[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 data structure Java database gui compiler algorithm interpreter Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction & Design 1

The University of Sydney Page 1

Software Construction and

Design 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Advanced Design Patterns

(GoF & Enterprise)

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

The University of Sydney Page 2

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– GoF Design Patterns

– Visitor

– Template Method

– Model-View-Controller

– Page Controller

– Template View

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Visitor Design Pattern


Object Behavioural

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Motivation – A Compiler

– A compiler represents programs as abstract

syntax trees

– Operations like type-checking, variable

assignment and code generation

– Different classes (nodes) for different statements

(e.g., assignment statement, arithmetic


– Discuss: is this a good design? Why/why not?

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Motivation – A Compiler

– Problems:

– Operations are distributed across various

node classes

• Difficult to understand, maintain and

change design

– Add new operations will require

recompiling all of the classes

• Difficult to extend

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A Compiler Application – Improved Design

– .

Node Hierarchy
Node Visitor Hierarchy

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Visitor Pattern – Class Hierarchies

– Node Hierarchy
– For the elements being operated on

– Node Visitor Hierarchy
– For the visitors that define operations on the elements

– To create a new operation, add a new subclass to the visitor


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Visitor Pattern – How it Works

– Group set of related operations from each class in a separate object


– Pass this object to elements of the syntax tree as it is traversed

– An element accepts the visitor to be able to send request to (element passed

as an argument)

– The visitor will run the operation for that element

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Visitor Pattern

– Object behavioral

– Intent:
– Modify a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it


– Applicability:
– You want to perform operations on objects that depend on their concrete classes

– You want to avoid mixing many distinct unrelated objects’ operations in an object

structure with their classes

– The classes that define the object structure rarely change, but often it is needed to

define new operations over the structure

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Visitor Pattern – Structure

By Translated German file to English, CC BY 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52845911

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Visitor Pattern – Participants

– Visitor (NodeNisitor)
– Declares a Visit operation for each class of ConcreteElement in the object structure

– Classes identified by the operation’s name and signature

– ConcreteVisitor (TypeCheckVistor)
– Implement each operation declared by Visitor

– Each operation implements a fragment of the algorithm defined for the

corresponding class of object in the structure

– Element (Node)
– Defines an “Accept” operation that takes a visitor as an argument

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Visitor Pattern – Participants

– ConcereteElement (AssignmentNode,VariableRefNode)
– Implements Accept operation (visitor as argument)

– ObjectStructure (Program)
– Can enumerate its elements

– May either be composite or a collection

– May provide an interface to allow the visitor to visit its elements

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Visitor Pattern – Collaboration

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Visitor Pattern – Benefits

– Easy way to add new operations
– Add a new Visitor

– Gather related behaviors (algorithms defined in the Visitors)
– Specific data structure can be hidden in the visitor

– Visiting across class hierarchies
– It can visit object structures with different types of elements (unlike iterator)

– State accumulation in the object structure
– Otherwise, pass the state as an argument to the operations or declare it as global


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Visitor Pattern – Drawbacks

– Violating encapsulation
– It may enforce using public operations that access an element’s internal state

– Difficult to add new concrete element classes
– Adding new Concrete Element requires adding new abstract operation on Visitor

and a corresponding implementation in every Concrete Visitor
• Exception: default implementation to be provided or inherited by most Concrete Visitors

– Consider the likelihood to change the algorithm applied over an object structure or

classes of objects that make up the structure

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Visitor Example – Element Implementation

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Visitor Example – Visitor Implementation

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Visitor Example – Client Implementation

– What is the output of this code?

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Visitor – Implementation (1)

– Each object structure will be associated with a Visitor (abstract class)
– Declares VisitConcreteElement for each class of ConcreteElements defining the object


– Visit operation declares a particular ConcreteElemnt as its argument to allow the

visitor to access the interface of ConcreteElement directly

– ConcreteVistor classes override each visit operation to implement visitor-specific


– ConcreteElement classes implement their Accept operation that calls the

matching Visit operation on the Visitor for that ConcreteElement

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Visitor – Implementation (2)

– Double dispatch
– The execution of an operation depends on the kind of request and the types of two


– Visitor pattern allows adding operations to classes without changing them

through the Accept method which is double dispatch

– Accept method depends on Visitor and Element types which let visitors request

different operations on each class of element

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Visitor – Implementation (3)

– Traversing the object structure; a visitor must visit each element of the object

structure – How?

– Can be a responsibility of
– Object structure: a collection iterates over its elements calling the Accept operation

on each (use Composite)

– Separate iteration object: using an Iterator to visit the elements

• Internal operator will call an operations on the visitor with an element as an

argument (not using double dispatching)

– Visitor:implement the traversal logic in the Visitor

• Allows to implement particularly complex traversal

• Code duplication

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Visitor – Related Patterns

– Composite
– The composite pattern can be used to define an object structure over which

a Visitor can iterate to apply an operation

– Interpreter
– Visit or may be applied to do the interpretation

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Template Method Pattern


Class behavioural

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Motivating Scenario

– Application framework

– Application opens existing documents stored in external format

– Document represents the document’s info once its read

– Sub-classing:
– SpreadsheetDocument and

SpreadsheetApplication are

Spreadsheet Application

– OpenDocument() to define the

algorithm for opening and

reading a document (Template


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Motivating Scenario – Template Method

– A template method defines abstract operations (algorithm) to be concretely

implemented by subclasses

– Application sub-classes
– Some steps of the algorithm (e.g., for CanOpenDocument() and DoCreateDocument())

– Document sub-classes
– Steps to carry on the operation (e.g., DoRead() to read the document)

– Let sub-classes know when something is about to happen in case they care
– E.g., AboutToOpenDocument()

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Template Method Pattern

– Class behavioral

– Intent
– Let subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure

– Applicability
– Implement invariant parts of an algorithm once and let subclasses implement the varying


– Common behavior among subclasses to reduce code duplication (“refactoring to generalize”)

– Control subclasses extensions

• Template method calls hook operations at specific points

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Template Method Pattern – Structure

– .

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Template Method – Participants and Collaboration

– AbstractClass (Application)
– Defines abstract primitive operations

– Implement a template method defining an algorithm’s skeleton

– The template method calls primitive operations and AbstractClass’ operations

– ConcreteClass (MyApplication)
– Implements the primitive operations to perform sub-class specific steps of the


– Relies on Abstract class to implement invariant algorithm’s steps

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Template Method – Consequences

– Code reuse (e.g., class libraries)

– Inverted control structure (“the Hollywood principle” – “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”

– Template methods can call:
– Concrete operations (ConcreteClass or client classes)

– Concrete AbstractClass operations

– Primitive (abstract) operations (must be overridden)

– Factory methods

– Hook operations
• Provides default behavior that subclass can extend if needed

• Often does nothing by default, subclass override it to extend its behavior

– Subclasses must know which operations are designed for overriding (hook or


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Template Method Pattern – Implementation

– Minimize primitive operations a subclass must override
– More primitive operations can increase client’s tasks

– Naming conventions to identify operations that should be overridden
– E.g., MacApp framework (Macintosh applications) prefixes template method names

with “Do” (DoRead, DoCreateDocument)

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Template Method Pattern – Related Patterns

– Factory
– Template Methods often call Factory Methods

– e.g., DoCreateDocument called by OpenDocument

– Strategy
– Strategy vary the entire algorithm using delegation

– Template method vary part of an algorithm using inheritance

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Model View Controller

Enterprise (Web) Application

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Model View Controller (MVC)

– “Splits user interface interaction into three distinct roles”

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MVC – How it Works

– Model
– An object represent information about the domain

– E.g., customer object

– View
– Representation of the model (data) in the UI

– UI widget or HTML page rendered with info from the


– Controller
– Handle user interactions, manipulate the model and update

the view accordingly

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MVC – When to Use it

– MVC separate the presentation from the model and the controller from the


– Benefits of separating the presentation from the model:
– Separation of concerns (UI design vs. business policies/database interactions)

– Multiple different views based on the same model

– Easier to test the domain logic without irrespective to UI

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MVC – View and Model

– Dependencies
– The presentation depends on the model but not vice-versa

– Maintain the presentation without changing the model

– Discuss:

– What design consequences that might arise from the

dependency of the presentation on the model? How to

addressed it?

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MVC – View and Model

– Dependencies
– The presentation depends on the model but not vice-versa

– Maintain the presentation without changing the model

– Discuss:

– What design consequences that might arise from the dependency of the

presentation on the model? How to addressed it?

– Several presentations of a model on multiple windows/UIs. If the user makes

changes to the model through one of the presentations, this should be

reflected in the other presentations

– Use the Observer pattern (GoF); presentation is observer of the model

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MVC –View and Controller

– Separation/dependency is less important

– Can be designed/implemented differently
– One view and two controllers to support “editable” and “non-editable”


• Controllers as Strategies (GoF) for the view

– In practice, one controller per view

– Web interfaces help popularizing the separation

– Some GUI frameworks combine view and controller but led to confusion

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MVC – Page Controller

“An object that handles a request for a specific page or action on a

Web site”

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Page Controller – How It works

– One module on the Web server act as the controller for each page on the

Web site (ideally)

– With dynamic content different pages might be sent, controllers link to

each action (e.g., click a link or button)

– Page controller can be structured as a script (e.g., servlet) or as a server

page (e.g., PHP, JSP)

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Page Controller – Responsibilities

– Decode the URL and extract form data for the required request action

– Create and invoke any model objects to process the data

– Decide which view to display the result page and forward model

information to it

– Invoke helper objects to help in handling a request
– Handlers that do similar tasks can be grouped in one (reduce code


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Page Controller – When to Use it

– Whether to use Page Controller or Front Controller?

– Page controller works particularly where most URLs can be handled with a

server page or script, and more complex ones with helper objects

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Page Controller – Example

– Simple display with a servlet Controller and a JSP view in Java
– http://www.thingy.com/recordingApp/artist?name=danielaMercury

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Page Controller – Example

– Mapping incoming requests (URLs) to corresponding controllers

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Page Controller – Example

– Class controller for handling /artist requests

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MVC – Template View

– “Renders information into HTML by embedding markers in an

HTML page”

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Template View – Embedding the Markers

– HTML-like tags which will be treated differently (e.g., XML)

– Using special text markers not recognised by HTML editor but easier to

understand and maintain

– Server pages (ASP, JSP, EJS) allows to embed programming logic (known

as scriplets)

– Not easy to understand when it becomes complex (programming logic +


– E.g., conditional display, iteration

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Template View – Helper Objects

– Helper objects can be used to handle the programming logic where


– This can simplify the views by having those markers to be replaced with

dynamic content

– E.g., conditions and iterations logic in the helper object and called from the

template view

– Developers can focus on the logic (helper objects) and designers on the

views (template view)

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MVC – Web Application



Application/Web Server

Controller Models




DB Server



HTTP responses

Forward requests to

appropriate controller

– Example of MVC design for Web application using Node.js/Express.js

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MVC – Full Workflow (Example Node.js/Express.js)

Router Controller Model Database

1. Request comes

into application

2. Request gets

routed to controller

3. Controller may send

request to model for data

4. Model may need to talk

to a data source (database)

to manipulate data

6. Model responds

to controller
5. Data source sends

result back to model

7. Controller pass

data to view

8. View generate

HTTP response and

sends back to client

• Data base related code should be put in model layer

• Controller should not have knowledge about the actual database

• Modularity allows easy switching between technologies

• e.g. different view templates, different database management systems



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– Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.
1995. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

– Martin Fowler (With contributions from David Rice, Matthew Foemmel,
Edward Hieatt, Robert Mee, and Randy Stafford). 2003. Patterns of
Enterprise Applications Architecture. Pearson.

– Alexander Shevts, Dive into Design Patterns. ebook

– Web Application Development (COMP5347) slides

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W9 Tutorial: Practical


W9 Lecture: Enterprise Design


Design Pattern Assignment


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 data structure Java database gui compiler algorithm interpreter Software Construction & Design 1
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