[SOLVED] STAT340 Discussion: Estimation


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title: STAT340 Discussion: Estimation
author: and Wu
date: September 2021
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## Problem 1: Checking the CLT

The central limit theorem (or, at least the version of it that we saw in lecture) states that if $X_1,X_2,dots$ are iid random variables with shared mean $mu = mathbb{E} X_1$ and variance $sigma^2 = operatorname{Var} X_1$, then as $n rightarrow infty$, the recentered, rescaled random variable
frac{ frac{1}{n} sum_{i=1}^n X_i mu }{ sqrt{sigma^2/n} }
is well approximated by a standard normal.

Lets explore what that looks like in practice (or, at least, in the practice of simulated data) by running an experiment.

We will generate $n$ draws from an exponential distrbution, and take their sample mean.

We will repeat this experiment many times and plot the histogram of the sample means, and well see that the plot looks more and more normal as we increase $n$.

Nrep <- 1000;nvals <- c(5,10,40);lambda <- 1/5; # True rate parameter in the exponential.truemean <- 1/lambda; # Mean of exp is 1/ratetruevar <- 1/lambda**2; # var of exp is 1/rate^2.# We will store our results in a data frame with columns# reps : Each entry is a centered, scaled sample mean.# n : the sample size (= 20, 50, 100)nvec <- rep( nvals, each=Nrep );reps <- rep(NA,Nrep*length(nvals));results <- data.frame(‘n’=as.factor(nvec), ‘reps’=reps);# Now let’s run our experimentfor (n in nvals) {centered_scaled <- rep(NA, Nrep);for ( i in 1:Nrep ) { # Repeat expt Nrep times for this n value.sample <- rexp(n=n, rate=lambda);centered_scaled[i] <- (mean(sample) – truemean)/sqrt(truevar/n);results[results$n==n,]$reps <- centered_scaled;# Now let’s plot, with one histogram for each of those n values.pp <- ggplot( results, aes(x=reps) );pp <- pp + geom_histogram( aes() );pp <- pp+ facet_wrap(~n);Try changing the distribution above from the Exponential to something else (e.g, Poisson or uniform).Alternatively, try playing around with the parameters (e.g., changing the rate parameter in the exponential).Don’t forget to update the true mean and true variance accordingly (feel free to look up the mean and variance of your distribution of choice on Wikipedia or in an introductory probability textbook).## Problem 2: Widgets revisitedHaving seen our widgets example in lecture, let’s use our simulation-based approach to produce a confidence interval for the parameter $p$ (the probability that a widget is functional).Remember, the basic recipe is1. Estimate the parameter from the data2. Generate many “fake” data samples by generating from the model as though that (estimated) parameter were the truth. On each sample, estimate the parameter from that “fake” sample.3. Use the resulting estimates (the “replicates”, in the language from lecture), to compute quantilesSo let’s implement that, part by part.Before we can do that, here’s code to generate data for us.ptrue <- 0.8; # 80% of widgets are functional.n <- 200; # We’ll examine 200 widgets.data <- rbinom(1, size=n, p=ptrue);### Part a: estimating pThe first step is to estimate $p$. Fill in this function so that it produces an estimate of $p$.The sample mean is a perfectly good estimator, here.compute_phat <- function( sample ) {#TODO: code goes here.# You’ll call this like compute_phat( data ), where data is# like the variable data in the code block above.# Your function should return a single number, ideally between 0 and 1, since it is supposed to be an estimate of probability p.### Part b: generating replicatesNow, our next step is to write code that lets us repeatedly sample from $operatorname{Binomial}(n,hat{p})$ and (re)estimate $p$ each time.First, we need a function to run one instance of the experiment.This is *roughly* analogous to the for-loop inside the function `run_trial` from lecture.resample_and_estimate <- function( phat, nsamp ) {#TODO: write code that# 1) Samples from a Binomial with success probabikity phat and size nsamp (phat will be our estimate based on data, nsamp is the size parameter, which we know)# 2) Compute an estimate of p from that new sample (i.e, by taking the sample mean.)# 3) Return that estimate. Something like ‘return sample_mean’### Part c: building the confidence intervalOkay, now lets use `resample_and_estimate` repeatedly to get a bunch of replicates.Then we can use those replicates to get quantiles.Nrep <- 100; # Feel free to increase this once you are confident your code works!replicates <- rep(NA, Nrep); # Store replicates here.# Just repeating this code from above to remind us of the true params.ptrue <- 0.8; # 80% of widgets are functional.n <- 200; # We’ll examine 200 widgets.data <- rbinom(1, size=n, p=ptrue);# TODO: add a line of code here to get an estimate for ptrue (e.g, using a function you defined above)for ( i in 1:Nrep) {replicates[i] <- NA # TODO: fix this to store a single replicate!### Part d: constructing an interval.Choose a confidence level (95% like in lecture is fine, but feel free to choose something else) and use the vector `replicates` created in the code block above to create a confidence interval.# TODO: use the quantile() function to get a CI from the variable replicates.Does your CI contain the true value of $p$?### Optional: repeating the experiment.A $(1-alpha)$ confidence interval should fail to contain the true parameter $alpha$ portion of the time.Following the code from lecture, write code to repeat the above experiment many times and record how often the confidence interval contains the true value of $p$.It won’t be exact, due to randomness, but it should be close to $1-alpha$.# Number of experiments, which we call “trials” below and in lectureNexpt <- 100; # Increase this once you are sure your code works.ptrue_in_CI <- rep(NA, Nexpt);for( i in 1:Nexpt ) {# TODO: Call a function here that computes a CI, like run_trial from lectureptrue_in_CI[i] <- NA #TODO: update this to be a Boolean that says whether or not ptrue was in the CI on this trial.sum(ptrue_in_CI)/Nexpt; # Compute how many of the trials managed to “catch” ptrue. 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[SOLVED] STAT340 Discussion: Estimation