[SOLVED] 机器学习深度学习神经网络代写:cs 189 HW7

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CS 189 Introduction to Machine Learning Fall 2017

This homework is due Saturday, October 14 at 10pm. 1 Getting Started


You may typeset your homework in latex or submit neatly handwritten and scanned solutions. Please make sure to start each question on a new page, as grading (with Gradescope) is much easier that way! Deliverables:

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3. Submit your test set evaluation results, “HW[n] Test Set”.

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CS 189, Fall 2017, HW7 1

2 Backpropogation Algorithm for Neural Networks

In this problem, we will be implementing the backprop algorithm to train a neural network to approximate the function

f (x) = sin(x)
To establish notation for this problem, the output of layer i given the input ⃗a in the neural network

is given by

l i ( ⃗a ) = σ ( W i ⃗a + ⃗b i ) .

In this equation, W is a ni+1 × mi matrix that maps the input ⃗ai of dimension mi to a vector of dimension ni+1, where ni+1 is the size of layer i+1 and we have that mi = ni−1. The vector⃗bi is the bias vector added after the matrix multiplication, and σ is the nonlinear function applied element- wise to the result of the matrix multiplication and addition. Each layer is computed sequentially where the output of one layer is used as the input to the next. To compute the derivatives of the weights Wi and the biases ⃗bi of each layer, we use the chain rule starting with the output of the network and work our way backwards through the layers, which is where the backprop algorithm gets its name.

You are given starter code with incomplete function implementations. For this problem, you will fill in the missing code so that we can train a neural network to learn the function f (x) = sin(x). The code currently trains a network with two hidden layers with 100 nodes per layer. Later in this problem, you will be exploring how the number of layers and the number of nodes per layer affects the approximation.

  1. (a)  Start by drawing a small example network with three computational layers, where the last layer has a single scalar output. The first layer should have a single external input corresponding to the input x. The computational layers should have widths of 5, 3, and 1 respectively. The final “output” layer’s “nonlinearity” should be a linear unit that just returns its input. The earlier “hidden” layers should have ReLU units. Label all the ni and mi as well as all the as and Wi and b weights. You can consider the bias terms to be weights connected to a dummy unit whose output is always 1 for the purpose of labeling. You can also draw and label the loss function that will be important during training — use a squared-error loss.Here, the important thing is for you to understand your own clear ways to illustrate neural nets. You can follow conventions seen online or in lecture or discussion, or you can modify those conventions to pick something that makes the most sense to you. The important thing is to have your illustration be unambiguous so you can use it to help understand the forward flow of information during evaluation and the backward flow during gradient computations. Since you’re going to be implementing all this during this problem, it is good to be clear.
  2. (b)  Let’s start by implementing the cost function of the network. This function is used to assign an error for each prediction made by the network during training. The implementation will be

CS 189, Fall 2017, HW7 2

using the mean squared error cost function, which is given by ˆ1n

MSE(⃗y) = 2 ∑||yi −yˆi||2 i=1

where yi is the observation that we want the neural network to output and yˆi is the prediction from the network.

Write the derivative of the mean squared error cost function with respect to the pre-


(c) Now, let’s take the derivatives of the nonlinear activation functions used in the network. Im- plement the following nonlinear functions in the code and their derivatives

σlinear(z) = z

0 z<0 σReLU(z) = z otherwise

σtanh(z) = ez − e−z ez + e−z

For the tanh function, feel free to use the tanh function in numpy. We have provided the sigmoid function as an example activation function.

(d) Now that we have the cost function and the nonlinear functions implemented, let’s implement

dicted outputs ⃗y. In backprop.py implement the functions QuadraticCost.fx and QuadraticCost.dx

the network evaluation. Implement the function Model.evaluate that takes the input ˆ

to the network and outputs the predicted values⃗y as well as the outputs of each layer li(⃗a) and the values in each layer before applying the nonlinear function σ . See the comments in the code for further details.

(e) We now need to compute the derivative of the cost function with respect to the weights W

and the biases⃗b of each layer in the network. We will be using all of the code we previously

implemented to help us compute these gradients. Assume that ∂ MSE is given, where ⃗ai+1 is ∂⃗ai+1

the input to layer i + 1. Write the expression for ∂ MSE in terms of ∂ MSE . Then implement ∂⃗ai ∂⃗ai+1

these derivative calcualtions in the function Model.train.

(f) Finally, we use these gradients to update the model parameters using gradient descent. Im-

plement the function GDOptimizer.update to update the parameters in each layer of

the network. You will need to use the derivatives ∂ MSE and the outputs of each layer ⃗ai to ∂⃗ai

compute the derivates ∂MSE and ∂MSE. Use the learning rate η, given by self.eta in the ∂ W i ∂ ⃗b i

function, to scale the gradients when using them to update the model parameters.
CS 189, Fall 2017, HW7 3

  1. (g)  Show your results by reporting the mean squared error of the network when using the ReLU nonlinearity, the tanh nonlinearity, and the linear activation function. Additionally, make a plot of the approximated sin function in the range [−π,π]. Use the model param- eters, the learning rate, and the training iterations provided in the code to train the models. When you have all of the above parts implemented, you will just need to copy the output of the script when you run backprop.py.
  2. (h)  Let’s now explore how the number of layers and the number of hidden nodes per layer affects the approximation. Train a models using the tanh and the ReLU activation functions with 5, 10, 25, and 50 hidden nodes per layer (width) and 1, 2, and 3 hidden layers (depth). Use the same training iterations and learning rate from the starter code. Report the resulting error on the training set after training for each combination of parameters.
  3. (i)  Implement a shortcut-training approach that doesn’t bother to update any of the weights that are inputs to the hidden layers and just leaves them at the starting random val- ues. All it does is treat the outputs of the hidden layers as random features, and does OLS+Ridge to set the final weights. Compare the resulting approximation by both plots and mean-squared-error values for the 24 cases above (2 nonlinearities times 4 widths times 3 depths). Comment on what you see.
  4. (j)  Bonus: Modify the code to implement stochastic gradient descent where the batch size is given as a parameter to the function Model.train. Choose several different batch sizes and report the final error on the training set given the batch sizes.
  5. (k)  Bonus: Experiment with using different learning rates. Try both different constant learning rates and rates that change with the iteration number such as one that is proportional to 1/it- eration. Feel free to change the number of training iterations. Report your results with the number of training iterations and the final error on the training set.

3 Your Own Question

Write your own question, and provide a thorough solution.

Writing your own problems is a very important way to really learn material. The famous “Bloom’s Taxonomy” that lists the levels of learning is: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. Using what you know to create is the top-level. We rarely ask you any HW questions about the lowest level of straight-up remembering, expecting you to be able to do that yourself. (e.g. make yourself flashcards) But we don’t want the same to be true about the highest level.

As a practical matter, having some practice at trying to create problems helps you study for exams much better than simply counting on solving existing practice problems. This is because thinking about how to create an interesting problem forces you to really look at the material from the perspective of those who are going to create the exams.

Besides, this is fun. If you want to make a boring problem, go ahead. That is your prerogative. But it is more fun to really engage with the material, discover something interesting, and then come up

CS 189, Fall 2017, HW7 4

with a problem that walks others down a journey that lets them share your discovery. You don’t have to achieve this every week. But unless you try every week, it probably won’t happen ever.

CS 189, Fall 2017, HW7 5


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[SOLVED] 机器学习深度学习神经网络代写:cs 189 HW7
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