[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 case study database 17spm_L15

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Case Study

SPM 2017 © Ron Poet Lecture 15 1


Case Study

� South Coast Nautical Supplies sells everything associated with sailing.

� They currently have a website that asks the user to ring a number to
request a catalogue.

� They want to start selling things on their site.

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� They will start selling books, which are fairly cheap.

o If the site doesn’t lose sales compared with the phone and
catalogue, they plan to expand to other items.

� The site needs to be live in 30 days time.

Who are the Users

� Real users are people who buy sailing books, but we don’t have access
to them.

� The head of sales and marketing will be a proxy user.

� She wants a typical ecommerce site.

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o Search for books.

o Maintain a list of books each customer is interested in.

o Rate books they have bought.

o Check on the status of an order.

User Roles

� Initial brainstorming creates the following user roles:

� Hardcore sailor, novice sailor, new sailor, gift-buyer, non-sailing
spouse, administrator, head of sales, charter captain, experienced
sailor, sailing school, library, instructor.

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Consolidating Roles

� Novice and new sailors combined.

� Instructor and sailing school combined.

� Hardcore sailor and experienced sailor are both separate roles.

� Gift buyer and non-sailing spouse become non-sailing gift buyer.

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� Keep administrator.

� Head of sales becomes report viewer.

� Library becomes librarian.

Role Details

� Now work out details for each role under the headings:

o Experience with computers.

o Experience buying online.

o Experience with sailing terms.

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� The two roles expected to generate most sales are experienced sailor
and instructor.

� Create 2 personas.

o Teresa: an experienced sailor.

o Captain Ron: an instructor.

Create Stories

� Work through each role in turn for a couple of hours.

� Stories for Teresa.

o Search for books by author, title ISBN.

o View detailed information on a book.

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o Put books in shopping cart and buy them later.

o Remove books from the cart before buying.

o Enter billing and shipping address, as well as credit card numbers
to buy.

o Rate and review books.

Stories (2)

� Teresa (more stories).

o Set up an account that remembers addresses.

o Edit account information.

o Put books in a wish list that is visible to others.

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o Can transfer an item from their own or someone else’s wish list
into her shopping cart.

o A repeat customer must be able to find one book and complete an
order in less than 90 seconds.This is a constraint.

Captain Ron

� Stories for the instructor.Expected to buy the same books regularly
for students.

o View history of past orders.

o Easily repurchase items.

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o See the last three items they looked at, even between sessions.

More Stories by Role

� Novice sailor.

o See what books we recommend by topic.

� Non-sailing gift buyer.

o Easily see others wish lists.

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o Have items gift wrapped.

o Enclose a gift card with their own message.

� Report Viewer.

o See daily purchases by category.

o Must be authenticated before viewing reports.

o Website orders must end up in the same database as telephone

More Stories by Role

� Adminstrator.

o Add new books.

o Approve reviews.

o Delete a book.

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o Edit info about a book.

� Customer.

o Check status of recent order and change it if it hasn’t been sent.

o Peak usage of 50 concurrent users. Constraint.


� Developers think about each story in a group and come up with

� Constraints take 0 story points.

� The 27 stories have costs ranging from ½, 1, 2, 4 and 8 story points.

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� Total story points are: 42, average = 1.6.

The Release Plan

� The website will be needed in 4 weeks.

� 2 iterations, each of 2 weeks.

� Two programmers estimate they will be able to complete 8 story points
in each iteration (velocity).

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� The customer prioritises the stories as must-have, should-have etc.

Must Have Stories, with cost

� 1-Search for author or title.

� 1-Put books in shopping cart.

� ½-Remove books from cart before buying.

� 2-Buy books in cart.

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� 2-Set up an account.

� 1-Administrator can add books.

� ½-Administrator can delete a book.

� 1-Administrator can edit information about a book.

Should Have Stories

� 1-Advanced search.

� ½-Edit credit card information in account.

� 1-Edit addresses in account.

� 4-See what books we recommend on a variety of topics.

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Iteration Plan

� Iteration 1.

o All but the last of the must-haves.

� Iteration 2.

o The rest of the must-haves and should haves.

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� They add up to 15 ½ story points and we have 16 available.

� We will not be able to do any more stories.

Acceptance Tests

� Search on title or author.

o Use searches that match at least one book.

o Use searches that do not match any books.

o Search on ISBN.

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� Put book in shopping cart.

o Put in-stock book in cart.

o Put the same book in twice.Count should go up.

o Put out of stock book in cart.User told the book will ship when

Testing Constraints

� Telephone and web orders in same database.

o Place an order and verify that it ends in the correct database.

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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 case study database 17spm_L15
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