patterns
– How classes and objects are composed to form larger structures

– Behavioral patterns
– Concerns with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between


The University of Sydney Page 43

Selecting Appropriate Design Pattern

– Consider how design pattern solve a problem

– Read through Each pattern’s intent to find relevant ones

– Study the relationship between design patterns

– Study patterns of like purpose (similarities and differences)

– Examine a cause of redesign (what might force a change to a design? Tight-
coupling, difficult to change classes

– Consider what should be variable in your design (see table in next slides)

The University of Sydney Page 44

Design Aspects Can be Varied by Design Patterns

Purpose Pattern Aspects that can change


Abstract Factory


Factory Method



families of product objects

how a composite object gets created

subclass of object that is instantiated

class of object that is instantiated

the sole instance of a class









interface to an object

implementation of an object

structure and composition of an object

responsibilities of an object without subclassing

interface to a subsystem

storage costs of objects

how an object is accessed; its location

The University of Sydney Page 45

Design Aspects Can be Varied by Design Patterns

Purpose Pattern Aspects that can change


Chain of Responsibility









Template Method


object that can fulfill a request

when and how a request is fulfilled

grammar and interpretation of a language

how an aggregate’s elements are accessed, traversed

how and which objects interact with each other

what private info. is stored outside an object, & when

number of objects that depend on another object; how the

dependent objects stay up to date

states of an object

an algorithm

steps of an algorithm

operations that can be applied to object(s) without changing

their class(es)

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Creational Patterns

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Creational Patterns

– Abstract the instantiation process

– Make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed and

– Class creational pattern uses inheritance to vary the class that’s instantiated

– Object creational pattern delegates instantiation to another object

– Becomes more important as systems evolve to depend on object composition
than class inheritance

– Provides flexibility in what gets created, who creates it, how it gets created
and when

– Let you configure a system with “product” objects that vary in structure and functionality

The University of Sydney Page 48

Creational Patterns

Pattern Name Description

Abstract Factory Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects

without specifying their concrete classes

Singleton Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide global point of access to it

Factory Method Define an interface for creating an object, but let sub-class decide which

class to instantiate (class instantiation deferred to subclasses)

Builder Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that

the same construction process can create different representations

Prototype Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototype instance, and create

new objects by copying this prototype

See Additional Review Slides: https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/14614/pages/lecture-review-of-design-patterns?module_item_id=437271


The University of Sydney Page 49

Factory Method

– Intent

– Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class
to instantiate. Let a class defer instantiation to subclasses

– Also known as

– Virtual Constructor

– Applicability

– A class cannot anticipate the class objects it must create

– A class wants its subclasses to specify the objects it creates

– Classes delegate responsibility to one of several helper subclasses, and you
want to localize the knowledge of which helper subclass is the delegate

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Factory Method Pattern – Structure

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Factory Method Pattern – Participants

– Product

– Defines the interface of objects the factory method creates

– ConcreteProduct

– Implements the Product interface

– Creator

– Declares the factory method, which returns an object of type Product. Creator
may also define a default implementation of the factory method that returns a
default ConcreteProduct object

– May call the factory method to create a Product object

– ConcreteCreator

– Overrides the factory method to return an instance of a Concrete Product

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Abstract Factory

Object Creational

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Abstract Factory Pattern

– Intent

– Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects
without specifying their concrete classes

– Also known as

– Kit

– Applicability

– A system should be independent of how its products are created, composed and

– A system should be configured with one of multiple families of products

– Family of related product objects is designed to be used together and you need
to enforce this constraint

– You want to provide a class library of products, and you want to reveal just their
interfaces, not their implementation

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Abstract Factory

– Structure

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Abstract Factory Pattern – Participants

– AbstractFactory

– Declares an interface for operations that create abstract product objects

– ConcreteFactory

– Implements the operations to create concrete product objects

– AbstractProduct

– declares an interface for a type of product object

– ConcreteProduct

– defines a product object to be created by the corresponding concrete factory

– Implements the AbstractProduct interface

– Client

– uses only interfaces declared by AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct classes.

The University of Sydney Page 57

Abstract Factory – POS

– Problem

– Now we have a series of

adapters for all sorts of

different external services

– Who should be responsible

for creating the correct set?


getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems


getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems



getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems


postReceivable( CreditPayment )

postSale( Sale )


postReceivable( CreditPayment )

postSale( Sale )



postReceivable( CreditPayment )

postSale( Sale )





requestApproval(CreditPayment,TerminalID, MerchantID)

The University of Sydney Page 58

Abstract Factory – POS

– Suppose the POS is deployed in some stores in MA, we’ll need
– MATaxAdapter, GreatNorthenAccountingAdapter, …

– If it is deployed in CA, we’ll need
– CATaxAdapter, SAPAccountingAdapter

The University of Sydney Page 59

Abstract Factory – POS

– We need several factory objects each will be responsible for creating a set of

– A MAFactory which will create MATaxAdapter,
GreatNorthemAccountingAdapter and so on

– A CAFactory which will create CATaxAdapter, SAPAccountingAdapter
and so on

– Naturally we’ll have an abstraction which is an Abstract Factory

The University of Sydney Page 60

Abstract Factory – POS







class MAFactory{

public ITaxCalculatorAdapter makeTaxAdapter(){

return new MATaxAdapter();


public IAccountingAdapter makeAccountingAdapter(){

return new GreatNorthenAccountingAdapter();




class CAFactory{

public ITaxCalculatorAdapter makeTaxAdapter(){

return new CATaxAdapter();


public IAccountingAdapter makeAccountingAdapter(){

return new SAPAccountingAdapter();






ServiceFactory abstract class Serviceactory{

public abstract ITaxCalculatorAdapter makeTaxAdapter();

public abstract IAccountingAdapter makeAccountingAdapter();


The University of Sydney Page 61

Abstract Factory – Structure (NextGen POS

– AbstractFactory (ServiceFactory)

– declares an interface for operations that create
abstract products

– ConcreteFactory (MAFactory, CAFactory)

– implements the operations to create concrete
product objects

– AbstractProduct (IAccountingAdapter,

– declares an interface for a type of product object
– Product (MATaxAdapter, CATaxAdapter,


– defines a product object to be created by the
corresponding concrete factory

– implements the AbstractProduct interface
– Client (Store)

– uses interfaces declared by AbstractFactory and
AbstractProduct classes

The University of Sydney Page 62

Other Creational Patterns

Pattern Name Description

Abstract Factory Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects

without specifying their concrete classes

Singleton Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide global point of access to it

Factory Method Define an interface for creating an object, but let sub-class decide which

class to instantiate (class instantiation deferred to subclasses)

Builder Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that

the same construction process can create different representations

Prototype Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototype instance, and create

new objects by copying this prototype

See Additional Review Slides: https://canvas.sydney.edu.au/courses/14614/pages/lecture-review-of-design-patterns?module_item_id=437271


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Structural Patterns

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Structural Patterns

– How classes and objects are composed to form larger structures

– Structural class patterns use inheritance to compose interfaces or

– Structural object patterns describe ways to compose objects to realize new

– The flexibility of object composition comes from the ability to change the
composition at run-time

The University of Sydney Page 65

Structural Patterns (GoF)

Pattern Name Description

Adapter Allow classes of incompatible interfaces to work together. Convert the

interface of a class into another interface clients expect.

Façade Provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Defines a

higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.

Composite Compose objects into tree structures to represents part-whole hierarchies. Let

client treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly

Proxy Provide a placeholder for another object to control access to it

Decorator Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically (flexible

alternative to subclassing for extending functionality)

Bridge Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary


Flight weight Use sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently

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– Intent

– Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect

– Lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of
incompatible interfaces

– Applicability

– To use an existing class, and its interface does not match the one you need

– You want to create a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated or
unforeseen classes, i.e., classes that don’t necessarily have compatible interfaces

– Object adapter only to use several existing subclasses, but it’s unpractical to
adapt their interface by sub-classing every one. An object adapter can adapt
the interface of its parent class.

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Object Adapter – Structure

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Adapter – Participants

– Target

– Defines the domain-specific interface that Client uses

– Client

– Collaborates with objects conforming to the Target interface.

– Adaptee

– Defines an existing interface t hat needs adapting.

– Adapter

– Adapts the interface of Adaptee to the Target interface

– Collaborations

– Clients call operations on an Adapter instance. In turn, the adapter calls Adaptec
operations that carry out the request

The University of Sydney Page 73

Object Adapter – Consequences

– Lets a single Adapter work with many Adaptees – i.e., the Adaptee itself
and all of its subclasses (if any). The Adapter can also add functionality to all
Adaptees at once

– Makes it harder to override Adaptee behavior. It will require sub-classing
adaptee and making Adapter refer to the subclass rather than the Adaptee

The University of Sydney Page 75

Adapter in POS – Requirements

– Next Gen PoS system needs to

communicate with several external

third-party services

– Tax calculators, credit authorization

services, inventory systems,

accounting systems.

– Each has a different API and can not

be changed.


Manage Users

. . .





use case

communicationsystem boundary

Handle Returns




Tax Calculator





notation for

a computer

system actor

Process Rental


HR System

Cash In

Process Sale


Sales Activity


Manage Security

Analyze Activity

Outside the system boundary

and developed and maintained by third parties

The University of Sydney Page 77

Adapter in POS – Reality

– Consider the TaxCalculator services

– Suppose the POS system will be installed through out the country

– Each state has its own way of calculating and collecting tax

• California: 8.5% on almost everything

• Mass: 5% on most items except grocery

– Each state has its own TaxCalculator service (as a jar perhaps)

• California API: List getTaxes (List allItem)

• Mass API: Set computeTaxes (Set allItem)

The University of Sydney Page 78

Requirements – Business Rules

– Business rule (domain rule)

– Dictate how a domain orbusiness may operate

– Not restricted by a particular application

– May apply to many applications in the same domain

– Company policies, physical laws and government laws

– Example:

ID Rule Changeability Source

RULE1 Tax rules. Sales require

added taxes. (POS domain)

High. Tax laws change

annually, at all government



The University of Sydney Page 80

Adapter in POS – First Attempt

– Novice (straightforward) design of Sale.getTaxes method

List getTaxes (){

switch (state){

case CA:

CATax catax = new CATax();

List taxlineitem = catax.getTaxes (lineItems);


case MA:

MATax matax = new MATax();

List taxlineitem = new ArrayList(matax.computeTaxes (

new HashSet(lineItems))); // type conversion required



The University of Sydney Page 81

Adapter in POS – Solution

– How to make the Sale object decoupled from detailed Tax Calculation services

– Reason: Sale is interested in getting the tax for each taxable item, not how taxes are
calculated in different states

– Solution:

• Sale defines an interface to get results on taxes
– ITaxCalculatorAdapter

• Any Tax Calculation Service that does not use this interface needs to find a interpreter
(Adapter) to do the translation

– MassTaxAdapter, CATaxAdapter

The University of Sydney Page 82

Adapter in POS – Solution


getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems


getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems



getTaxes( Sale ) : List of TaxLineItems







class MassTaxAdapter{

private MATax matax = newMATax();

public List getTaxes (Sale sale){

Set salesLineItem = new HashSet


Set temSet = matax.computeTaxes(salesLineItem);

return new ArrayList(tempSet)





The University of Sydney Page 83

The new Sale class

class Sale{

List taxLineItem;

List getTaxes (){

ITaxCalculatorAdapter tca = …;

return tca.getTaxes(this);



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Façade Pattern

Object Structural

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Façade Pattern

– Intent

– Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. It defines a
higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use

– Applicability

– You want to provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem

– There are many dependencies between clients and the implementation classes
of an abstraction

– You want to layer your subsystem. Façade would define an entry point to each
subsystem level

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Façade Motivation

A facade object provides a single, simplified interface to the more general facilities of a


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Façade – Structure

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Façade – Participants

– Facade

– Knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request.

– Delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects.

– Subsystem classes

– Implement subsystem functionality.

– Handle work assigned by the Façade object

– Have no knowledge of the facade; they keep no references to it.

– Collaborations
– Clients communicate with the subsystem by sending requests to Façade, which forwards

them to the appropriate subsystem object(s).

• Although the subsystem objects perform the actual work, the façade may have to
do work of its own to translate its interface to subsystem interfaces

– Clients that use the facade don’t have to access its subsystem objects directly

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– Simplify the usage of an existing subsystem by defining your own interface

– Shields clients from subsystem components, reduce the number of objects that clients
deal with and make the subsystem easier to use.

– Promote weak coupling between the subsystem and the clients

– Vary the components of the subsystem without affecting its clients

– Reduce compilation dependencies (esp. large systems) – when subsystem classes change

– Does not prevent applications from using subsystem classes if they need to. Choice
between ease of use and flexibility.

The University of Sydney Page 97

Façade – NextGen POS

– Pluggable business rules in POS (iteration 2 requirements)

– Consider rules that might invalidate an action at certain point

– When a new sales is created:
• Business rule 1: if it will be paid by a gift card, only one item is allowed to

be purchased. Invalidate all requests of entering another item.

– When a payment is made by gift certificate:
• Business rule 2: balance should due back in another gift certificate.

Invalidate all requests of giving customer change either in cash or credit

The University of Sydney Page 98

Façade – NextGen POS Business Rules

– Each store that would deploy PoS system will have different business rules
implemented differently

– Not desirable to scatter the implementation of business rules all over the system

• Consequence: for each installation of POS system, need to modify lots of classes

– We want a design that has low impact on the existing software components.

• Factor out all rules in a separate subsystem to localize the change.

The University of Sydney Page 100

Façade in POS system

– Use an façade object POSRuleEngineFacade to communicate with the
business rule subsystem

– Façade object is usually implemented as Singleton

public class sale{

public void makeLineItem(ProductDescription desc, int quantity){

SalesLineItem sli = new SalesLineItem (desc, quantity);

// call to


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 flex Java database algorithm gui concurrency chain interpreter Software Construction & Design 1
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