[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 decision tree data mining database algorithm KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge:

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KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge:
Second Place Team

Dmitry Efimov
Moscow State University

Vorobievy Gory, 1
Moscow, Russia

[email protected]

Lucas Silva

Rua Lavras 894/101
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

[email protected]

Benjamin Solecki
175 S Madison Ave 12
Pasadena CA, 91101

[email protected]

This paper describes our submission to the KDD Cup 2013
Track 1 Challenge: Author-Paper Indentification in the Mi-
crosoft Academic Search database. Our approach is based
on Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) of Friedman ([5])
and deep feature engineering. The method was second in
the final standings with Mean Average Precision (MAP) of
0.98144, while the winning submission scored 0.98259.

Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.2.8 [Database Management]: Database Applications –
Data Mining; I.2.6 [Artificial Intelligence]: Learning

Algorithms, feature engineering, collaborative filtering, en-
sembling, decision trees, cross-validation

The goal of the Author-Paper Identification Challenge was
to predict whether an author has written a paper assigned
to them in the Microsoft Academic Search database (the de-
tailed description of the dataset can be found in [9]). Thus,
the task was a collaborative filtering task with a set of la-
beled training data and an unlabeled set of test data. We
interpreted this problem as a supervised machine learning
problem with a binary target function (1 – if a paper is writ-
ten by given author, 0 – otherwise). The huge size of the
provided database did not allow the of use many existing
methods. Our approach contains two main steps:

1. Deep features engineering.

2. Using the decision trees ensembling method named
Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) ([5]).

Note that boosting ensembling was proposed by Freund and
Schapire [4]. It builds base learners sequentially while em-

phasizing the hardest examples. It is achieved by the fol-
lowing weight updating rule. A set of weights is maintained
over the training data. Examples which have been misclas-
sified by the previous learner get their weights increased in
the next iteration. Consequently, harder examples possess
larger weights and have a higher possibility of being selected
for the current training [10].

Additional complexity in this challenge arose from the error
criterion (Mean Average Precision, or MAP) chosen by the

2.1 Feature classification
To generate features we looked at an author-paper graph
constructed from the dataset (fig. 1). The dataset can be
described in terms of a bipartite graph where each node rep-
resents an author or paper and each edge represents whether
an author has written a given paper. Thus, the problem
can be formulated as follows: define false edges in a bipar-
tite graph of authors and papers. Based on this graph we
have introduced the following classifications for generated

1. Author-based: calculated for authors only.

2. Paper-based: calculated for papers only.

3. Author-paper-based: calculated for author-paper pairs.

Features of the first type can be calculated only for individ-
ual authors and those of the second type only for individual
papers. Features of the last type can be calculated only for
author-paper pairs.

The author-based and paper-based features can be classified
as either primary or secondary features. To show the dif-
ference between primary and secondary types we consider
an example: suppose we have calculated an author-based
feature ”count papers” (number of published papers) and a
paper-based feature ”count keywords” (number of keywords
in paper). Based on these two we can calculate a secondary
author-based feature ”count author’s keywords” by calculat-
ing ”count keywords” for all papers of the given author and
taking the sum. The first two features are primary features,
derived directly from the dataset, while the last feature is
a secondary feature generated from two primary features of
different types.

Author 1 Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 3

Paper 4

Author 2

Author 3

Author 4

Author features Paper features

Author – paper


Figure 1: Author-paper graph for feature engineer-

2.2 Feature engineering: author-based features
We have divided author-based features into three groups:

1. Count features.

– count of different journals (conferences) where author
– count of all papers of the author;
– count of all coauthors;
– count of all keywords or distinct keywords in the au-
thor’s papers.

2. NLP features.

The titles and keywords of many papers were given in
Microsoft’s dataset, allowing us to use Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) for feature generation. For
each paper we united the keyword and title field and
removed duplicated and rare (occurring in less than 30
papers) words. All author-based NLP features were
based on the term frequency – inverse document fre-
quency (tf-idf) measure ([8]). The term frequency (tf)
measure is the number of times each term (word) oc-
curs in each document. The inverse document fre-
quency (idf) measure is the weight of each term with
respect to its frequency in the whole set of documents.
And so the tf-idf measure is the sum of all terms of
the tf measure multiplied by the idf measure. We had
to modify the definition of the tf measure because in
the vast majority of papers each word occurred only
one time in the title and keyword field. We give formal
definitions of tf, idf and tf-idf measures below:

Definition 1. tf =

, where Np is a number of

words in the paper.

Definition 2. idf = log



, whereN is a number

of papers, Nw is a number of papers where the word
is occured.

Examples of author-based NLP features:
– tf-idf measure by all author’s keywords with respect

to the author’s papers (N is the number of author’s
– tf-idf measure by all author’s keywords with respect
to all Microsoft dataset papers (N is the total number
of papers in the dataset).

3. Multiple source features. We noticed that in the
Microsoft dataset there are a lot of duplicated records
(with the same author id and paper id). We had in-
terpreted this as being the result of multiple sources
from which Microsoft obtained their data. Further in
the paper we will discuss features calculated from such
sources of information. In our approach to feature en-
gineering we also used the fact that there are some du-
plicated authors (the same author with multiple ids)
and duplicated papers (the same paper with multiple
ids). To find duplicated authors we used our algorithm
from the ”KDD Cup 2013 Track 2 – Author Disam-
biguation” challenge (see our paper from Track 2 with
algorithm description). To find duplicated papers we
grouped all papers based on title (when the title was
not empty) and assigned the minimum id for all papers
in a group. We refer to such duplicated authors and
papers as author duplicates and paper duplicates.

Examples of author-based multuple source features.
– number of author duplicates for each author;
– number of times papers are missing among all papers
of the author and the author’s duplicates (if the paper
assigned to the author we looked at all author’s du-
plicates and checked how many author’s duplicates do
not have this paper assigned to them);
– binary feature (1: if current author id is the highest
(lowest) of all the author’s duplicate ids).

2.3 Feature engineering: paper-based features
Paper-based features can be classified as follows:

1. Count features.

– count of authors of the paper;
– count of papers in the same journal (conferences);
– count of authors in the same journal (conferences);
– count of keywords in the paper.

2. NLP features.

Examples of paper-based NLP features:
– tf-idf measure of paper’s keywords with respect to all
journal’s (conferences’s) papers (N in Definition 2 is a
number of papers in the same journal (conference));
– tf-idf measure of paper’s keywords with respect to all
Microsoft dataset papers (N in Defintion 2 is the total
number of papers in the dataset).

3. Multiple source features.

– binary feature (1: if the current paper id is the high-
est (lowest) of all the paper’s duplicate ids);
– number of (distinct) paper duplicates.

4. Additional features.

This class of features was obtained by a method of re-
verse feature engineering. The idea of this method is

the following:

(a) Make a cross-validation prediction on the training
set using chosen algorithm (in our case, GBM).

(b) Extract samples of training set which are pre-
dicted incorrectly.

(c) Construct different statistics based on the incor-
rectly predicted samples.

(d) Create features that can classify ”bad” samples to
the correct class.

Example of additional features:
– paper type (0: if the paper was published to a con-
ference, 1: if paper was published in journal);
– year of paper;
– binary feature (1: if keywords (title, year) field for
the paper is not empty);
– categorical feature: discretized ratio of the number of
papers in correct conferences (with positive conference
id) to the total number of papers;
– categorical feature: discretized ratio of the number
of papers in correct journals (with positive journal id)
to the total number of papers.

2.4 Feature engineering: author-paper-based

In contrast to author-based and paper-based features which
describe the nodes of the author-paper bipartite graph, the
author-paper-based features describe the graph edges. As
the constructed model is aimed to predict false edges, this
group of features was the most important in our model. We
classified them as follows:

1. Mutliple source features.

– number of times the author-paper pair appeared in
the Microsoft dataset (based on this feature we con-
structed a similar feature from only the pairs where
the author had a non-empty affiliation);
– number of (distinct) repeated words from author’s
name among the other authors of the paper;
– target of author’s duplicates (using KDD Cup Track
2 results we looked for the author’s duplicate as a coau-
thor and checked if the target variable is given in the
training data for this duplicate; the value of the fea-
ture is this known target value);
– number of author-paper records for all of the author’s
and the paper’s duplicates.

2. Count features.

– number of papers in the same journal (conference)
written by authors of the same affiliation;
– number of papers with the same coauthors (we also
calculated this feature based on papers with non-empty
keywords and based on a dataset with paper duplicates
– number of papers written by the coauthors where the
author’s duplicates was not one of the authors;
– number of keywords in papers written by the coau-

– number of common words in the websites or titles
of the journals (conferences) (this feature is calculated
based on all papers of all coauthors, we also used a
cleaning procedure to extract meaningful pieces of jour-
nals’ and conferences’ websites);
– number of author’s papers of the same year;
– number of unique author’s keywords (keywords that
appeared only in that paper);
– number of frequent author’s keywords (keywords that
appeared in other papers of the author);
– number of coauthors with the same affiliation;
– number of papers of the same author in the same
journal (conference) (modifications of this feature in-
cluded counting the number of papers with non-empty
titles, non-empty keywords or correct year of publica-

3. Likelihood features.

Definition 3. The likelihood ratio of target variable
y with respect to feature xi is a probability function

P (θ) = P (y = 1|xi = θ),

where θ ∈ Θ and Θ is the set of possible values of
feature xi.

The initial idea was to use likelihood ratios to generate
new features for our machine learning algorithm. Un-
fortunately, this approach does not work in many cases
(particularly, if there are a lot of samples with unique
values xi). An example of successfull application of
likelihood ratios can be found in [2].

Let A be the set of authors, Ω be the set of values of
journals (optionally conference, year or affiliation). To
construct likelihood features and avoid overfitting we
generated the shrunken likelihood. The main idea of
this method is to find likelihood in the form:

ω,a = αPω + (1− α)Pω,a, (1)

where ω ∈ Ω, a ∈ A, Pω is a global likelihood of papers
in the journal (total confirmed rate in the journal),
Pω,a is an author-journal likelihood (confirmed rate
of author’s papers in the journal), P sω,a is a shrunken
likelihood. This equation (1) can be transformed to:

ω,a = Pω,a + α(Pω − Pω,a). (2)

To find the coefficient α we applied a mixed-effects
model with likelihood Pω,a as a target variable (lme4
package in R). The detailed description of mixed-effects
models can be found in [6]. To use the mixed-effects
model we have to rewrite formula (2) as follows:

Pω,a = E(Pω,a) + α(Pω − Pω,a), (3)

where E(Pω,a) is a mean of Pω,a. Then the second
term in the right-hand side of formula (3) represents
random effects which can be predicted using mixed-
effects model. As we need to predict α in formula
(3) the coefficients (Pω − Pω,a) can be interpreted as
weights in the mixed-effects model. To implement the
described idea we used the following algorithm.

(a) Calculate log-likelihoods for each author a ∈ A
and journal ω ∈ Ω:

ω,a =


∗ log(1 +Nω,a),

ω,a =


∗ log(1 +Nω,a),

where P posω,a , P
ω,a are log-likelihoods, N

ω,a is the

number of confirmed papers of author a in journal
ω, Nnegω,a is the number of deleted papers of author
a in journal ω, and Nω,a is a number of all papers
of author a in journal ω.

(b) Calculate weightsWω,a = Pω−Pω,a for the mixed-
effects model (3):

Wω,a = (P
ω − P

ω,a ) + (P

ω − P

ω,a )

In this formula P posω =


P posω,a , P
ω =


Pnegω,a .

(c) Calculate log-likelihood for journal ω and author

Pω,a =


P posω,a − P posω,a


(d) Take unique pairs (Pω,a, Wω,a) and feed them to
the linear mixed-effects algorithm (package lme4
in R) using the calculated Pω,a as the target func-
tion and Wω,a as weights. This gives the modified
likelihood features.

4. Additional features.

Like section 2.3, this class of features was obtained by
a reverse feature engineering method.

– percentage of the paper’s authors with the same af-
– percentage of common affiliation words among the
paper’s authors;
– year rank feature (first year of publishing for the au-
thor is coded as 1, second year as 2 and so on);
– binary feature (1: if the author’s names in all tables
of Microsoft dataset are the same);
– binary feature (1: if the author’s affiliations in all
tables of Microsoft dataset are the same).

2.5 Mean Average Precision as a loss function
The organizers of the KDD Cup Track 1 challenge have cho-
sen Mean Average Precision (MAP) as a loss function. The
MAP metric is analogous to the Area Under Curve (AUC)
metric for ranking problems. It can be defined as the average
of areas under the precision-recall curve (average precision).

Definition 4. Average precision

AveP =


(P (k)× rel(k))


where N is the number of samples (author-paper pairs),
Npos is the number of confirmed samples, P (k) is the preci-
sion at cut-off k, rel(k) is an indicator function equal to 1 if
the sample at rank k is confirmed, 0 otherwise.

2.6 Model
During many experiments we found that the gain from en-
sembling was minimal (less than 2%) in this challenge. Rather
than ensembling various algorithms we decided to concen-
trate on deep feature engineering and use Gradient Boosting
Machine (GBM) with Bernoulli distribution (package gbm
in R) as our main algorithm. The detailed description of
this method can be found in [5]. GBM algorithm uses a
large number of small decision trees; the weights of each
decision tree are found using the gradient descent optimiza-
tion method. We chose our set of parameters (shrinkage,
number of trees, interaction depth) by implementing grid
search in the parameter space. Interestingly, the ranking al-
gorithms we tried (such as LambdaRank [1], LambdaMART
[7], RankBoost [3]) produced a worse MAP score than GBM
with Bernoulli distribution.

Using a combination of deep feature engineering and GBM
we finished second in the final standings with an MAP of
0.98144. The winning submission score 0.98259.

Our approach of deep feature engineering seemed to work
very well for this problem and may be promising for other
like it. The idea of feature classification based on the bi-
partite author-paper graph can give new ideas in feature
engineering. One could also investigate the author-paper
graph from the graph theory point of view. As an example,
new features obtained from graph topology (by looking at
different graph characteristics such as density or clustering
coefficients) may ultimately improve prediction accuracy.

Thanks to Kaggle, Microsoft Academic Search and KDD for
hosting, creating and supporting this competition.

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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 decision tree data mining database algorithm KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge:
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