[SOLVED] 代写 XML C# CS 335 2019 Page 1 of 6 A#8 v1 Web Services

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CS 335 2019 Page 1 of 6 A#8 v1 Web Services
This assignment will give you practical experience on building a self-hosted web service with modern frameworks, Nancy in this case. It also brings together various bits from the previous assignments, A#5, A#6, A#7.
For a general view on Nancy, please follow the links given in the Nancy folder and experiment with the given examples (now updated).
The server will be started on port 8081 (which is available in the labs) and will listen at simple POST requests of the following multi-line format:
o The first line indicates a table-name, one of Customers or Orders.
o Each one of the next lines indicate a required transformation – in a format
similar to the one used in A#7.
Our application contains a folder called data, where we have two XML serialised versions of the “standard” Northwind tables Customers and Orders, here called Customers.XML and Orders.XML (respectively).
Essentially, we have to parse the XML “tables” into corresponding collections, apply the required transformations, in the given order, and finally return the result as a JSON formatted response.

CS 335 2019 Page 2 of 6 A#8 v1 For parsing XML, we recommend extension methods from the System.Xml.Linq
namespace, such as .Elements (name), .Element (name).
The XML data must be parsed into objects of this format, exactly (otherwise the
request may fail):
public class Customer {
public string CustomerID { get; set; } public string CompanyName { get; set; } public string ContactName { get; set; }
public class Order {
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public string CustomerID { get; set; } public DateTime? OrderDate { get; set; } public DateTime? ShippedDate { get; set; } public decimal? Freight { get; set; }
public string ShipName { get; set; }
public string ShipCity { get; set; }
public string ShipCountry { get; set; }
// more about this field later:
public Customer Customer { get; set; } }
Note that Order has three nullable properties (?), which need special care when parsing! For the moment, also ignore the property Order.Customer.
The required transformations use method names as in A#7, i.e., Where, Select, OrderBy, Take, Skip, which means that you can still use Dynamic Linq.
However, the element types of the sequences can be arbitrary tuples (not just strings as in A#7).

CS 335 2019 Page 3 of 6 A#8 v1 The assignment has several levels of difficulty, which will be separately
Level 1 – 4 marks
We should be able to work with transformations starting from the Customers
table. For example: POST Request Body:
POST Response (minified):
OrderBy ContactName DESC
Where CustomerID < “D”Take 3Select new (CustomerID, ContactName, CompanyName)[{“customerID”:”CHOPS”,”contactName”:”Yang Wang”,”companyName”:”Chop-suey Chinese”},{“customerID”:”BSBEV”,”contactName”:”Victoria Ashworth”,”companyName”:”B’s Beverages”},{“customerID”:”AROUT”,”contactName”:”Thomas Hardy”,”companyName”:”Around the Horn”}] CS 335 2019 Page 4 of 6 A#8 v1 Level 2 – +2 marks (total 6 marks)We should also be able to work with transformations starting from the Orders table, which do NOT use the nullable fields (so you can start by ignoring these while parsing). For example:POST Request Body:POST Response (minified):Level 3 – +1 marks (total 7 marks)We should also be able to work with transformations starting from the Orders table, which DO use the nullable fields (so now you need to parse the fields). For example:POST Request Body:POST Response (minified): OrdersOrderBy OrderIDTake 3Select new (OrderID, ShipCountry, CustomerID)[{“orderID”:10248,”shipCountry”:”France”,”customerID”:”VINET”},{“orde rID”:10249,”shipCountry”:”Germany”,”customerID”:”TOMSP”},{“orderID” :10250,”shipCountry”:”Brazil”,”customerID”:”HANAR”}]OrdersWhere OrderDate != null && (ShippedDate == null || Freight == null) Take 3Select new (OrderID, OrderDate, ShippedDate, Freight)[{“orderID”:11008,”orderDate”:”1998-04- 08T00:00:00.0000000+12:00″,”shippedDate”:null,”freight”:79.4600},{“o rderID”:11009,”orderDate”:”1998-04- 08T00:00:00.0000000+12:00″,”shippedDate”:null,”freight”:59.1100},{“o rderID”:11010,”orderDate”:”1998-04- 09T00:00:00.0000000+12:00″,”shippedDate”:null,”freight”:28.7100}] CS 335 2019 Page 5 of 6 A#8 v1 Level 4 – +1 marks (total 8 marks)We should also be able to work with transformations that require navigation from the Orders table to the associated Customer, which means that you have to conceptually “join” the two tables and set the Order.Customer link. For example:POST Request Body:POST Response (minified):OrdersOrderBy OrderID Take 3Select new (OrderID, ShipCountry, CustomerID, Customer.ContactName, CompanyName)Customer.[{“orderID”:10248,”shipCountry”:”France”,”customerID”:”VINET”,”contact Name”:”Paul Henriot *******”,”companyName”:”Vins et alcools Chevalier”},{“orderID”:10249,”shipCountry”:”Germany”,”customerID”:”T OMSP”,”contactName”:”Karin Josephs”,”companyName”:”Toms Spezialitäten”},{“orderID”:10250,”shipCountry”:”Brazil”,”customerID”:”H ANAR”,”contactName”:”Mario Pontes”,”companyName”:”Hanari Carnes”}] CS 335 2019 Page 6 of 6 A#8 v1Programs:(A#8) one single file C# solution (required).You can of course use all standard libraries extant in the labs, plus Nancy.dll, Nancy.Hosting.Self.dll, DynamicLinqUoA.dll.Please don’t forget to add proper using clauses to your source program. SubmissionPlease submit to the COMSPCI ADB (not to automarker). https://adb.auckland.ac.nz/


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[SOLVED] 代写 XML C# CS 335 2019 Page 1 of 6 A#8 v1 Web Services
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