[SOLVED] 代写 security Overview

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CSCI 1100Computer Science 1 Homework 4 Lists, Loops and If statements
This homework is worth 100 points toward your overall homework grade, and is due Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 11:59:59 pm. It has two parts. Part 1 is worth 45 points and Part 2 is worth 55 points.
The goal of this assignment is to work further with loops, lists and if statements. As your programs get longer, you will need to develop some strategies for testing. Here are a few simple ones: solve a simpler version of the problem first without all the special cases, or even solve a simpler and different problem. Work from that solution to the current one.
Start testing early, and test small parts of your program by writing a little bit and testing. Ask yourself what is a good input and what is the expected output first, instead of waiting for Submitty inputs. This will allow you to understand the problem better.
Remember to use office hours, especially earlier in the week, for conceptual questions.
As always, make sure you follow the program structure guidelines. You will be graded on program correctness as well as good program structure.
Remember, we will be continuing to test homeworks for similarity. So, follow our guidelines for the acceptable levels of collaboration that we posted in the Submitty Course Materials.
Part 1: Is this crazy password valid? 45 Points
A good password in this strange system should have the following properties:
Rule 1: The password should be between 10 and 25 characters inclusive, starting with a letter.
Rule 2. The password should have at least one of the following characters but no .
Rule 3: The password should have at least one upper and one lower case character, or it should contain at least one of 1, 2, 3 or 4.
If it contains upper and lower case characters, we dont care about numbers 1,2,3,4. If it contains 1,2,3 or 4, we dont care about upper or lower case characters.
Rule 4: Each upper case character if there are any must be immediately followed by at least one underscore symbol .
Rule 5: Each numerical digit, if there are any, must be less than 4. So, a35 is not valid because of 5. Note that in Rule 3 you checked the existence of one at least number in 14 range, now you want to check that all numbers are on this range.
Write a program that asks the user for a potential password, then checks and prints whether it satisfies each of the above rules.
Then, if the password is a valid one satisfying all the above rules, tell the user. If the password is not valid, but satisfies rule 1, suggest a valid password by taking the first 8 and the last 8 characters and appending 42 between them note the password constructed this way may not be valid with respect to the above rules, but randomness is always good for security. Otherwise, you print nothing.
Hint: A very good way to solve this problem is to use booleans to store whether each rule is satisfied or not. Start slowly, write and test each part separately. Rules 1,2 and 3 do not require looping at

all. For rule 4, the simplest solution involves simply looping through the string once. The same is true for rule 5. You can construct the suggested password, in one line of code using slicing.
There are some really useful string functions you can use: str.islower, str.isupper and of course str.count and str.find. Try help to learn more about them.
Here is an example on how to get started slowly. It uses Booleans to store the result of some simple steps and provides a platform to build up your solution.
islongenoughlenword25 and lenword10
if islongenough and islowercase:
print It is long enough and lower case Here are some s runs of the full program:
Enter a passwordthisislowercase
Rule 1 is satisfied
Rule 2 is not satisfied
Rule 3 is not satisfied
Rule 4 is satisfied
Rule 5 is satisfied
A suggested password is: thisis42owercase
Enter a passwordMixedcasinG
Rule 1 is satisfied
Rule 2 is satisfied
Rule 3 is satisfied
Rule 4 is not satisfied
Rule 5 is satisfied
A suggested password is: Mixedc42dcasinG
Enter a passwordshort1pass
Rule 1 is satisfied
Rule 2 is not satisfied
Rule 3 is satisfied
Rule 4 is satisfied
Rule 5 is satisfied
A suggested password is: short142t1pass
Enter a passwordwith2valid3numbers with2valid3numbers
Rule 1 is satisfied
Rule 2 is satisfied
Rule 3 is satisfied
Rule 4 is satisfied
Rule 5 is satisfied
The password is valid

When you have tested your code, please submit it as hw4part1.py. You must use this filename, or Submitty will not be able to run and grade your code.
Part 2: Worldwide University Rankings 55 Points
In this part, we will use data from universitydata.csv, a file of worldwide university rankings with data for 1000 universities. The data comes from https:www.kaggle.commylesoneill worlduniversityrankings.
To complete this part, you will import a module named hw4util that works very similar to the lab05util module we used in Lab 5. You will use this module to read in the universitydata.csv file into a list of lists. Within this list of lists, the first item is a list of data field names header, and the remaining entries are lists containing information about different universities the specific university name is at index zero. Here is a short example of how this module works using data for the first five fields from the header and two random rows:
import hw4util
print data0:5this is the header item in the list
print data400:5
print data800:5
Produces the following output:
Institution, World rank, Country, National rank, Quality of education Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 400, China, 16, 367
Showa University, 800, Japan, 59, 367
Problem specification
Write a program that first reads the file as shown above into a list of lists using the utility we provided you. The program then asks the user for the name of a university and two indices from the list between 1 and 1000. You can assume the entered indices are valid.
Search for the entered university name in the data. If the university is not found, provide an error message. If the university is found, print a table comparing it to the other two universities as shown below. Use the format function to pad the fields with spaceswe pad the first field to 25 characters and the remaining fields to 12 characters. You can easily accomplish this with the format function:
0:12.formatabcleft justified
0:12.formatabcright justified, this is what we useabc
Your program must include a function finduniversitydata, uname that takes as input the list of lists you have read from the file and the university name you have read from the user. Your function should return the index of the university if it is in the data list or 1 if it is not found.
Here are sample outputs of this program:

University nameRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Line number for first university to compare 11000120 120
Line number for second university to compare 11000680 680
First university: Rice University
Second university: University of LAquila
World rank
National rank
Quality of education
Alumni employment
Quality of faculty
Broad impact
A second run:
FirstSecond Yours
120 680 282
61 37 110
52 367 137
161 567 142
95 218 218
255 655 402
150 678 346
59 645 182
130 590 292
76 871 210
49.73 44.38 46.19
University nameRensselear Polytechnic Institute
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
Line number for first university to compare 110001
Line number for second university to compare 1100010
University not found
When you have tested your code, please submit it as hw4part2.py. Only submit your code, not the other files we already provided you. You must use this filename, or Submitty will not be able to run and grade your code.


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[SOLVED] 代写 security Overview
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