[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 AI data structure concurrency c++ Software Construction & Design 1

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Software Construction & Design 1

The University of Sydney Page 1

Software Design and

Construction 2

SOFT3202 / COMP9202

Software Verification /

Specification Languages

School of Information Technologies

Dr. Basem Suleiman

The University of Sydney Page 2


– Formal Methods

– Formal Specification Languages
– Z Specifications

– Specification-based testing
– Decision Tables

– State Transition

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Formal Methods


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Formal Methods

– Broadly two domains:
– Formal specifications (spec.)

• Write precise unambiguous specifications

• Code spec. and design spec.

– Formal verification

• Prove code and abstract systems are correct

• Code verification and design verification

– Some confusion in the community, sometimes
– Formal specification refers to specify and verify systems

– Formal verification refers to specify and verify code

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Verification and Specification – Terminology

– Partial verification
– Only verify a subset of the specification

– E.g., “it never crashes or accepts the wrong password”

– Full verification
– Verify the entire specification

– E.g., “it never crashes or admits the wrong password and locks the account if you

give the wrong password three times.”

– Type of software
– Mission-critical (high-assurance) software

– Other software

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Code Specifications

– Clear code specifications (what the code should do) is required to

prove the code is correct

– Which is not ambiguous?

• “A list should be sorted” OR

• “A list of integers n is sorted in ascending order if for any two indices I

and j, if I < j, then n[i[ <= n[j]The University of Sydney Page 7Code Specifications – Classifications – Statements independent of the code – E.g., “this function returns sorted lists”– Embed specification in the code (Design by Contract) – Pre/postconditions, assertions and invariants– Most popular of verification – Type-systems – Any math theorem or proof can be encoded as dependent type – E.g., define type of “sorted lists” as[Int] -> Sorted [Int]

– Maps to the main domains of automated correctness checking
– Tests Contracts and Types

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What’s the Right Spec.

– The goal of code verification is to prove that it meets the spec. but how do

we verify the correctness of the spec.?

– If it does what the user wants (validation)?

• Does the user know what they really want?

– Rapid iterations should help to find out

– We can assume what the users don’t want, e.g., software does not

crash, does not have security holes

– Requirements are often thought of in human terms not mathematically

– The challenges is how to formalize human concepts

– Having right spec will help to prove the code meets the spec.

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Proving the Spec

– Dijkstra-style – “think really hard why it’s true”

– E.g., to prove insertion sort works by thinking:
– Base Case: if we have an empty list and add one element to it, that will be the only

element, so it will be sorted.

– If we have a sorted list with k elements and add one element, we insert the element so that

it is after all smaller numbers and before all larger numbers. This means the list is still


– By induction, insert sort will sort the entire list.

– But, “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not

tried it.” – Knuth quote


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Proofs are hard

– For example to prove the Induction in the insertion sort example
– Need to formalize what induction is, how it works and how it is valid

– Formalize every assumption

– Write the prove (or use prover)

• This needs good background in Math, computer science, domain knowledge,

details of program and spec.

– Programming language may make proofs more difficult
– Assuming addition is associative can be dangerous as some languages such as

C++ are not associative

• INT_MAX((-1) + INT_MAX) + 1 is INT_MAX -1 + (INT_MAX+1) is not


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Proofs are hard

– For example to prove the Induction in the insertion sort example
– Need to formalize what induction is, how it works and how it is valid

– Formalize every assumption

– Write the prove (or use prover)

• This needs good background in Math, computer science, domain knowledge,

details of program and spec.

– Programming language may make proofs more difficult
– Assuming addition is associative can be dangerous as some languages such as

C++ are not associative

• INT_MAX((-1) + INT_MAX) + 1 is INT_MAX -1 + (INT_MAX+1) is not


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Verification – Trade-offs

– Factors to consider how rigorously to verify the code, cost and time of


– The more the code is verified the better but that costs more time and money

– Other constraints to optimize include performance, time to market,


– Optimum isn’t necessarily “fully proved correct”

– What’s the minimal required verification? And how much does it cost?
– E.g.,95% correct. How much would it cost to make it 98% correct?

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Verification – Trade-offs

– Use proper types and testing can improve correctness but sometime doesn’t

make enough verification

– Developer practices can help to get good verification, e.g., Cleanroom

develop practices includes

– Comprehensive documentation

– Careful flow analysis

– Extensive code reviews
– No proofs, no formal verification


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Proofs and Programming Languages

– Most languages have positive features that impede proofs

– Is the above code always true? It depends
– The function f may modify a

– Another thread concurrency may modify a

– b maybe aliased to a

– If the language supports any of the above, then you need to explicitly prove

they do not occur (this make proofs harder)

a = true;

b = false;


assert a;

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Design Specification/Verification

– Design Verification is more about components and their interactions

– We try to formalize the intentions of the overall system not the code

– Example: code procedure/specification “if called, it makes a system call to

persist data and handle system errors” properties to verify include:

– Does it serialize data properly?

– Do malformed inputs violate our guarantees?

– Do we handle all possible ways the system call could fail?

– This would be different when compared to high-level system spec. as per the

example in next slide

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Design Verification

– Example: design spec. “all messages are logged” require verifying:
– All messages, or all messages that reach the system? Are messages logged once

or exactly once?

– How are messages being sent? Is it a queue? Does the transfer medium deliver once? Does

it deliver in order?

– By “logged”, do we mean “permanently logged?” Is the message allowed to be logged

and later unlogged? Is it allowed to “bounce” between logged and unlogged before

ending logged?

– What if the server explodes in the middle of logging the message? Do we need


– Are there any properties of the storage medium that matter? Is “the medium loses data”

outside the scope of our requirements or not?

– etc.

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Design Specification

– Formal specification allows expressing our intentions about the software

design (what we actually need the system to do)

– Formal specification ensures that we are actually building what we need to


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Specification Languages

– Specification (or design) languages are for means for represent designs


– Like programming languages for code

– Practitioners claim that spec. languages provide insight into problems

and makes it easier to explore solutions

– Also, could help designers to work faster and reduce cost of writing

specs as it would help discover design mistakes early

Correct-by-construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03mUs5NlT6U

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Specification Languages

Language modelled Use

Z Business Requirements Relational Algebra

Promela Messaging CSP

SDL Telecommunications Flowcharts

Harel Statecharts Controllers Automata

Decision Tables Decisions Tables

• There’s huge variety of different spec languages which are influenced

by specific problem domains

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Formal Specification


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Formal Specification Languages

– The aims:

– Specify requirements formally

– Analyze the problem formally

– Implement by correctness-preserving transformations

– Maintain the specification, no longer the code

– Formal means requirements are defined using formal syntax and semantics

– Typical forms include:
– Purely descriptive (e.g., algebraic specification)

– Purely constructive (e.g., Petri nets

– Model-based hybrid forms (e.g., OCL, B, Z)

Adapted from

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Formal Specification Languages

– VDM – Vienna Development Method (Björner and Jones1978)

– Z (Spivey 1992)

– OCL (from 1997; OMG 2012)

– Alloy (Jackson 2002)

– B (Abrial 2009)

Adapted from

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Algebraic Specification

Adapted from

– Originally designed in 1977 for specifying complex data

– The syntax defined by the signature of operations

– The semantic defined by axioms which describe properties that are invariant

under execution of operations (i.e., expressions being always true)

– Purely descriptive and mathematically well-designed

– Not easy to read and understand

– Rarely (if not) adopted in practice/industry

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Algebraic Specification – Example (1)

– Specifying a stack (LIFO) data structure

– Let bool be a data type with a range of {false, true} and boolean algebra as

operations. Further, let elem be the data type of the elements to be stored.

TYPE Stack


new: () → Stack; — Create new (empty) stack

push: (Stack, elem) → Stack; — add an element

pop: Stack → Stack; — remove most recent element from stack

top: Stack → elem; — returns most recent element

empty: Stack → bool; — true if stack is empty

full: Stack → bool; — true if stack is full

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Algebraic Specification – Example (2)


 s  Stack, e  elem

(1)  full(s) → pop(push(s,e)) = s

(2)  full(s) → top(push(s,e)) = e

(3) empty(new) = true

(4)  full(s) → empty(push(s,e)) = false

(5) full(new) = false

(6)  emtpy(s) → full(pop(s)) = false

— pop reverses the effect of push

— top retrieves the most recentlystored


— a new stack is always empty

— after push, a stack is not


— a new stack is not full

— after pop, a stack is not full

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Model-based Formal Specification

Adapted from

– Mathematical model of system state and state change

– Based on sets, relations and logic expressions

– Typical language elements

– Base sets

– Relationships (relations, functions)

– Invariants (predicates)

– State changes (by relations or functions)

– Assertions for states

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Z Specification

Adapted from

– Model-based formal language for describing computer programs and

computer-based systems

– Originally proposed in 1977 by Abrial with the help of Steve Schuman and

Bertrand Meyer

– Developed further at the Programming Research Group a Oxford University

– Z named as “it is the ultimate language!”. It is also associated with Zermelo due

to the use of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory

– Used in transaction processing project at IBM Hursely

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Z Specification

– Based on mathematical notations including set theory, lambda

calculus and first-order predicate logic

– All expressions are typed (to avoid inconsistencies of naïve set


– Commonly used mathematical functions and predicates are

defined using Z and available as mathematical toolkit

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Z Specifications – Basic Elements (1)

– Specification consists of sets, types, axioms and schemata

– Types are elementary sets:
– E.g., IN is set of natural numbers

– Sets have a type:
– Counter: IN

– Axioms define global variables and their (invariant) properties

string: seq CHAR

#string ≤ 64 Invariant

Declaration seq: sequence of elements
#string: number of elements of set string

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Z Specifications – Basic Elements (2)

– Schemata
– organize a Z-specification

– constitute a name space

Value, Limit: IN

Value ≤ Limit ≤ 65535

Declaration part:

Declaration of state variables

Predicate part:

• Restrictions

• Invariants

• Relationships

• State change



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Z-Specifications – Relations

Order: (Part x Supplier x Date)

A subset of all ordered triples(p, s, d) with p  Part,

s  supplier, and d  Date

– Relations and functions are ordered set of tuples:

Power set (set of all subsets) of M

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Z-Specifications – Relations

Order: (Part x Supplier x Date)

A subset of all ordered triples(p, s, d)

with p  Part, s  supplier, and d  Date

– Relations and functions are ordered set of tuples:

Birthday: Person → Date

Power set (set of all subsets) of M

A function assigning a date to a person,

representing the person’s birthday

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Z-Specifications – State Changes

• State change through operations:

∆ Counter
Value < LimitValue’ = Value + 1Limit’ = LimitIncrement counter ∆ S The sets defined in schema Swill be changedM’ State of set M after executingthe operationMathematical equality, no assignment!The University of Sydney Page 34Z Specifications – Library System – The library has a stock of books and a set of persons who arelibrary users.– Books in stock may be borrowed.Stock:User:BookPersonlent: Book → Persondom lent  Stockran lent  User→ Partial functiondom Domain …ran Range……of a relationLibraryThe University of Sydney Page 35Z Specifications – Operators – Logical operators – negation ¬ – Conjunction ∧– Disjunction ∨– implication ⇒– equivalence ⇔– Equality – equality = (on all types but not predicates)The University of Sydney Page 36Z Specifications – More Notations – Sets, Sets operations – Types: pre-defined, free dictionary types, compound– Variables – Axiomatic definitions – Relations– Functions – Finite constructs (finite sets) – SchemataUseful summary slides of Z specifications and notationshttps://formal.iti.kit.edu/~beckert/teaching/Spezifikation-SS04/11Z.pdfhttps://formal.iti.kit.edu/~beckert/teaching/Spezifikation-SS04/11Z.pdfThe University of Sydney Page 37Specification-basedTestingThe University of Sydney Page 38Specification-based Techniques – Black-box testing (verification) based on specifications – Equivalence partitioning – Boundary analysis– Decision tables – State transition The University of Sydney Page 39Decision Tables – Technique for identifying test cases based on combination of things (e.g., inputs) – Known as cause-effect’ table – Easy to understand representation– Can support automated/manual test case generation – Useful for certain systems, e.g., control systems The University of Sydney Page 41Decision Tables – Function/subsystem behave based on combination of inputs/events – Subsets if it’s too large – Construct the decision table – Conditions– Rules all combinations of T and F for each aspect– Actions/resultsThe University of Sydney Page 42Decision Tables – StructureConditions R1 R2 R3 RmC1C2CnActions/OutcomesA1A2AiThe University of Sydney Page 43Decision Tables – ExampleConditions R1 R2 R3 R4Payment has been entered T T F FTerm of loan has been entered T F T FThe University of Sydney Page 44Decision Tables – ExampleConditions R1 R2 R3 R4Payment has been entered T T F FTerm of loan has been entered T F T FActions/OutcomesProcess loan amount Y YProcess term Y YThe University of Sydney Page 45Decision Tables – ExampleConditions R1 R2 R3 R4Payment has been entered T T F FTerm of loan has been entered T F T FActions/OutcomesProcess loan amount? Y YProcess term? Y YError? YThe University of Sydney Page 46Decision Tables – ExampleConditions R1 R2 R3 R4Payment has been entered T T F FTerm of loan has been entered T F T FActions/OutcomesProcess loan amount? YProcess term? YError? Y YThe University of Sydney Page 47Decision Tables – ExampleConditions R1 R2 R3 R4Payment has been entered T T F FTerm of loan has been entered T F T FActions/OutcomesResultsError messageProcess loan amountProcess termError messageThe University of Sydney Page 48State Transition Verification– Verification technique in which aspects of the system is represented as ‘finite state machine’ – System in finite number of different states and transitions determined by the machine rules– Often modelled as state diagram – The model can be as detailed or as abstract as needed – Important part of the system requires more testing and hence modelled in detail The University of Sydney Page 49State Transition – Basic Structure – States of the system (e.g., open/closed connection) – Transitions from a state to another (not all transitions are permitted) – Events that trigger a transition (withdraw money change the account state)– Actions that results from a transition (error message or desired results)The University of Sydney Page 50State Transition – State Changes– Withdrawing $300 from an ATM result in giving cash if sufficient cash available – Withdrawing the same amount again may result in error message due to insufficient funds – State: sufficient funds → insufficient funds The University of Sydney Page 51State Transition – Example – Withdrawing $300 from an ATM result in giving cash if sufficient cash available – Withdrawing the same amount again may result in error message due to insufficient funds – State: sufficient funds → insufficient funds The University of Sydney Page 52State Transition – PIN Bank Account– Enter and verify PIN to a bank account – The customer inserts a valid bank card – The customer is prompted to enter their PIN– The customer can enter their PIN up to 3 times– After three incorrect PIN trials, the card will be locked by the ATM – Entering correct PIN, with trail limit, results in accessing the bank account The University of Sydney Page 53PIN Bank Account – Analysis – Enter and verify PIN to a bank account – States• Start, wait for PIN, 1st try, 2nd try, 3rd try, eat card, access to account – Events • Card inserted, Enter PIN, PIN OK and PIN not OK• Other?– Transitions • First try state to second try state in case of invalid PIN– Actions • e.g., message “please enter your PIN”The University of Sydney Page 54PIN Bank Account – State Diagram – .The University of Sydney Page 55PIN Bank Account – Deriving Test Cases – Possible test cases include: – TC1: Correct PIN entered first time – TC2: Enter Incorrect PIN each time and the system eats the card– TC3: PIN incorrect first time, correct second time – TC4: PIN incorrect in the first and second, but correct in the third time – Test conditions from the state diagram – E.g., Each state/transition can be a test condition The University of Sydney Page 56State Transition – Coverage Criteria – Possible coverage measures: – State coverage (% of visited states) – Valid transitions exercised – Pairs of valid transitions exercised – Invalid transitions exercisedThe University of Sydney Page 57Unit of Study SurveysThe University of Sydney Page 58Unit of Study Feedback 2019 COMP5347 Web Application Development– To share what you enjoyed and found most useful in your learning, and to provide constructive feedback– To ‘pay it forward’ for the students coming behind you, so that their learning experience in this class is as good, or even better, than your own.– When you complete your USS survey, please:– Be relevant– Be specific• Which class tasks, assessments or other activities helped you to learn? Why were they helpful?• Which one(s) didn’t help you to learn? Why didn’t they work for you?– Be constructive• What practical changes can you suggest to class tasks, assessments or other activities, to help the next class learn better?The University of Sydney Page 59Unit of Study Survey 2019COMP5347 Web Application Development– Complete the ONLINE survey at – https://student-surveys.sydney.edu.au/students/complete/form.cfm?key=uss203184– each survey completed will give you an entry into a prize draw to win a range of Apple products including:– 64gb Apple iPad Pro 10.5-inch – 128GB Apple iPad mini – 4 and JB HiFi Gift Cardshttps://student-surveys.sydney.edu.au/students/complete/form.cfm?key=uss203184The University of Sydney Page 60Exam Information and Preparation To be presented in w13 lectureThe University of Sydney Page 61References– Hillel Wayne, Stamping on event streaming, https://www.hillelwayne.com/post/stamping-on-eventstream/– Z Notations, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_notation– Lionel Briand, Blackbox, Functional Testing, https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/nedlagte-emner/INF4290/v11/undervisningsmateriale/INF4290-BBT.pdf– TryQA, what is decision table in software testing http://tryqa.com/what-is-decision-table-in-software-testing/– TryQA, what is state transition in software testing http://tryqa.com/what-is-state-transition-testing-in-software-testing/https://www.hillelwayne.com/post/stamping-on-eventstream/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_notationhttps://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/nedlagte-emner/INF4290/v11/undervisningsmateriale/INF4290-BBT.pdfhttp://tryqa.com/what-is-decision-table-in-software-testing/http://tryqa.com/what-is-state-transition-testing-in-software-testing/


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 AI data structure concurrency c++ Software Construction & Design 1
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