[SOLVED] 代写 UML software 1

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SEG2105 – Introduction to Software Engineering – Fall 2019 Assignment 3 (4%)
Assignment due: November 16 2019 by 11h59pm.
This is an individual assignment. You must work strictly alone on this.
In this assignment, you will be creating UML diagrams with the USE tool, a UML-based specification environment.
**** Important: Tool works fine under JDK 7 or JDK 8 *************
The USE tool can be downloaded at:
The USE documentation can be found at:
More information about how to use the tool can be found in my Website at (Videos):
1. Create a UML class diagram for system described below using the USE tool (30 points). Show all attributes (with data types), associations and generalizations. Make sure you include the correct multiplicity.
2. Determine all the methods needed to implement five different important operations (15 points) – specifying in which classes they belong and all collaborations. You don’t need to implement them, just describe them (as shown in the textbook, pages 213-214). Specify return types and required parameters for each of the methods. Don’t show them in the class diagram, use tables or list to enumerate them. Note that getters and setters are not considered operations (they are just part of an operation).
3. Create a UML object diagram for the types in your class diagram using the USE tool (21 points). You will need to set some of the attributes of the types. Create a set of objects allowing you to test the OCL constraints of question 3. In particular, you will need to create the following instances:
o Onerace,the‘Ottawarace’takingplaceatCalabogiePeak. o Threeteams:
 Team TheWall with members : Trump, Scheer, Maduro and Bin. No substitutes.
 Team PeaceTeam with members: Putin, Bush, Saddam and Pinochet. Substitutes:
Ford, Reagan, Kim.

 Team Amigos with members: Obama, Nixon, Trudeau and Macron. Substitutes: Chirac.
o Theracehas4legs:
 Leg 1 includes biking
 Leg 2 includes climbing and obstacles  Leg 3 includes swimming and kayaking  Leg 4 includes running
4. Create the following OCL invariants and check on the object diagram you have specified using the USE tool (24 points – 3 points each). Note: Even if your multiplicities allow you to constraint the model, you still need to specify the OCL constraints. The OCL constraints must be specified using USE and will need to pass.
 Member name cannot be empty.
 A race must include at least 4 legs.
 A leg must have different targeted skills. That is, leg 1 and 2 cannot both target ‘running’.
 The score of the team (which correspond to the cumulative time of all members) cannot
exceed the total time allocated to the race.
 A member cannot be part of more than one team.
 Member id must be unique.
 A team name must be unique.
 A team can include more than 4 members (since there are substitutes) but only 4 can
 The starting time given to a team cannot be the same as the one given to another team
(all team start with a 10-minute gap).
What to submit: On Brightspace only (No GitHub this time).
 Model_XXXXXX.use: This is the USE file containing your model (XXXXXX is your student number).
 Objects_XXXXXXX.cmd. This is a file containing your object diagram.
 Document with class diagram for question 1 (clear screenshot), object diagram for question 2 (clear screenshot), OCL constraints of question 3 and list of operations of
question 4. Include the assumptions you have made.
Include all the files in zip file named after your student number as follows: SEG2105_A3_XXXXXXX.zip.
 If you do not follow the naming conventions and/or submit in a zip file, you will lose 5%.
 The tool Turnitin/gradescope will be used to compare the code of the assignments. Solutions must
be unique.
 No late assignments will be accepted. Submission link will be closed after the deadline.
 No submissions by email.

System specification: Spartan Race System
You run a company, (SPARTAN) which organizes many different races in the wilderness in various parts of the world. Each race involves a few teams; each team has 4 members. A member of the team is identified by a first name, last name, address, member ID. A member must enter the contact information (name, address, phone number and relationship) of a person in case of emergency. The team member must also specify if she has any physical problems. If the member (participant) is under 18 years, a parent or guardian must also provide his information. Once a member creates a profile, she must accept a waiver before attempting to join a team. A team has also a captain who can modify the name of the team, delete or add new members. A team has 4 main members, but also has a list of members that are substitute and that can participate in the race only in exchange for an existing player.
Every race has a series of 4-5 legs, each with a starting location and an ending location and usually taking many hours to complete. One leg is raced each day by all the teams that have not yet dropped out. The teams use various skills (e.g. running, mountain climbing, kayaking, cycling etc.); each leg may involve one or more of the skills.
Each team is given a starting time for each leg; times at which teams start are staggered so that there are initially 10-minute gaps between teams. When a team reaches the end of the leg, the time that the third member of the team crosses the finish line is used to compute the team’s overall time. Teams are scored based on their cumulative times for all the legs, although penalty minutes can be assessed for various reasons.
Races are run using the same routes (i.e. series of legs) repeatedly so that teams can see if they can beat records. Records are kept of best time for the race route, as well as best time for each leg. A team enters only one race; even if the same members enter again, they are considered a different team. _____________________________________________________________________________________


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[SOLVED] 代写 UML software 1
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