[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 AI c++ scheme data structure algorithm Microsoft Word – H63ESD Engineering Software_coursework_2016.docx

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P Sewell Jan. 2017

H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 1 of 18

H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation:
COURSEWORK (100% of the Module Assessment)

Design and Structure of the Coursework.: The coursework has been structured to
both assess the Learning Objectives of the module and to help guide you in your studies.
I have split the work into a number of tasks with staged deadlines to help you manage
your overall workload for the year. I have been careful not to ask you for an excessive
volume of work as it is important that you have sufficient quality time for reflection on
the material. I hope the online voluntary quizzes will be helpful with this activity. I am
happy to receive opinions on workload and assessment issues as feedback from
previous students has constructively contributed to the fine-tuning of this assignment.

Coursework Deadlines and University Regulations …………………………………………. 2
Submission deadline Summary: ………………………………………………………………. 2
Tasks 1-3, Friday 31st March 2017 ………………………………………………………….. 2
Tasks 4-6, Friday 19th May 2017 ……………………………………………………………. 2

Submission format ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Required Platform for the Software …………………………………………………………….. 2
Course work style …………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Your budget …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Progress Reporting ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Friday 24th February: …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Friday 17th March:……………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Friday 7th April: …………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Plagiarism ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Coursework Assignment: Overview and Assessment Criteria …………………………….. 4

Scenario: (Your client’s field of business) ………………………………………………………… 5
Delaunay Triangulations ………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Numerical issues for Producing Delaunay Triangulations ………………………………… 8
Speed issues for Producing Delaunay Triangulations – Parallelisation? …………….. 8

Specific Coursework Tasks …………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Task 1: (15%) Code optimisation. Deadline 31st March 2017 ……………………………. 9
Task 2: (15%) Characterisation of the Jenna platform. Deadline 31st March 2017
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Task 3: (15%) An Interval Mathematics Component. Deadline 31st March 2017 .. 10
Task 4: (25%) Manipulation of Triangulated Meshes. Deadline 19th May 2017 …. 11
Task 5: (10%) Basic OpenMP Parallelisation. Deadline 19th May 2017 …………… 11
Task 6: (10%) Basic MPI Parallelisation. Deadline 19th May 2017 ………………….. 11
Progress Reporting and Time Management: (10%) ………………………………………… 12

Appendix #1: Linear Interpolation Over Individual Triangles ……………………….. 13

Appendix #2: The Circumcentre of Individual Triangles ……………………………….. 14

Appendix #3: File Formats ……………………………………………………………………………. 15

Appendix #4: Code for task#1 ………………………………………………………………………. 16

Appendix #5: Marking Scheme …………………………………………………………………….. 18

P Sewell Jan. 2017

H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 2 of 18

Coursework Deadlines and University Regulations

Submission deadline Summary:

Tasks 1-3, Friday 31st March 2017
Tasks 4-6, Friday 19th May 2017

Submission format

SUBMISSION VIA MOODLE – Zipped files containing all your work, programs and PDFs of
reports as detailed below.

The reports are not to contain general background material, just the required responses to the questions
and design tasks below.

Usual Faculty submission procedures and University rules regarding late submission apply.

Required Platform for the Software

All software MUST be in C++ and compile with g++ on the Jenna cluster and all required timings and memory
characterisations must be undertaken upon Jenna : this is part of the Design Specification.

You are permitted to use the STL, but no other 3rd party code or libraries (e.g. Boost) without prior
permission of P Sewell.

WARNING: failure to follow these requirements will cost you a notable amount of marks as I (the client) may
not be able to assess your work in proper comparison to that of other students and my own codes.

Course work style

Consider the coursework in the following manner. P Sewell wishes to place a contract to undertake a
major design and development project with a software developer. He is the client. In order to choose to
whom to award the work, he has produced a “test” that all hopeful developers must undertake in order to
demonstrate their skills. Therefore, as is not uncommon in such circumstances, the test may be:

1) Vague in places
2) Possibly open-ended – where to stop?
3) Lacking in some crucial details

You are expected to interact with your client – ask questions!

You are expected to make your own engineering judgements where the specification and/or the client
is unclear on, or else simply doesn’t explicitly mention, a particular aspect (e.g. expandability, robustness,
the use of a 3rd party library etc.).

For this reason, there are no overall page limits on the report – again, your engineering judgement on the
appropriate style of presentation given the context.

P Sewell Jan. 2017

H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 3 of 18

Your budget

A 10 credit module = 100 hours of student time. 22 hours of lectures and you will also have to undertake
general study of the module material: spend the budget wisely.

You will not be penalised for asking P Sewell questions or seeking any other form of help from him –
you are supposed/expected to!

Progress Reporting

As is the case for all real projects, the client (PS) requires to be able to monitor progress. For this reason,
you are required to submit a <1 page summary of your activities and/or project progress via Moodle on the following dates. These are compulsory and are awarded a mark (see below). The intention of these progress reports is partly to replicate a true industrial atmosphere, but primarily is to permit PS to help you. These are not marked on technical content, but only from the point of view of project management.Friday 24th February: PS would expect to hear about study of the lecture material and initial coursework progressFriday 17th March: PS would expect to hear about coursework tasks 1-3 and initial design thoughts for tasks 4-6Friday 7th April:PS would expect to hear about coursework tasks 4-6.PS reserves the right to interview any student about their progress reports and to see demonstrations.PlagiarismPlease refer to the University’s rules on plagiarism and take them very seriously – The Faculty willFor this coursework, it is expected that students will talk to each other about the work and even jointly investigate particular avenues of interest and exchange ideas – that’s how engineers operate. However, this is not a group project. Each student must design and implement their own work separately.If in doubt, please ask PSP Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 4 of 18All Tasks Are Compulsory.All tasks of the coursework, except task#1, are drawn from my real industrial experience working on the same engineering scenario.Coursework Assignment: Overview and Assessment CriteriaThis assesses your knowledge and understanding of, and your ability to use, the techniques we have studied on the smaller scale. There are a number of separate tasks each of which considers a particular aspect of the material. Marks will be allocated on the basis of:1. Does the code compile properly without ignored warnings?2. Does the code work properly, i.e. does it produce the correct behaviour?3. Is the code robust?4. Is the code efficient – speed/memory?5. Is the code clearly understandable to our level of software engineer (by the end of thismodule!): layout, structure, an appropriate level of documentation?6. Has the code been designed with a view to future updates/modifications as well as to permitrecycling of its parts for other projects?7. The technical correctness of the required explanations.8. Demonstration of good engineering practice and judgement. Credit will be given for correct and appropriate use of material that students discover themselves beyond the lecture material – “impress the client”.The formal marking scheme that will be used is given in Appendix 5.If in doubt on any aspect of the criteria used to assess your work for a particular task, please ask PSThe Scenario is described below. No expertise is expected in the area, but as software engineers we will often have to understand the problem area before we can start our own work.When you turn over the problem is going to look complicated!That’s the whole point! – Divide and conquer! IF IN DOUBT – ASK THE CLIENT P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 5 of 18Scenario: (Your client’s field of business)Many engineering disciplines use CAD/CAE packages which require models of geometrical structures.Often, structures are modelled by a triangulated approximation to their surfaces. Triangles offer the ability to represent small and fine features with different sized triangles. Similarly, we might discretise a flat 2D problem space in order to numerically solve some equations representing a physical process of interest – maybe current flow or temperature. We might visualise this as shown here using a colour map or as shown below using a “height” surface. In this work we are concerned with the second type of triangulation (also referred to as a mesh) We can “triangulate” a particular problem with given fixed vertices in many different ways. However, we will inevitably ask, or be asked: What is the “best quality” triangulation? Note that a triangulation of given vertices is not unique: “any edge can be flipped”. Quasi-equilateral triangles are good Sliver triangles are bad Not allowed Same vertices, but different edges to form different triangulations The definition of a “good” mesh obviously depends upon its intended use. For example, people solving a set of engineering equations are likely to prioritise different criteria than the computer games/animation community.A 1D Interpolation Error Measure: One interesting (meaningful?) measure of triangulation quality is to consider the interpolation of a function over the mesh – how close is the interpolated sampled function to the true continuous one? Above is shown a 1D “mesh” example: How close are the Red and Green approximations to the true black curve? We can consider the “area” of the solid green and red regions as error measures.P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 6 of 18A 2D Interpolation Error Measure: This idea also extends to 2D meshes – albeit it is harder to draw! The “height” represents the true function value f(x,y) The “x-y” plane Exact function values given at the vertices The sample points are the vertices of the triangulation Over a 2D x-y domain we are given a smooth continuous function f(x,y) that we need to sample it in an analogous manner to the 1D case above.We select some discrete sample points {xi, yi} for 0 0 or <0 we have a result, else redo the test with the exact values.For the rough values, we will use interval maths. Each “number” is given both maximum and minimum values between which we are certain the actual value lies. E.g. exact number is pi, as an interval [3,4] or [3.14,3.15] etc.Now all maths calculations can be overloaded, e.g. [a,b] + [c,d] = [a+c,b+d]Interval maths ought to be only a few times slower than ordinary maths and coupled with the exact maths provides us with total numerical robustness!Design issues:There are freely available exact maths libraries but must often generate our own interval maths capability. In this project for reasons of available time, I do not ask you to do any work with exact maths, but I do feel that we must at least be briefly aware of the capability so that the scenario presented is realistically credible. We will have to have circumcentre tests for different types of data arguments.Speed issues for Producing Delaunay Triangulations – Parallelisation?Real meshes are huge! Operations on them become really time consuming. Can we parallelise? Consider the “which triangle does a new vertex fall in” test. Consider the Bowyer Watson algorithm.Maybe all parallel processes should be able to simultaneously access any part of the mesh, or else maybe we should partition the mesh and each process operates on its own particular part with exchanges of information between processes regarding the interfaces between the partitions? P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 9 of 18Specific Coursework Tasks Task 1: (15%) Code optimisation. Deadline 31st March 2017On Moodle and below in appendix #4, there is a very poorly written computational program, H63ESD_task_1.cpp. It is a “made up“ code that doesn’t actually do anything useful, but it has many features common to a range of large-scale numerical simulation codes in engineering.This is a rather poorly written code for a number of reasons!I compiled it with g++ -o task H63ESD_task_1.cpp and ran it with time ./task on Jenna node comp00. The run time data on the screen was,real0m14.945s user0m14.883s sys 0m0.022sYour task is to improve the coding of the algorithm to minimise the run time; you must not change the code’s function in any way. Direct use of machine code is not allowed!Please make sure you get exactly the same results: run the original code as above and make a copy of the file produced, data_out. Then for any new version check for identical results by doing,diff data_out original_ data_out You should get no differences at all.Required results: (1) A copy of the original listing annotated with brief comments to identify poor programming style and where you think there is scope to improve the code: comments should cover both “coding bad practice” and “speedup” possibilities.(2) your optimised code (3) state in your report your best speed. P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 10 of 18 Task 2: (15%) Characterisation of the Jenna platform. Deadline 31st March 2017Setup a very simple serial C program to add two double vectors. a[i]=b[i]+c[i+offset] for all 0

struct timeval start_time,end_time;


// Your code to time



gettimeofday wall time=”<< end_time.tv_sec – start_time.tv_sec+(end_time.tv_usec-start_time.tv_usec)/1e6;With offset=0, investigate and plot the timings for different n.Briefly explain what you see. Does doubling n mean doubling the run time etc?Based upon the previous results, select a few “interesting” values of n and repeat for different offset values. Please provide no more than 1 page (excluding plots) of written explanation of what you seeRequired results: Submit both your test codes and the results obtained and the discussions in the report.Task 3: (15%) An Interval Mathematics Component. Deadline 31st March 2017Produce an interval maths “component” to be used in the above scenario: suitable templating is required. Consider that this component may be recycled for future projects as well.Provide a suitable “test” main program to demonstrate the functionality of your component.Required results: Submit your component code and the test main. A very brief report is required that states any design decisions made and justification that the code functions correctly. P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 11 of 18 Task 4: (25%) Manipulation of Triangulated Meshes. Deadline 19th May 2017Assume that you are provided with a triangulation stored in files as described in Appendix 3:Design and implement a data structure and an interface for a C++ class to encapsulate the triangulation. Use of the STL is likely to be appropriate.The interface must permit the following: a) File streaming I/O b) Queries of the form: given a point x,y at run time which triangle contains it c) Queries of the form: given a function (known at compile time) f(x,y), return theintegral of f(x,y) over the domain of the triangulation. For this we willapproximate the integration in two possible ways – seeAppendix #1 d) A check whether a triangulated mesh provided by the user is DelaunayRequired results:Your codes and a brief section in the report to convince the client that it works correctly (evidence please).Task 5: (10%) Basic OpenMP Parallelisation. Deadline 19th May 2017Parallelise task 4 using OpenMP: credit will be given for the degree of speedup achieved. Required results: Your codes and a brief section in the report to convince the client that it still works correctly and the speedup obtained.Task 6: (10%) Basic MPI Parallelisation. Deadline 19th May 2017Design, implement and run test codes to assess the basic performance of the Jenna cluster when running simple MPI codes. Explore issues such as scaling with respect to number of processes launched, the load balancing used, how the performance changes if processes are launched on different cores of multi-core CPUS in comparison with each process being on a separate CPU etc. Infiniband versus ethernet, maybe even the MPI configuration settings.What sort of tests? The scope of MPI coverage in this module is simple point to point data transfer and we have a finite budget (i.e. your time!) : keep talking to the client!This is assessing your ability to “design a problem” rather than just “solving a problem”.Required results: Up to you – consider the ” Course work style” comment above. P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 12 of 18Progress Reporting and Time Management: (10%)The progress reports described earlier are a compulsory part of the coursework. A mark of 10% will be awarded for these in total and is based upon whether the client felt convinced at the time that the work was proceeding in a suitable manner and is likely to be successfully delivered at the end of the project.These are not marked on technical content, but only from the point of view of project management.Indeed, the client will be quite happy if the progress reports contain more questions than answers!Don’t forget that in the real world your client is likely to have a boss to report to as well and he/she will need evidence from you to convince his/her management that they are monitoring the project correctly and thus doing their job properly as well!IF IN DOUBT ABOUT ANY OF THE TASKS OR THE ASSEMENT CRITERIA – ASK ME! P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 13 of 18Appendix #1: Linear Interpolation Over Individual Triangles The “x-y” plane The “height” represents the function value f(x,y) Exact function values given at the vertices Between vertices, linear interpolation An arc drawn on the true function surface f(x,y) true f(x,y) valueLinearly Interpolated value If we have a triangulation and we know the true values of the function f(x,y) at its vertices, how do we interpolate to estimate the function at any point P in the x, y plane?Well we consult a friendly mathematician who provides the following:The “x-y” plane The “height” represents the function value f(x,y) Exact function values given at the vertices Between vertices, linear interpolation A1 V0 V1 V2 P(x,y) Triangle V0-V1-V2 has area A= A0+A1+A2 A2 A0 F2 F1 F0 FP true f(x,y) valueLinearly Interpolated value If the values of the function f(x,y) are known to be F0, F1 and F2 at the vertices V0 , V1 and V2 then the linearly interpolated value at any point P(x,y) inside the triangle is,AFyxAFyxAFyxAyxFP221100 ),(),(),(),(��where the Ai are the areas of the sub-triangles shown in the figure – they are functions of where P is – hence x,y. A is the total area of the triangle.For interest the quantities ¿¾½¯®­AyxAAyxAAyxA ),(,),(,),( 210are called the area, or barycentric coordinates of the point P with respect to the triangle. These have many convenient properties. How to numerical approximate the integral of the function with respect to x and y ? Again the same friendly mathematician provides: There are two ways we could evaluate an approximation to ),( yxfdydxT³³where T is a triangle: 1) Constant value approximation ),(),( yTxTTTOOfAyxfdydx |³³i.e. evaluate the function at the circumcentre, O, of each triangle and weight by the triangle’s area. P Sewell Jan. 2017 H63ESD Engineering Software: Design and Implementation, COURSEWORK page 14 of 18 2) Linear interpolation approximation using the above and the useful, but non-obvious, fact that: 3/),( AyxAdydx iareaTriangle ³³ Not sure about this – consult your client! Appendix #2: The Circumcentre of Individual Triangles RO V1 V0 V2It can be shown that if vertex Vi has coordinates Xi , Yi that the coordinates of the circumcentre Ox , Oy and the circumradius R are found from solutions of,¸̧¸¸¹·¨̈¨¨©§��¸¸¸¹·¨¨¨©§ ¸̧¸¸¹·¨̈¨¨©§���22222110022222121202022111yxyxOOROOYXYXYXYXYXYX(See if you can prove this – just for fun, no marks.) This order 3 matrix equation can be solved quite effectively using basic algebraic techniques.You are welcome to discuss and seek further information/detail/clarification regarding any aspect of the “geometry” or “algebra” from P Sewell


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 AI c++ scheme data structure algorithm Microsoft Word – H63ESD Engineering Software_coursework_2016.docx
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