[SOLVED] 留学生辅导 “””The ants_gui module implements a GUI for Ants vs. SomeBees.

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“””The ants_gui module implements a GUI for Ants vs. SomeBees.

You should not feel that you need to read and understand this file, because all
of the game logic is instead contained within ants.py.We have provided some

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comments so that interested students can extend the graphics.

=== Optional reading beyond this point ===

The GUI for this game has a fixed layout specified by a series of global names
that are constant throughout execution.From a design perspective, global
names are a fine solution for holding constants; most problems associated with
global variables arise in programs that assign to global names.

The GUI layout itself is divided into a control panel that lists all
implemented ants and a play area populated with places.

The Hive is handled as a special case so that the player can visually inspect
how many bees remain in the beehive.

import ants, ants_strategies
import graphics
from graphics import shift_point
from ucb import *
from math import pi
import math
import random

INSECT_FILES = {‘Worker’: ‘ant_harvester.gif’,
‘Thrower’: ‘ant_thrower.gif’,
‘Long’: ‘ant_longthrower.gif’,
‘Short’: ‘ant_shortthrower.gif’,
‘Harvester’: ‘ant_harvester.gif’,
‘Fire’: ‘ant_fire.gif’,
‘Bodyguard’: ‘ant_bodyguard.gif’,
‘Hungry’: ‘ant_hungry.gif’,
‘Slow’: ‘ant_slow.gif’,
‘Scary’: ‘ant_scary.gif’,
‘Ninja’: ‘ant_ninja.gif’,
‘Laser’: ‘ant_laser.gif’,
‘Wall’: ‘ant_wall.gif’,
‘Scuba’: ‘ant_scuba.gif’,
‘Queen’: ‘ant_queen.gif’,
‘Remover’: ‘remover.gif’,
‘Tank’: ‘ant_bodyguard.gif’,
‘Bee’: ‘bee.gif’,
‘Wasp’: ‘wasp.gif’,
‘Hornet’: ‘hornet.gif’,
‘NinjaBee’: ‘ninjabee.gif’,
‘Boss’: ‘boss.gif’,
INSECT_BASE = ‘img/’
INSECT_FILES = {k: INSECT_BASE + v for k, v in INSECT_FILES.items()}
TUNNEL_FILE = ‘img/tunnel.gif’
PLACE_PADDING = (10, 10)
PLACE_POS = (40, 180)
PANEL_POS = (20, 40)
CRYPT = 650
MESSAGE_POS = (150, 20)
LASER_OFFSET = (60, 40)
LEAF_END_OFFSET = (50, 30)
LEAF_COLORS = {‘Thrower’: ‘ForestGreen’,
‘Short’: ‘Green’,
‘Long’: ‘DarkGreen’,
‘Slow’: ‘LightBlue’,
‘Scary’: ‘Red’,
‘Scuba’: ‘Blue’,
‘Queen’: ‘Purple’,
‘Laser’: ‘Blue’}

class AntsGUI:
“””GUI-based interactive strategy that logs all gamestate updates.”””

def __init__(self):
self.initialized = False

def initialize_colony_graphics(self, gamestate):
“””Create canvas, control panel, places, and labels.”””
self.initialized = True
self.canvas = graphics.Canvas()
self.food_text = self.canvas.draw_text(‘Food: 1Time: 0’, (20, 20))
self.ant_text = self.canvas.draw_text(‘Ant selected: None’, (20, 140))
self._click_rectangles = list()

start_text = self.canvas.draw_text(‘CLICK TO START’, MESSAGE_POS)

def _init_control_panel(self, gamestate):
“””Construct the control panel of available ant types.”””
self.ant_type_selected = None
self.ant_type_frames = []# rectangle ids of frames.
panel_pos = PANEL_POS
for name, ant_type in gamestate.ant_types.items():
height = ANT_IMAGE_HEIGHT + 6 + 2 * PANEL_PADDING[1]
def on_click(gamestate, frame, name=name):
self.ant_type_selected = name

frame = self.add_click_rect(panel_pos, width, height, on_click)
self.ant_type_frames.append((name, frame))
img_pos = shift_point(panel_pos, PANEL_PADDING)
self.canvas.draw_image(img_pos, INSECT_FILES[name])
cost_pos = shift_point(panel_pos, (width / 2, ANT_IMAGE_HEIGHT + 4
food_str = str(ant_type.food_cost)
self.canvas.draw_text(food_str, cost_pos, anchor=”center”)
panel_pos = shift_point(panel_pos, (width + 2, 0))

def _init_places(self, gamestate):
“””Construct places in the play area.”””
self.place_points = dict()
# self.images: place_name -> insect instance -> image id
self.images = {‘Ant Home Base’: dict()}
place_pos = PLACE_POS
for name, place in gamestate.places.items():
if place.name == ‘Hive’:
continue# Handled as a special case later
if place.exit.name == ‘Ant Home Base’:
row_offset = (0, rows * (height + PLACE_MARGIN))
place_pos = shift_point(PLACE_POS, row_offset)
def on_click(gamestate, frame, name=name):
ant_type = self.ant_type_selected
existing_ant = gamestate.places[name].ant
if ant_type == ‘Remover’:
if existing_ant is not None:
elif ant_type is not None:
print(“gamestate.deploy_ant(‘{0}’, ‘{1}’)”.format(name,
gamestate.deploy_ant(name, ant_type)
except Exception as e:
color = ‘Blue’ if place.name.startswith(‘water’) else ‘White’
frame = self.add_click_rect(place_pos, width, height, on_click,
self.canvas.draw_image(place_pos, TUNNEL_FILE)
self.place_points[name] = place_pos
self.images[name] = dict()
place_pos = shift_point(place_pos, (width + PLACE_MARGIN, 0))

self.images[gamestate.beehive.name] = dict()
self.place_points[gamestate.beehive.name] = (place_pos[0] + width,
self.laser_end = (BEE_IMAGE_WIDTH + 2 * PLACE_PADDING[0]) * len(gamestate.places)
for bee in gamestate.beehive.bees:
self._draw_insect(bee, gamestate.beehive.name, True)

def add_click_rect(self, pos, width, height, on_click, color=’White’):
“””Construct a rectangle that can be clicked.”””
frame_points = graphics.rectangle_points(pos, width, height)
frame = self.canvas.draw_polygon(frame_points, fill_color=color)
self._click_rectangles.append((pos, width, height, frame, on_click))
return frame

def strategy(self, gamestate):
“””The strategy function is called by the ants.GameState each turn.”””
if not self.initialized:
elapsed = 0# Physical time elapsed this turn
while elapsed < STRATEGY_SECONDS:self._update_control_panel(gamestate)self._update_places(gamestate)msg = ‘Food: {0}Time: {1}’.format(gamestate.food, gamestate.time)self.canvas.edit_text(self.food_text, text=msg)pos, el = self.canvas.wait_for_click(STRATEGY_SECONDS – elapsed)elapsed += elif pos is not None:self._interpret_click(pos, gamestate)# Throw leaves at the end of the turnhas_ant = lambda a: hasattr(a, ‘ant_contained’) and a.ant_containedfor ant in gamestate.ants + [a.ant_contained for a in gamestate.ants if has_ant(a)]:if ant.name in LEAF_COLORS:self._throw(ant, gamestate)def _interpret_click(self, pos, gamestate):”””Interpret a click position by finding its click rectangle.”””x, y = posfor corner, width, height, frame, on_click in self._click_rectangles:cx, cy = cornerif x >= cx and x <= cx + width and y >= cy and y <= cy + height:on_click(gamestate, frame)def _update_control_panel(self, gamestate):”””Reflect the game state in the control panel.”””for name, frame in self.ant_type_frames:cost = gamestate.ant_types[name].food_costcolor = ‘White’if cost > gamestate.food:
color = ‘Gray’
elif name == self.ant_type_selected:
color = ‘Blue’
msg = ‘Ant selected: {0}’.format(name)
self.canvas.edit_text(self.ant_text, text=msg)
self.canvas._canvas.itemconfigure(frame, fill=color)

def _update_places(self, gamestate):
“””Reflect the game state in the play area.

This function handles several aspects of the game:
– Adding Ant images for newly placed ants
– Moving Bee images for bees that have advanced
– Moving insects out of play when they have expired
for name, place in gamestate.places.items():
if place.name == ‘Hive’:
current = self.images[name].keys()

# Add/move missing insects
if place.ant is not None:
if isinstance(place.ant, ants.ContainerAnt)
and place.ant.ant_contained and place.ant.ant_contained not in current:
container = self.images[name][place.ant]
self._draw_insect(place.ant.ant_contained, name, behind=container)
if place.ant not in current:
self._draw_insect(place.ant, name)
for bee in place.bees:
if bee not in current:
other_places = [p for p, i in self.images.items() if bee in i]
if other_places:
other_place = other_places[0]
image = self.images[other_place].pop(bee)
pos = shift_point(self.place_points[name], PLACE_PADDING)
self.canvas.slide_shape(image, pos, STRATEGY_SECONDS)
self.images[name][bee] = image
# Bee not found for some reason…

# Remove expired insects
valid_insects = set(place.bees + [place.ant])
if place.ant is not None and isinstance(place.ant, ants.ContainerAnt):
for insect in current – valid_insects:
if not place.exit or insect not in self.images[place.exit.name] and insect not in place.entrance.bees:
image = self.images[name].pop(insect)
pos = (self.place_points[name][0], CRYPT)
self.canvas.slide_shape(image, pos, STRATEGY_SECONDS)

def _draw_insect(self, insect, place_name, random_offset=False, behind=0):
“””Draw an insect and store the ID of its image.”””
image_file = INSECT_FILES[insect.name]
pos = shift_point(self.place_points[place_name], PLACE_PADDING)
if random_offset:
pos = shift_point(pos, (random.randint(-10, 10), random.randint(-50, 50)))
image = self.canvas.draw_image(pos, image_file, behind=behind)
self.images[place_name][insect] = image

def _throw(self, ant, gamestate):
“””Animate a leaf thrown at a Bee.”””
bee = ant.nearest_bee()# nearest_bee logic from ants.py
start = shift_point(self.place_points[ant.place.name], LEAF_START_OFFSET)
end = shift_point(self.place_points[bee.place.name], LEAF_END_OFFSET)
animate_leaf(self.canvas, start, end, color=LEAF_COLORS[ant.name])

def leaf_coords(pos, angle, length):
“””Return the coordinates of a leaf polygon.”””
angles = [angle – pi, angle – pi/2, angle, angle + pi/2]
distances = [length/3, length/2, length, length/2]
return [graphics.translate_point(pos, a, d) for a, d in zip(angles, distances)]

def animate_laser(canvas, start, length, duration=0.6, color=’cyan’):
laser = canvas.draw_line(start, (length, start[1]), color, width=3)
canvas._canvas.after(int(1000*duration) + 1, lambda: canvas.clear(laser))

def animate_leaf(canvas, start, end, duration=0.3, color=’ForestGreen’):
“””Define the animation frames for a thrown leaf.”””
length = 40
leaf = canvas.draw_polygon(leaf_coords(start, 0, length),
color=’DarkGreen’, fill_color=color, smooth=1)
num_frames = duration / graphics.FRAME_TIME
increment = tuple([(e-s) / num_frames for s, e in zip(start, end)])
def points_fn(frame_count):
nonlocal start
angle = pi / 8 * frame_count
cs = leaf_coords(start, angle, length)
start = shift_point(start, increment)
canvas.animate_shape(leaf, duration, points_fn)
canvas._canvas.after(int(1000*duration) + 1, lambda: canvas.clear(leaf))

from utils import *
def run(*args):
ants.Insect.reduce_health = class_method_wrapper(ants.Insect.reduce_health,
ants_strategies.start_with_strategy(args, AntsGUI().strategy, ants)

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] 留学生辅导 “””The ants_gui module implements a GUI for Ants vs. SomeBees.
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