[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 case study Excel database FIT9132 Introduction to databases

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FIT9132 Introduction to databases
Assignment 1: Normalisation

Due date: Monday 3-April-2017, 12 PM (12 NOON).
Marks: 10%


AUSBnB provides service to match travellers who look to be guests in accommodation provided
by property owners acting as hosts. Currently the accommodations provided are limited to
properties in Australia. However, the guests may come from outside Australia. It has an ONLINE
system to allow guests to book accommodation with the host. Before the guests can book
accommodation, they must be a member of AusBnB. Similarly, the host needs to register as a
member to be able to list accommodation. A host may become a guest in another member’s
property. Hence, there is no specific designation attached to a member record. Their role as
host or guest is determined by the activity perform, eg acting as a guest or acting as a host.
Samples of data collected from the ONLINE registration forms are depicted in figure 1a and
figure 1b.

Member ID 3456

Member Name Linda Nguyen

Email [email protected]

Phone +62215621234

Date of Birth 10-Jan-1990

Country Indonesia

Address 10 Thamrin rd, Jakarta Pusat, 11345

Join Date 9-Nov-2015

Verification Level 3

Figure 1a. Member registration data

Member ID 1234

Member Name Rosa McManamey

Email [email protected]

Phone +61422333777

Date of Birth 09/07/1978

Job Lawyer

Country Australia

Address 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, VIC 3145

Join Date 10-Aug-2016

Verification Level 2

Figure 1b. Member registration data

The member ID provided by the AusBnB when they process the registration. AusBnB performs
background checking on the member to ensure safety of its members. At the completion of the
background check, members are given verification level of 1 to 3. Level 3 means member has
provided international recognised identification, eg passport to the company. Level 3 is the
highest level verification.

Once they have registered, host can start listing their properties at the AusBnB website. Figure
2 depicts the data collected from property registration form.


Property ID 88888

Property Name The Cosy Tasman

Member ID 1234

Host Name Rosa McManamey

First Listed Date 20-Jan-2016

Verification Level 2

Property Address 26 Trevallyn Road, South Hobart, TAS 7004

Property City Hobart

Accommodation type Entire home

Description New luxury apartment fully and nicely furnished, comfortable
and very quiet.

Price per Night AUD $300


Number of beds: 3

Cooking: Yes


Car Parking: Yes

Renting Conditions

Minimum booking: 2 nights

Maximum no of guests: 5

Cancellation: Strict

Check in: 2 PM

Check out: 10 AM

Additional Fees

Security deposit: AUD $800

Cleaning Fee: AUD $120


More than a week booking: 10%

More than a month booking: 20%

Figure 2. Property Listing data


Once a property is listed, a guest can make a booking for the property. Before making their
choice of property to rent, a guest usually would like to see some reviews from guests who have
stayed in the property. A sample data displayed by AusBnB on property reviews is depicted in
figure 3.

Property Name The Cosy Tasman

Host Name Rosa McManamey

Property Address 26 Trevallyn Road, South Hobart, TAS 7004

Property City Hobart



Review Rating (1-5) Date of Review

Peter Pan Beautiful house and generous host.
We will be back!

5 1-Feb-2016


Rosa and David are very welcoming,
helpful and kind. I really enjoyed
spending time at your home. Best
summer experience in Tasmania.

5 8-Feb-2016

Peter Pan Another stay, another enjoyable

5 8-April-2016

Figure 3. Property listing with reviews

During the search, a potential guest may choose several properties as a possible booking. The
list of potential bookings is called the WISH list by AusBnB. An example of data in a WISH list is
depicted in figure 4a and figure 4b.


Guest name: Linda Nguyen

City: Hobart

Property Name Property Address

The Cosy Tasman 26 Trevallyn Road, South Hobart, TAS 7004

The Battery Point Mansion 10 Battery Point close, South Hobart, TAS 7004

City: Melbourne

Property Name Property Address

The Artful Southbank 2/12 Dorcas st, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

The Coffee Neighbour 3 Bank St, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

Figure 4a. A guest wish list

Guest name: Jose Carino

City: Melbourne

Property Name Property Address

The Artful Southbank 2/12 Dorcas St, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

The Coffee Neighbour 3 Bank St, South Melbourne, VIC 3205

The Beach Shack 5/1100 Beach St, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

Figure 4b. A guest wish list


When a guest wants to make a booking or reservation, they need to fill in a booking request. A
sample of data completed by a traveler in a booking form is depicted in figure 5. A reservation
code is provided by AusBNB to track reservation and payment of the booking.

Reservation Code 4XX5Y3

Member ID 3456

Member Name Linda Nguyen

Host Name Rosa McManamey

Property Name The Cosy Tasman

Check-in Date 29-Oct-2016

Check-out Date 31-Oct- 2016

Number of guests 3

Figure 5 Reservation request

The host then will be provided with the booking information as above with the addition of the
guest details. Figure 6 shows the sample data that will be seen by the host in regards to
reservation 4XX5Y3.

Reservation Code 4XX5Y3

Property Name The Cosy Tasman

Check-in Date 29-Oct-2016

Check-out Date 31-Oct- 2016

Number of guests 3

Guest information

Name: Linda Nguyen

Member since: 9-Nov-2015

Country: Indonesia

Verification Level: 3

Figure 6. Reservation request to be reviewed by host


When the host approved the booking, an invoice is generated for the guest. Figure 7 shows a
sample of an invoice for the reservation 4XX5Y3.


Reservation Number: ​4XX5Y3
Member ID: ​3456​Member Name: ​Linda Nguyen
Check in:​ 29-Oct- 2016​Check out: ​31-oct-2016

Host Name:​ Rosa McManamey
Property Address: ​26 Trevallyn Road, South Hobart, TAS 7004

To be paid by​: 29-Sept-2016


Description No of



ACC Accommodation 2 300 600

CL Cleaning 1 120 120

SC Security Deposit 1 800 800


Figure 7. Invoice


At the completion of the stay, both the guest and the host may write a review about the stay.
The guest may make a review about the property. The host may make a review about the guest.
A sample data extracted from a review made by a guest on a property is presented in figure 8.
Figure9 presents an example of a host’s review on a guest.

Property Name The Cosy Tasman

Guest name Linda Nguyen

Review Rosa is very generous host. Tea, coffee and some
biscuits were provided at the house. The view from the
balcony is magnificent!

Review Date 3-Nov-2016

Rating 5

Figure 8. Property review from a guest

Guest Name Linda Nguyen

Host name Rosa McManamey

Review Linda is an excellent guest. She left everything clean. I
had a pleasure sharing her stories of travels.

Review Date 10-nov-2016

Rating 5

Figure 9. Guest review from a host


As part of their service to the members, AusBnB generates monthly reporting for the hosts. A
sample of the report is presented in figure 10.

Reporting Month: October 2016

Member ID: 1234
Member Name: Rosa McManamey
Address: 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, VIC 3145
Phone: +61422333777
Email: ​[email protected]

Property ID: 77777
Property Address: 2/378 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Check in Check Out No of Guest Price Cleaning Fee Amount paid Rating

1-Oct-2016 5-Oct-2016 2 250 120 1120 4

10-Oct-2016 12-Oct-2016 4 250 120 620 5

29-Oct-2016 31-Oct-2016 2 250 120 620 5

Total 2360

Average Rating 4.67

Property ID: 88888
Property Address: 26 Trevallyn Road, South Hobart, TAS 7004

Check in Check Out No of Guest Price Cleaning Fee Amount paid Rating

29-Oct-2016 31-Oct-2016 3 300 120 720 5

Total 720

Average rating 5

Figure 10. Property Occupancy report for host.


mailto:[email protected]


Create a Google document in the Google drive provided for you by the teaching team. The drive
has been setup in a way to allow you and your partner jointly writing the assignment. Google
document allows multiple users to write simultaneously. Type the answers to the tasks
incrementally in the Google document. ​DO NOT type the assignment in another editing software
and then copy and paste the whole assignment from the other editing software to the Google
document. The assignment will not be marked if your team decides to do so.

Complete the following tasks for the assignment:

1. Perform normalisation to the 3NF for each set of data depicted in various figures in this

2. Consolidate all the found 3NF relations found in step 1.

Things to consider during normalisation:

1. Do not add surrogate key to the normalisation. You can add ID to a normalisation
process if that ID is actually used by AusBnB as identifier. For example, property ID is an
existing identifier (not a surrogate key). You can add property_id to data in figure 7
although it is not included in the invoice depicted in figure 7. If you add an identifier to
the normalisation process, add it from the beginning in the UNF. An attribute review_no
to uniquely identify each review on the other hand does not exist as identifier in AusBnB
daily operation, but this attribute may be created later during database implementation
as a surrogate key. In this case, you should NOT add review_no into the normalisation.

2. Identify clearly Primary Key in all relations.
3. Identify clearly the Foreign Key in relations (if applicable).
4. Identify clearly the partial and transitive dependency (if exists) in all 1NF relations. You

can use the dependency diagram or use your own notations.

Submission requirements:
Download your team’s Google Document into a pdf file. Submit the pdf file in Moodle before or
on the due date. You need to submit only one file per group. One of the group members can
upload the pdf file. However, once the file is uploaded, ​to complete the submission, each
member needs to press the SUBMIT button in Moodle and signs the student assignment
declaration individually. ​You need to make the submission process is completed correctly​,
penalty of5% per day (including weekend)​is applicable to late assignment​.



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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 case study Excel database FIT9132 Introduction to databases
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