[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html math XML U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm

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U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
U08073 Advanced Web Technology Coursework
In this coursework you will be building representations of the BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree at Oxford Brookes University. You should build your representations in both XML and RDF. You will also be demonstrating your understanding of XSLT and XQuery using your XML representation
The completed coursework should be submitted at the end of the module but there are check in points in week 6 and week 8 to receive formative feedback. During your practical session in these weeks, the tutor will give you formative feedback on what you have achieved so far. For each of the two representations you will be creating, the specification is split into two parts. Part 1 specifies what you should have completed by the check in session so there is sufficient work completed to receive meaningful feedback and Part 2 specifies the full requirements for that representation.
The Domain
For this part of the coursework, you should find the module information on PIP. The modules you should be including are:
U08007, U08008, U08009, U08010, U08011, U08013 and U08606
NOTE: for the larger module set in Part 2, you will be provided with the information in a file called SQ.csv.
Specification: XML Part 1 – Check in point Week 6
1. Construct an XML representation that allows the following information about each first year module to be stored.
o ModuleName
o ModuleNumber
o ModuleLeader
o Modulestatus(single,double) o Pre-requisites.
o Semesteritrunsin
2. Provide an XML Schema to accompany your XML.
Specification: RDF Part 1 – check in point Week 8
To complete this part of the coursework, you should use a suitable URI for the unique definition of your namespace for the RDF data you are defining. You are recommended to use:
http://ecm.brookes.ac.uk/modules/U08073/2019/xxxxxxxx/ where xxxxxxxx is your student number.

U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
1. Construct an RDF representation using Turtle notation that includes the same information about each module as above:
o ModuleName
o ModuleNumber
o ModuleLeader
o Modulestatus(single,double) o Pre-requisites
o Semesteritrunsin
Specification: XML Part 2 – Full representation 18 marks
1. The previous data for part 1 only considered first year (Level 4) modules, which are all compulsory. There was no data stored about module level (Level 4, 5 or 6) or module type (Compulsory, Optional). Add the information that all the first year modules from part 1 of the coursework are Level 4 and compulsory.
SQ.csv contains comma separated data about second and final year modules on BSc (Hons) Computer Science. For each module the following data is stored:
o ModuleName
o ModuleNumber
o ModuleLeader
o Level(4,5or6)
o Type (Compulsory, Optional) o Status(Single,Double)
o Pre-requisites
o Semesteritrunsin
Extend your XML representation so that it now also contains this new data.
2. Provide an updated XML Schema to cover your complete XML representation.
3. Provide a web page containing an XSLT transformation that will display the information for each module from your XML representation in one of two tables on a web page.
The first table should contain the modules running in semester 1 and the second table
should contain the modules running in semester 2.
4. Construct XQuery expressions that will answer the following questions:
a. List the double modules in order of module name
b. List the modules in semester 2 that have a pre-requisite
c. List the maths modules (HINT: maths modules have module codes that begin
In each case, the queries should be formatted using HTML in such a way as to return a meaningful answer with sensible text accompanying the data returned.

U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
Specification: RDF Part 2 – Full representation 17 marks
1. Extend your RDF representation to include all the information asked for in the full XML representation. You should also update your representation so that it makes use of RDF Schema where relevant.
2. Create SPARQL queries to return the following information
a. The names of the first year modules
b. The names of the modules that include U08009 as one of their prerequisites.
3. Create SPARQL queries to add the following information concerning week 4 of the month.
a. There is a new level 6 module U08085. Its name is Communicating and Teaching
Computer Science and it runs in either semester 1 or semester 2
b. U08085 has Clare Martin as module leader
c. U08085 is optional and has U08009 and U08055 as pre-requisite.
Specification: Report 15 marks
Create a report of around 500 – 1000 words in length about the work you have done. You should research the work in the area and use the knowledge you gain to enrich your answer. You should provide references and citations as appropriate.
Your answer should address the following points:
 Explain how linked data can be used in semantic web applications and give suggestions for how linked data might be used with the representations you have created.
 Provide suggestions with explanations for how OWL could be used to add expressive power to your RDF representation.
 For both your XML representation and your RDF representation, explain your design decisions and comment on how you found extending from the initial representation for part 1. Did the larger data set cause you to rethink any of your previous design decisions and if so, why? If you decided to restart, justify your decision.
 What are the advantages of using existing vocabularies when creating an RDF representation?
 Consider the different technologies you have used in both parts of the coursework and appraise how effective each was in working with this data. As part of your answer, you should critique what you have discovered in your research. How well do the strengths and weaknesses of the technologies as discussed by other authors match your own experience with using the technologies?
 What are the good and bad parts of each of your representations?

U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
The mark scheme is given below. In each case, the columns further to the right contain additional comments. So an Excellent Pass would meet the requirements of Pass, Good Pass and Excellent Pass
Good Pass
Excellent Pass
The representation contains the data asked for.
The representation has a logical structure which works effectively for all the data
The full representation is clear, logical and well structured.
A correct XML schema has been produced that describes the XML with at most a few little omissions
A correct XML Schema that effectively describes all of the XML has been produced.
A well designed Schema that accurately and effectively describes the XML has been produced.
Information from the XML representation can be displayed in the web page provided
The page is well coded with effective use of HTML and XSLT
The page displayed is clear and well presented with a sensible layout and effective styling.
The queries produce correct answers
The queries produce correct, well formatted answers.
The queries are well designed and show a good understanding of XQuery
The representation contains the data asked for.
The representation has a logical structure and makes some use of existing vocabularies and RDF Schema.
The representation is well designed and well structured. Effective use is made of existing vocabularies and RDF Schema.
SPARQL Data Retrieval
Correct SPARQL queries have been created
Correct and efficient queries have been created.
The queries produced show a strong understanding of the use of SPARQL
SPARQL Data Update
Correct SPARQL queries have been created
Correct and efficient queries have been created.
The queries produced show a strong understanding of the use of SPARQL
The report covers the areas requested but there is little depth or critical evaluation and little evidence of research. Conclusions either
There is some critical evaluation and the report has some depth to it. Research has been carried out and utilised effectively. There are some
The report shows a strong understanding gained by carrying out effective research. Good use is made of references and citations. The

U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
show little depth or little justification.
references and citations. Conclusions are sensible and have been justified.
report contains a well thought through critical evaluation and an effective critique of the research. The conclusions reached are good and well justified.


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[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html math XML U08073 Advanced Web Technology Semester 2 2019 Coursework Specification Due: Friday Week 12 5:00pm
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