[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 CGI Java javascript COMP284 Practical 3

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COMP284 Practical 3
Perl (3)


• This practical contains further exercises that are intended to familiarise you with Perl Pro-
gramming. While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those of
your fellow students and ask for help and comments if required.

• This document can be found at


and you might proceed more quickly if you cut-and-paste code from that PDF file. Note
that a cut-and-paste operation may introduce extra spaces into your code. It is important
that those are removed and that your code exactly matches that shown in this worksheet.

• The exercises and instructions in this worksheet assume that you use the Department’s
Linux systems to experiment with Perl.

If you want to use the Department’s Windows systems and our Perl installation on Windows
instead, then you can do so.

• To keep things simple, we will just use a text editor, a terminal and a web browser. You
can use whatever text editor and web browser you are most familiar or comfortable with.

• If you do not manage to get through all the exercises during this practical session, please
complete them in your own time before the next practical takes place.


1. Let us start by creating a first CGI script using Perl.

a. Create a directory

and make sure that public_html and cgi-bin are both readable and executable by
everyone using the command

chmod -R a+rx $HOME/public_html

in a terminal.

b. Open a text editor and enter the following Perl code:


# Author:

# My first CGI Perl script.

use CGI qw(:all);

print header;

foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
print “The value of $key is $ENV{$key}”, br(), “


c. Save the code to a file named demo1 in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/.



d. Open a terminal, go to the directory in which the file has been stored, make the file
demo1 executable for everyone, but only readable and writable by yourself, using

chmod a+x demo1; chmod og-rw demo1

and execute the Perl script using the command

Check that there are no syntax errors and that the script produces some output.
This should become standard practice for you. CGI scripts that contain syntax errors
produce no meaningful output or error messages when accessed using a web browser
(as we will do in exercise 1e). So, always assure yourself first that there are no syntax
errors before accessing one of your scripts via the web.

e. Now open a web browser and access the URL

http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ /demo1

where is your user name.

f. Make sure that both exercise 1d and 1e produce output. Compare the output. Why do
exercise 1d and 1e produce different output?

2. Let us move on to a slightly more complicated CGI script.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following Perl code:


use CGI qw(:all);

use LWP::Simple qw(get);

print header, “

start_html({-title=>’URL retrieval’,

-author=>’ ’}), “

if (param(’URL’)) {

print h1(“Environment variables”), br(), “

foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
print “The value of $key is $ENV{$key}”, br(), “


print h1(“Parameters”), br(), “

foreach $key (param()) {
print “The value of $key is “,param($key), br(), “


print h1(“Content of “.param(’URL’)), “

# Retrieve URL here and assign it to $text
print $text, br(), “


print h1(“URL retrieval”), “

print start_form({-method=>”POST”,

-action=>”http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ /demo2″});

print “URL: “;

print textfield({-name=>’URL’,


-size=>200}), “

print br(), “

print submit({-name=>’submit’,

-value=>’Process’}), “

print end_form, end_html;

Replace and with your own e-mail address and user

b. This script uses the LWP::Simple module. Have a look at the description of this module


Try to find a function that can be used to fetch a document identified by a given URL.
At the point indicated in the code above, use that function to retrieve the document
identified by the URL param(’URL’) and store it in $text.

c. Save the code to a file named demo2 in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/.

d. Open a terminal, go to the directory in which the file has been stored, make the file
executable for everyone, but only readable and writable by yourself, and execute the
Perl script using the command ./demo2. Check that there are no syntax errors and that
the script produces HTML markup as output.

e. Now open a web browser and access the URL

http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ /demo2

where is your user name.
You should see an HTML form that allows you to enter a URL.

f. Enter the URL below into the textfield of the form and press the submit button (labelled


You should now be shown a different page that displays the values of environment
variables and parameters as well as the contents of the document available at the URL
above, and the same HTML form at the bottom of the page.
How does this work?

g. The text stored in $text obviously contains HTML markup. Modify the line

print $text, br(), “

in demo2 so that the content of $text is shown verbatim, including the HTML markup.
Hint: CGI.pm has a function escapeHTML that can help with that. But it does not
preserve line breaks and whitespace. Some extra work is required for that.

h. Modify demo2 with code that extracts the names from $text and stores them in an
array @strings.

i. Add the following code to demo2, right after the code you have created in exercise 2h.

%count = ();

foreach $string (@strings) {


foreach $key (keys %count) {
print $key, “: “, $count{$key}, br(), “




j. Make sure that exercises 2h and 2i lead to the correct result for the URL in 2f.

k. Modify the code in 2i so that the output produced by the second foreach-loop is a two-
dimensional HTML table of the form below. Ideally the names are sorted according
the number of occurrences. Use CGI.pm HTML shortcuts.

Name count
Name No of occurrences
Andreas Schoknecht 4
Torsten Ullrich 3

Hint 1: You either have to import additional HTML shortcuts start_table and end_table
that allow you to produce an opening table tag and a closing table tag, respectively, or
you have to first construct an array that contains all the table rows before you can use
the HTML shortcut table.
Hint 2: Use Perl’s sort function to sort the list of keys of %count according the values
stored in %count.

3. The Perl CGI script in exercise 2 used a form with only a single text field. In the following
we work on a Perl CGI script with a more complex form.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following Perl code:


use CGI qw(:all);

print header, “

start_html({-title=>’My HTML Form’,

-author=>’ ’}), “

if (param(’submit’)) {

print h1(“Environment variables”), “

foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
print “The value of $key is $ENV{$key}”, br(), “


print h1(“Parameters”), “

foreach $key (param()) {
print “The value of $key is “,param($key), br(), “



print h1(“Form”), “

print start_form({-method=>”GET”,

-action=>”http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ /demo3″});

print “User name: “;

print textfield({-name=>’username’,


-size=>100}), “

print br(), “


print submit({-name=>’submit’,

-value=>’Click for response’}), “

print end_form, end_html;

Replace and with your own e-mail address and user

b. Save the code to a file named demo3 in $HOME/public_html/cgi-bin/.

c. Open a terminal, go to the directory in which the file has been stored, make the file
executable for everyone, but only readable and writable by yourself, and execute the
Perl script using the command ./demo3. Check that there are no syntax errors and that
the script produces HTML markup as output.

d. Now open a web browser and access the URL

http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/ /demo3

where is your user name.
You should see an HTML form that allows you to enter a user name.

e. Enter you own user name and press the submit button. Just as with the Perl CGI
script in exercise 2 you are transferred to a different page that displays the value of
environment variables and parameters as well as the same HTML form at the bottom
of the page.
In contrast to the script in exercise 2 the current script uses the GET request method
instead of the POST request method. What is the difference?

f. The line


print “The value of $key is “,param($key), br(), “

makes the script susceptible to cross-site scripting: Printing out param($key) incorpo-
rates whatever the user has entered into the text field of the form. This may include
dangerous JavaScript code. We should either validate that this is not the case before
printing out param($key) or be more careful with the way we print the user’s input.
For the moment, adopt the approach taken in Exercise 2g. In your own time, read


for a more detailed discussion of the problem and possible solutions.

g. Modify demo3 so that in addition to a user name the form also allows you to enter your
first name(s) and your surname. Do it in such a way that the associated parameters
will be ‘firstname’ and ‘surname’.
Furthermore, add a CGI.pm HTML shortcut that displays the user name, first name,
and surname in the page that is produced by processing the form input.
Test your solution with various names. In particular, try surnames like O’Donnell and
van Eijk and observe how these are presented in the environment variables versus

h. Modify demo3 so that the string associated with the ‘surname’ is converted to upper-
Add another CGI.pm HTML shortcut that displays the converted surname in the page
that is produced by processing the form input.

i. Modify demo3 so that users of Microsoft Internet Explorer will receive the message
‘Change to a better browser’ instead of the HTML form page.
Hint: Take a look at




to see what values the environment variable HTTP_USER_AGENT might take for various
versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

j. Modify demo3 so that only requests that come from a PC within the department (or the
university) are answered. All other requests should result in an empty HTML page or
an error message.

k. Modify demo3 so that the user can use the HTML form to indicate which degree pro-
gramme he/she is studying (among the programmes G400, G401, G402, G403, G490,
G491, G500, G501, G502, G503, G610, G611, G700, G701, N300). Use radio buttons
to do so.
The page produced by processing the HTML form should indicate which programme
the user is studying.

l. The radio buttons in exercise 3k take up quite a lot of space, a popup menu would be
more ‘space efficient’. Modify demo3 so that instead of radio buttons a popup menu is
used for the selection of a degree programme.

m. Modify demo3 so that a count is kept that is increased with each consecutive ‘call’ of
the page and displayed on the results page.
Hint: A hidden field might be the easiest way of doing this.

4. Write a Perl script that takes an arbitrary sequence of numbers as input, plus an option
–op= where is one of ‘*’ or ‘+’, computes as result the product or sum of the
number sequence, and displays that result.

./myprog –op=’+’ 1 2 3 4 returns 10
./myprog –op=’*’ 2 3 4 returns 24




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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 CGI Java javascript COMP284 Practical 3
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