[SOLVED] STAT340 Discussion 08: Predicting Diabetes with Logistic Regression


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title: STAT340 Discussion 08: Predicting Diabetes with Logistic Regression
author: and Wu
date: Fall 2021
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Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef

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## XKCD comic

Relevant to our discussion of exploratory data analysis on Friday:

## Introduction: the Pima Indian diabetes data set

Lets get some practice working with logistic regression by exploring the famous Pima diabetes data set.
This data set consists of biometric data collected from women of Pima Indian descent living in Arizona, including whether or not each woman had diabetes.
The data set is included in the `MASS` library (this library should already be installed in your R setup, but if not, you should install it):

__Important note:__ the `MASS` library actually includes three different versions of this data set. We will work with the `Pima.te` data frame and the `Pima.tr` data frame in this discussion section.
We will use `Pima.te` to fit our models and `Pima.tr` to evaluate them.

### Read the documentation!

Take a few minutes to read the documentation surrounding this data set, so that you understand the sampled population, the meaning of the different variables, etc.

### Predicting diabetes: exploration

Our goal in this discussion section is to fit logistic regression to this data set so that we can predict, given biometric data, whether or not a patient is likely to have diabetes.
The `type` column of the `Pima.te` data frame (and the `Pima.tr` data frame ) encodes whether a patient has diabetes (coded as `Yes`) or not (coded as `No`), but logistic regression requires that we have binary outcomes.
Lets create a new column of this data frame called `diabetes` that takes the value `1` if `type` is `Yes` and takes the value `0` otherwise.

Pima.te$diabetes <- ifelse( Pima.te$type==’Yes’, 1, 0);head(Pima.te)And do the same for `Pima.tr` data frame.#TODO: code goes here to add a `diabetes` column to Pima.tr.Having done that, there remains the question of which variables to include in our model.This is a *model selection* problem.One way to see which variables are predictive and which aren’t is to, well, look.Let’s try plotting some of the above variables, breaking them out by whether or not each patient tested positive for diabetes.pp <- ggplot(Pima.te, aes(x=as.factor(diabetes), group=diabetes, y=glu)) + geom_boxplot();This plot certainly suggests that there is a difference in `glu` between diabetic and non-diabetic patients.This is in keeping with the known relationship between blood glucose levels and diabetes.Choose (at least) two more predictor variables from among the predictors in the `Pima.te` data set and make boxplots like the one above.Do these variables appear to be predictive or not? Discuss.# TODO: code goes here.TODO: discussion/explanation goes here.### Predicting diabetes: simple logistic regressionLet’s first try fitting a logistic regression using each of the variables `npreg`, `glu`, `bp`, `skin`, `bmi`, `ped` and `age` to predict the `diabetes` outcome.Then, having fit a model, we’ll evaluate it on another set of patient data.We’ll give an example for you to work from.lr_glu <- glm( diabetes ~ 1 + glu, data=Pima.te, family=binomial );Note the AIC entry above– AIC stands for *Akaike Information Criterion*.It can be useful in model selection, and we will discuss it in more detail in coming lectures.For now, you can ignore it– just note that it’s included in your model output.Note the coefficient of `glu` above. Is it positive or negative? Is it large (in absolute value)? How might you interpret this?In the case of linear regression, the coefficients essentially capture the (expected) change in our outcome based on a unit change in the predictor.The story is a bit more complicated in the case of logistic regression.Refering back to our lecture notes on logistic regression, give a brief (two or three sentences should be plenty) description of how we should interpret this coefficient.TODO: discussion/explanation goes here.### Evaluating model predictive performanceNow, we would like to know how good our model actually is.That is, how well our model does at predicting diabetes in other patients.But if we evalute our model on the data that we just used to train it, well, of course it will do well!This idea is well known in machine learning– you shouldn’t “test” your model on the “train” data.Lucky for us, there the `Pima.tr` data set contains another collection of patient data from the same study.We can use our trained model to *predict* the diabetes outcome based on the predictors, and that will give us a sense of how well our trained model does at predicting on data it hasn’t seen before.This idea of applying our model to data it hasn’t seen before is the motivation for cross-validation (e.g., leave-one-out CV and K-fold CV), which we are discussing in class this week.In CV, we separate our data into “training” data and a “validation” set.In the case of the Pima data, we don’t need to use CV, because we have a separate set of patient data just kind of lying around for us to use!For example, let’s predict the outcome for the first patient:# type=’response’ tells R to output p(X), i.e., the (estimated) logistic function# evaluated on the given data.# newdata=Pima.tr[1,] tells R to apply our trained model lr_glu# to the predictors (in this case, just `glu`) in the first row of Pima.tr.predict(lr_glu, type=’response’, newdata = Pima.tr[1,] )Okay, but this outputs a probability.So this says that our model thinks that the probability that this patient has diabetes is about 0.09, which is pretty small!And we can check that indeed this patient doesn’t have diabetes:Pima.tr[1,]$diabetesSo let’s say that for a given patient, if our model outputs a probability larger than $0.5$, we will predict that the patient has diabetes, and we will predict that she doesn’t, otherwise.probabilities <- predict(lr_glu, type=’response’, newdata = Pima.tr );predictions <- ifelse(probabilities>0.5, 1, 0);
# Now, how many predictions did we get right?
# Count up how many of our predicted diabetes statuses agree with the true labels,
# and divide by the total number of patients to get fraction of correct labels.

Not bad based on a single variable!

___Side note:__ 74% accuracy isnt actually as impressive as you might think.
Suppose that we just always guess that a patient doesnt have diabetes.
Then our accuracy would be:
This is an important thing to keep in mind when working on classification and prediction problems!
If you have a rare outcome, if can be easy to convince yourself that you are doing a very good job of prediction, when in fact you are performing near chance.

Of course, in this setting, 0.74 and 0.66 are certainly not the same out model has surely learned something useful, this is just meant as a caution for future work (e.g., in your group projects!).

## Your turn!

Pick another predictor variable from the `Pima.te` data set and repeat the analysis above fit a model on `Pima.te` and evaluate its prediction accuracy on the `Pima.tr` data set.

TODO: code and explanation/discussion go here.

## Bonus: combining variables (optional, but highly recommended)

Now, just like in multiple linear regression, it seems like that we can do better by including multiple variables in our model.
Choose two variables in the `Pima.te` data set and fit models for them.
Then, fit a third model that predicts an outcome based on an intercept term and *both* of your variables.
So, for example, if you have trained models with formulas `diabetes ~ 1 + glu` and `diabetes ~ 1 + age`, try training a third model with the formual `diabetes ~ 1 + glu + age`.
Having trained these three models on the `Pima.te` model, evaluate them on the `Pima.tr` data.
Compare their performances and discuss.

TODO: code and explanation/discussion go here.

CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] STAT340 Discussion 08: Predicting Diabetes with Logistic Regression