[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 distributed system scheme flex database Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction and

Design 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Enterprise & GoF Design


School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

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– GoF Design Patterns

– State

– Service Oriented Architecture

– Web Services

– SOAP-based Services

– Representation State Transfer (REST)

– RESTful Services

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State Design Pattern


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State Design Pattern

– Object behavioral
– Object relationships which can be changed dynamically at run-time

– How a group of objects can collaborate to perform a task that no single
object can do alone

– Intent

– Allow an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes

– Think finite-state-machine

The University of Sydney Page 7

Motivating Scenario

– TCP network connection

– States: Established, Listening and Closed

– TCP connection responds based on its current state

The University of Sydney Page 8

State Pattern – When to Use

– The state of n object drives its behavior and change its behavior
dynamically at run-time

– Operations have large, multipart conditional statements that depend on the
object’s state

– Repeated conditional structure

The University of Sydney Page 9

State Pattern – Structure

By State_Design_Pattern_UML_Class_Diagram.png: JoaoTrindade (talk)Original uploader was JoaoTrindade at en.wikipediaderivative work: Ertwroc (talk) – State_Design_Pattern_UML_Class_Diagram.png, CC BY-SA 3.0,


The University of Sydney Page 10

State Pattern – Participants

– Context (TCPConnection)

– Defines the interface of interest to clients

– Maintains an instance of a ConcreteState subclass that defines the current state

– State (TCPState)

– Defines an interface for encapsulating the behavior associated with a certain
state of the Context

– ConcreteState subclasses (TCPEstablished, TCPListen, TCPClosed)
– Each subclass implements a behavior associated with a state of the Context

The University of Sydney Page 11

State Pattern – Collaborations

– Context delegates state-specific requests to the current ConcreteState

– A context may pass itself as an argument to the State object handling the
request, so the State object access the context if necessary

– Context is the primary interface for clients

– Clients can configure a context with State objects, so its clients don’t have to
deal with the State objects directly

– Either Context or the ConcreteState subclasses can decide which state
succeeds another and under what circumstances

The University of Sydney Page 12

State Pattern – Consequences

– Localizes state-specific behavior for different states

– Using data values and context operations make code maintenance difficult

– State distribution across different sub-classes useful when there are many states

– Better code structure for state-specific code (better than monolithic)

– It makes state transition explicit

– State transitions as variable assignments

– State objects can protect the context from inconsistent state

– State objects can be shared
– When the state they represent is encoded entirely in their type

The University of Sydney Page 13

State Pattern – Implementation (1)

– Defining the state transitions

– Let the state subclasses specify their successor state to make the transition

– Achieves flexibility – easy to modify and extend the logic

– Introduces implementation dependencies between subclasses

– Table-based state transitions
– Look-up table that maps every possible input to a succeeding state

– Easy to modify (transition data not the program code) but:

• Less efficient than a functional call

• Harder to understand the logic (transition criteria is less explicit)

• Difficult to add actions to accompany the state transitions

The University of Sydney Page 14

State Pattern – Implementation (2)

– When to create and destroy state objects?

– Pre-create them and never destroy them

• Useful for frequent state changes (save costs of re-creating states)

• Context must keep reference to all states

– Only when they are needed and destroyed them thereafter

• States are not known at run-time and context change states frequently

The University of Sydney Page 15

State Pattern – Implementation (3)

– Using dynamic inheritance
– Changing the object’s class at run-time is not possible in most OO languages

– Delegation-based languages allow changing the delegation target at run-time

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State Pattern – Code Example

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State Pattern – Code Example

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State Pattern – Code Example

– What is the output of StateDemo?

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State Pattern – Related Patterns

– Flyweight
– Explains when and how state objects can be shared

– Singleton
– State object is often implemented as Singleton

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Architecture (SOA)

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Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

“a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by

application components, through a communication protocol over a network” –

Wikipedia (May 2019)

– Paradigm, approach or style

– Can help to architect applications so that certain quality attributes are satisfied

– Services are the core of this approach

The University of Sydney Page 23

What Is A Service?

– A unit of abstracted functionality that can be accessed remotely

and consumed through abstract interface
– Logically represents a business activity/functionality with a specified


– Self-contained

– Abstracts implementation details

– May compose of one or more services

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A Service-based Application

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SOA – A Service-based Application




Credit Card


Supplier 2


Supplier 1


Shipper 2

Smart client app

Browser-based client

On-line retail

(J2EE/IIOP/JMS) Web Server






Shipper 1

– Building large-scale integrated

applications from services
– Specific enough to have clear focus

– Integration and communication

– Platform independence

– Abstracted from end users

– Reliability and robustness

– Avoid rewriting legacy code

The University of Sydney Page 26

SOA Principles

– Boundaries are explicit

– Services are external, crossing boundaries has costs and implications

– Services are autonomous

– May be outside your control, can change

– Share schema and contract

– Not classes and implementations

– Policy-based compatibility

– Requirements stated in policies, not in code

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Web Services

SOAP Services

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Web Services

– Relatively standardized mechanism by which one piece of software
application can connect and communicate with another using web protocols

– It provides a simple and open way of integrating functions or data from
various systems

– It can be used within an organization and/or across the public Internet

– At least two implementations: SOAP-based vs. RESTful services

– Original design of Web Services is very application-centric in contrast to
the resource-centric Web and REST style

COMP5347 Web Application Development

The University of Sydney Page 29

Web Service Specifications

– Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): a messaging protocol for transferring
information (XML format)

– Web Service Description Language (WSDL): A standard for describing Web
services (XML format)

– Interfaces, methods, parameters, request, response

– Generated and consumed by tools

– Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI): a registry and protocol
for publishing and discovering web services

– Like white, Yellow and Green ‘pages’

– Not really used

– Other specifications include Security, Privacy, Reliable Messaging, Transaction,

– Web service specifications are occasionally referred to collectively as WS-*

COMP5347 Web Application Development

The University of Sydney Page 30

Web Service – SOAP-based Services

– A component that offers services that can be accessed through messages that
follow some particular XML-based standards

– XML messages in the protocol

– XML definitions of services

– Pass around XML documents

– Building on other XML standards

– All ‘human readable’ (for some subset of ‘humans’)

– These messages may be carried over HTTP…

– Standards are managed through W3C

– Standardise only what goes on the wire

– No programming models or APIs

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– Sender

– Receiver

– Intermediary

– A receiver that then sends the message onwards

– Ultimate Receiver

– The receiver that actually provides the service

– Does not send the message on any further

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Web Services Consumption

– Find a service

– Find out how to call it

– What information it needs

– Where it is located

– Ask it to do something for you

– Invoke a service method

– And add a few useful services

– Transactions? Security? Reliability?

The University of Sydney Page 34

Calling A Service – SOAP

Envelope (Mandatory) –

Marks the start and end of a


Body (Mandatory) –

Data for the actual message

or document being sent

Header (Optional) –

General information about

message – e.g. authentication

and transaction management

– SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol!

– Originally simple remote procedure calls using XML-

formatted protocol

– Envelope, header, body

– Extensible protocol

• Add new header elements for new semantics

– Very widely accepted standard

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WSDL Structure

– WSDL Ports
– Describe the operations that can be performed and messages that

are involved

– WSDL Messages
– Describes the parts of a messages. A part can be seen as parameters

of a message

– WSDL Types
– Defines the data types of used by the web service

– WSDL Bindings
– Describes the message format and protocol details for each port

The University of Sydney Page 36

SOAP Example – Stock Quote
GET /StockQuote HTTP/1.1

Host: www.stockquoteserver.com

Content-Type: text/xml

Content-Length: nnnn

SOAPMethodName: Stock-Namespace-URI#GetLastTradePrice


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml

Content-Length: nnnn


The University of Sydney Page 37

WSDL Structure

definition of types……..

definition of a message….

definition of a port…….

definition of a binding….

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Publishing and Consuming a Service

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SOAP-based Services – Workflow

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SOAP Services – Performance Factors

– Processor time for XML encoding/decoding

– Is XML slower than binary alternatives?

– Number and size of msgs passed around
– Does verbosity cost performance?

– Proc time taken by transport protocols

– Network delays
– Switches, routers, …

– Others …

The University of Sydney Page 41

Web Services Stack

Connected Applications




Secure Reliable Transacted



Process …Devices Mobile

P2P EAI B2B Grid

The University of Sydney Page 42

Representation State

Transfer (REST), RESTful


The University of Sydney Page 43

Representation State Transfer (REST)

– Defined by Roy Fielding in his 2000 thesis

– REpresentational State Transfer (REST, “RESTful”)

– Web and agile developer community has been working on ways to make a

‘Web’ for programs rather than people

– Adopt ideas that make WWW successful, but suited to consumption by programs

rather than human readers

– “Web-friendly”: use web technologies in ways that match what the Web expects

The University of Sydney Page 44

REST – Architectural Style

– REST is an architectural style rather than a strict protocol

– REST-style architectures consist of clients and servers
– Requests and responses are built around the transfer of representations of resources

– A resource can be essentially any coherent and meaningful concept that
may be addressed

– A representation of a resource is typically a document that captures the
current or intended state of a resource

Based on Roy Fielding’s doctoral dissertation, rephrased by Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer

COMP5347 Web Application Development


The University of Sydney Page 45

REST – The Basic Idea

HTTP Client
(e.g. web browser)

Web Server Database

GET /book/222

POST /order

301 location: /order/612

PUT /order/612


FROM Books

WHERE isbn=222


INTO Orders …


WHERE id=612


[adapted from Cesare Pautasso, http://www.pautasso.info, 2008]

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REST – Stateless vs. Stateful


COMP5347 Web Application Development


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REST – Design Principles

1. Resource Identification through URI

2. Uniform Interface for all resources(HTTP verbs)

– GET (Query the state)

– PUT (Modify (or create)

– POST (Create a resource, with system choosing the identifier)

– DELETE (Delete a resource)

3. “Self-Descriptive” Messages through Meta-Data

4. Hyperlinks to define the application state

– Address the resources explicitly in the request message

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REST – Tenets

– Resource-based rather than service-oriented

– Addressability: interesting things (resources) should have names

– Statelessness: no stateful conversations with a resource

– Representations: a resource has state representation

– Links: resources can also contain links to other resources

– Uniform Interface: HTTP methods that do the same thing

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REST – Resources

– A resource is something “interesting” in your system

– Anything like Blog posting, printer, a transaction, others

– Requests are sent to URIs (“nouns”)

– Choosing the resources and their URIs is the central design decision for making a
RESTful service

– The operations (“verbs”) are always the same simple HTTP ones (“get”,
“post”, “put”) and they act as expected

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REST – Resource Representations

– We deal with representations of resources

– Not the resources themselves

• “Pass-by-value” semantics

– Representation can be in any format

• Representations like JSON or XML are good for Web-based

– Each resource has one or more representations

– Each resource implements the uniform HTTP interface

– Resources URIs

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REST – Resource Architecture

Physical Resources

Logical Resources

Uniform Interface
(Web Server)


(e.g. XML document)

(Web Client)

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REST – Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
– Internet Standard for resource naming and identification

– Examples:



– REST advocates the use of “nice” URIs…

– In most HTTP stacks URIs cannot have arbitrary length (4Kb)

URI Scheme Authority Path


The University of Sydney Page 55

REST – Resource URIs

– URIs should be descriptive?

– Convey some ideas about how the underlying resources are arranged

• http://spreadsheet/cells/a2,a9

• http://jim.webber.name/2007/06.aspx

– URIs should be opaque?

– Convey no semantics, can’t infer anything from them

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REST – Links

– Connectedness is good in Web-based systems

– Resource representations can contain other URIs

– Resources contain links (or URI templates) to other resources

– Links act as state transitions

– Think of resources as states in a state machine

– And links as state transitions

– Application (conversation) state is captured in terms of these states

– Server state is captured in the resources themselves, and their
underlying data stores

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REST – The HTTP Verbs

– Retrieve a representation of a resource: GET

– Get metadata about an existing resource: HEAD

– Create a new resource: PUT to a new URI,

or POST and the resource will get a new system-chosen URI

– Modify an existing resource: PUT to an

existing URI

– Delete an existing resource: DELETE

– See which of the verbs the resource

understands: OPTIONS

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Resource Types

– Most of the time we can differentiate between collection type of resources and
individual resource

– Revisions and revision

– Articles and article

– This can be nested and developers/architect often decide the nesting direction

– /movies/ForrestGump/actors/TomHanks

– /directors/AngLee/movies/LifeOfPi

COMP5347 Web Application Development

The University of Sydney Page 59

REST – Request URLs and Methods

Action URL path Parameters Example

Create new revision /revisions http://localhost:3000/revisions

Get all revisions /revisions http://localhost:3000/revisions

Get a revision /revisions revision_id http://localhost:3000/revisions/123

Update a revision /revisions revision_id http://localhost:3000/revisions/123

Delete a revision /revisions revision_id http://localhost:3000/revisions/123

COMP5347 Web Application Development

Request Method Use case Response

POST Add new data in a collection New data created

GET Read data from data source Data objects

PUT Update existing data Updated object

DELETE Delete an object NULL

The University of Sydney Page 60

Uniform Interface Principle (CRUD Example)


CREATE PUT (user chooses the URI) or POST

(system chooses the URI)

Initialize the state of a new resource

READ GET Retrieve the current state of a resource

UPDATE PUT Modify the state of a resource

DELETE DELETE Clear a resource; afterwards the URI is no longer


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GET Semantics

– GET retrieves the representation of a resource

– Should not affect the resource state (idempotent)

– Shared understanding of GET semantics

– Don’t violate that understanding!

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POST Semantics

– POST creates a new resource

– But the server decides on that resource’s URI

– Common human Web example: posting to a blog

–Server decides URI of posting and any comments made on that post

– Programmatic Web example: creating a new employee record

–And subsequently adding to it

The University of Sydney Page 63

POST Request and Response

– Request


Content-Type: application/xml

Host: localhost:8888

Content-Length: ….



Verb, path, and HTTP

Content type (XML)

Content (again XML)

– Response


Location: /orders/jwebber/ABCD/2007-07-08-13-50-53

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PUT Semantics

– PUT creates a new resource but the client decides on the URI

– Providing the server logic allows it

– Also used to update existing resources by overwriting them in-place

– Don’t use POST here

– Because PUT is idempotent!

The University of Sydney Page 65

PUT Request

PUT /orders/jwebber/ABCD/2007-07-08-13-50-53 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/xml

Host: localhost:8888

Content-Length: ….



Verb, path and HTTP

Updated content
(higher buy price)

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PUT Response

200 OK

Location: /orders/jwebber/ABCD/2007-07-080-13-50-53

Content-Type: application/xml

Minimalist response might
contain only status and location

The University of Sydney Page 67

DELETE Semantics

– Stop the resource from being accessible

– Logical delete, not necessarily physical

– Request

DELETE /user/jwebber HTTP/1.1

Host: example.org

– Response

200 OK

Content-Type: application/xml


This is important for
decoupling implementation

details from resources

The University of Sydney Page 68

HEAD Semantics

– HEAD is like GET, except it only retrieves metadata

– Request

HEAD /user/jwebber HTTP/1.1

Host: example.org

– Response

200 OK

Content-Type: application/xml

Last-Modified: 2007-07-08T15:00:34Z

ETag: aabd653b-65d0-74da-bc63-4bca-ba3ef3f50432

Useful for caching,

The University of Sydney Page 69

OPTIONS Semantics

– Asks which methods are supported by a resource

– Easy to spot read-only resources for example

– Request

OPTIONS /user/jwebber HTTP/1.1

Host: example.org

– Response

200 OK


You can only read and

add to this resource

The University of Sydney Page 70

HTTP Status Codes

– The HTTP status codes provide metadata about the state of resources

– They are part of what makes the Web a rich platform for building
distributed systems

– They cover five broad categories
–1xx – Metadata

–2xx – Everything’s fine

–3xx – Redirection

–4xx – Client did something wrong

–5xx – Server did a bad thing

– There are a handful of these codes that we need to know in more detail

The University of Sydney Page 71

REST Strengths

– Simplicity

– Uniform interface is immutable (harder to break clients)

– HTTP/XML is ubiquitous (goes through firewalls)

– Stateless/synchronous interaction

– More fault-tolerant

– Proven scalability

– “after all the Web works”, caching, clustered server farms for QoS

– Perceived ease of adoption (light infrastructure)

– just need a browser to get started -no need to buy WS-* middleware

– easy to use with any popular rapid-dev languages/frameworks

The University of Sydney Page 72

REST Weaknesses

– Mapping REST-style synchronous semantics on top of back end systems creates
design mismatches (when they are based on asynchronous messaging or event
driven interaction)

– Cannot yet deliver all enterprise-style “-ilities” that WS-* can

– SOAP services/WS-* provides extensive WS framework and extensions

– E.g., Security and transactions are well-supported in WS-*

– Challenging to identify and locate resources appropriately in all applications

– Semantics/Syntax description very informal (user/human oriented)

– Lack of tool support for rapid construction of clients

The University of Sydney Page 73

SOAP or RESTful Services

– Service-oriented Architectures can be implemented in different ways

– Focus should be on whatever architecture gets the job done and recognize the significant
value of open standards

– avoid being religious about any specific architectures or technologies

– SOAP and the family of WS-* specifications have their strengths and weaknesses and
will be highly suitable to some applications and positively terrible for others. Likewise
with REST.

– The decision of which to use depends entirely on the circumstances of the application.

The University of Sydney Page 74


– Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. 1995. Design
Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Pearson.

– Wikipedia, State Design Pattern, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_pattern

– “REST in Practice”, by Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis and Ian Robinson; O’Reilly

– “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures” by R.
Fielding (PhD thesis, 2000).

– Enterprise-Scale Software Architecture (COMP5348) slides

– Web Application Development (COMP5347) slides

– Wikipedia, List of Web Services Specifications.


The University of Sydney Page 75

W11 Tutorial: Practical


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 distributed system scheme flex database Software Construction & Design 1
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