[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html Java javascript php SQL XML database software Click or tap here to enter text.

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E.g. CS3S666

Module Title:

Advanced Internet and Mobile Computing

Module Team:

Daniel Cunliffe, Phil Davies

Assessment Title and Tasks:

jQuery and Data sources

Assessment No.


Date Set:

23-Sep-2019 13:00

Submission Date:

13-Dec-2019 23:00

Return Date:



Marking and Assessment
This assignment will be marked out of 100%

This assignment contributes to 50% of the total module marks.

1) To demonstrate a critical understanding of the prevailing technologies associated with the development of web-based and mobile applications.
2) To be able to critically evaluate the various technological options available for diverse web-based and mobile development.

Provisional mark only: subject to change and / or confirmation by the Assessment Board

Grading Criteria and Feedback

Marking Scheme
Marks Available
Marks Awarded
Client & Server-side logic (PDO/XML processing & JSON) to display suitable HTML tables


Client & Server-side logic (PDO/XML processing & JSON) to append new element values to the original database table or XML file


Client-side logic (PDO/XML processing & JSON) to search for specified contents





There are two elements to this coursework, an implementation and a report.


You are required to produce web based files to present a single HTML web page to a client browser demonstrating JavaScript/Ajax techniques associated with:

•PHP PDO processing;
•JQuery framework;

The HTML page will access two data sources, which you will make available on the Web Server:

•MySQL database tables (One or more tables);
•XML files (One or more files) stored in a specific folder.

The HTML web page provides the user with the means to select the data source (database or XML). Having chosen the data source, the user is presented with a list identifying the available database tables or XML files. Selecting a specific database table or XML file must cause the display of the associated data as a HTML table on the same web page without refreshing the whole web page.

Drop-down list boxes are to be used to permit the user to select the data source and present the list of available database tables or XML files to the user. The latter drop-down list box contents must reflect the database tables or XML files presently available on the Web Server without further web development amendments i.e. available database table names and XML filenames must not be hardcoded into the web page. This information must be obtained at run-time after the web page has been loaded and the information must be returned as JSON.

The web page layout should be similar to the following:


Data source Drop-down box

Data set Drop-down box (Only available once a data source is selected)

Table (Only available once a database table or XML file is selected)
Search functionality (Only available when table is visible)

Insert functionality (Only available when table is visible)


There is no specific single theme to the contents of the database tables and XML files. Do not design a web page which reflects a single theme such as films, sport or other single topic.

The database tables must comprise an autoincrement numeric field and one or more string fields. No other data types may be employed and each table must comprise a different number of fields and fieldnames.

The XML files must comprise zero or more of the same child elements. Each of these elements must comprise a number of further child elements e.g. w3school’s CD catalog XML file.

Essentially the database table and XML file structures described above represent zero or more rows of data in which the structure of each row is the same as every other row.

Upon receiving the returned JSON, the web page should construct appropriate HTML markup for rendering. You should not use TableSorter2 in this cw or similar components.

The contents of the data source drop-down list box is fixed but the drop-down list box presenting the list of database tables or XML files and subsequent table must be populated as necessary using JQuery techniques. All Client to Server interactions must utilise getJSON and all data returned by the Server must be in a JSON format.
The user must be provided with the means to:

•view a data set (database table or XML file, including field headings), once a table or file has been selected;

•append new data to the selected database table or XML file. This will require form input fields and php script logic to insert the new detail into the relevant database table or XML file.

•search the currently selected data set for a specific field’s content so that only those rows/records satisfying the selection are displayed in the HTML table.

This involves additional input fields and logic to allow the user to select the field and field content.

A drop-down list box must be presented permitting the user to specify the relevant single field/column.

You may present the results using a second HTML table or amend the original display table.

The web page logic should be robust and cater for a variety of situations e.g.:

•No database tables being available.
•No XML files being available.
•Table must only be displayed when a selection has been made.

These are just examples of robustness and do not represent a complete list for the available marks. Details of the testing you perform should be included in your report.

You must not utilize older:
•HTML DOM selection methods such as getElementById. You must use JQuery’s selector features.

•Ajax techniques to retrieve the JSON returned by the php scripts. You must use JQuery’s $getJSON feature.

Do not merely implement the overall solution and expect it to work. You are advised to test the individual components of your solution through the use of an appropriate browser’s URLs, using parameters as necessary e.g.

•Reference the php script ( no parameters required ) to obtain the JSON detail representing the available database table names or XML files to populate the drop-down list box. The script should return expected JSON content depicting the available database tables or XML files;

•Knowing individual php functionality works allows you to progress to implementing a drop-down list box in an HTML file.

•Reference the php script (parameter specifying drop-down list selection) to obtain the JSON detail representing the contents of the specified database table or XML file. The script should return expected JSON content representing the table/file details and contents.

Your submission should be supported by a report detailing your software design, implementation and testing, including:

•Overall software design documentation;
•Commentary on JavaScript functionality;
•Commentary on PDO processing. An explanation of how your implementation caters for prohibiting the possibility of attempts at SQL Injection together with supporting evidence showing your implementation actually prohibiting such attempts;
•Commentary on XML processing;
•Evidence of testing using different browsers.
•All your code and details of database tables and XML files should be included as appendices

You should present the material in a standard expected of level 6 studies i.e. you must present arguments and critical evaluation demonstrating an understanding of the technologies and concepts applied.

Submission details:

Your HTML page must be available on the student webserver at the following URL:


A Word version of your report, including copies, must be uploaded to Blackboard.

You are not required to submit a paper based copy of your report

General Tips

•Include everything the assignment asks for.

•Comment your code, including the HTML, CSS, JS, jQ, PHP.
•Use indentation to structure the code and reflect its organisation.
•Include error checking in your code (some suggestions in coursework, some in tutorial sheets). How are these reported to the user? Does your code still keep running if an error occurs?
•Test your error checking and document your testing.
•Test on different browsers and document your testing
•Discuss how your implementation protects against SQL injection (e.g. through prepared statements and error checking). Document your testing of this.
•Use appropriate documentation and software design and specification techniques to explain your solution.
•Use illustrations and screen captures where appropriate.

Fail (0 – 29)
Narrow Fail (30 – 39)
3rd Class / Pass
Lower 2nd Class / Pass
Upper 2nd Class / Merit
1st Class / Distinction
Client & Server-side logic to display suitable HTML tables (25)

Code not functional

Code partially functional

Code is not robust

Code does not use jQ, JS, JSON, PDO as required

Code functions under limited conditions

Code is robust under some conditions

JS used where jQ would have been the preferred approach

Interface could be improved

Code functions as expected

Code is robust under most conditions

Interface is reasonable
Code functions as expected

Code is robust

Interface is well designed
Code functions as expected

Code provides additional functionality

Code is robust

Interface is very well designed
Code not functional

Code partially functional

Code is not robust

Code does not use jQ, JS, JSON, PDO as required

Code functions under limited conditions

Code is robust under some conditions

JS used where jQ would have been the preferred approach

Interface could be improved

Code functions as expected

Code is robust under most conditions

Interface is reasonable
Code functions as expected

Code is robust

Interface is well designed
Code functions as expected

Code provides additional functionality

Code is robust

Interface is very well designed
Client & Server-side logicto append new element (25)

Code not functional

Code partially functional

Code is not robust

Code does not use jQ, JS, JSON, PDO as required

Code functions under limited conditions

Code is robust under some conditions

JS used where jQ would have been the preferred approach

Interface could be improved

Code functions as expected

Code is robust under most conditions

Interface is reasonable
Code functions as expected

Code is robust

Interface is well designed
Code functions as expected

Code provides additional functionality

Code is robust

Interface is very well designed
Code not functional

Code partially functional

Code is not robust

Code does not use jQ, JS, JSON, PDO as required

Code functions under limited conditions

Code is robust under some conditions

JS used where jQ would have been the preferred approach

Interface could be improved

Code functions as expected

Code is robust under most conditions

Interface is reasonable
Code functions as expected

Code is robust

Interface is well designed
Code functions as expected

Code provides additional functionality

Code is robust

Interface is very well designed
Client-side logic to search for specified contents (25)

Code not functional

Code partially functional

Code is not robust

Code does not use jQ, JS, JSON, PDO as required

Code functions under limited conditions

Code is robust under some conditions

JS used where jQ would have been the preferred approach

Interface could be improved

Code functions as expected

Code is robust under most conditions

Interface is reasonable
Code functions as expected

Code is robust

Interface is well designed
Code functions as expected

Code provides additional functionality

Code is robust

Interface is very well designed
Code presentation
Code layout is poor

No code comments
Code layout is poor

Code comments are poor
Code layout could be improved

Code comments could be improved
Code layout is generally good

Code comments are generally good
Code layout is good

Code comments are good
Code layout is excellent

Code comments are excellent

Report (25)

Software design documentation
No design documentation
Design documentation poorly executed

Design documentation partial

Design documentation not of sufficient standard
Design documentation contains reasonable and appropriate information

Design documentation is rather restricted in coverage

Design documentation uses a limited range of notations

Design documentation contains good, appropriate information

Design documentation has a good coverage

Design documentation uses a reasonable range of notations
Design documentation is well conceived and well executed

Design documentation is fairly comprehensive

Design documentation uses a good range of notations
Design documentation is thoughtful and shows both insight and attention to detail

Design documentation is comprehensive

Design documentation uses a wide range of notations

Commentary on JS and jQ

No commentary
Commentary poorly executed

Partial commentary

Commentary not of sufficient standard
Commentary could be written more effectively

Commentary would benefit from further detail

Commentary demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the code

Commentary is reasonably well written

Commentary has an appropriate level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a solid understanding of the code

Commentary is well written

Commentary has a good level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a good understanding of the code

Commentary is very well written

Commentary is very detailed

Commentary demonstrates an excellent understanding of the code

Commentary on PDO, including SQL injection and demonstration
No commentary

SQL injection not addressed
Commentary poorly executed

Partial commentary

Commentary not of sufficient standard

SQL injection poorly addressed
Commentary could be written more effectively

Commentary would benefit from further detail

Commentary demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the code

Consideration of SQL injection rather limited

Commentary is reasonably well written

Commentary has an appropriate level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a solid understanding of the code

Reasonable consideration of SQL injection
Commentary is well written

Commentary has a good level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a good understanding of the code

Good consideration of SQL injection
Commentary is very well written

Commentary is very detailed

Commentary demonstrates an excellent understanding of the code

Excellent consideration of SQL injection

Commentary on XML processing
No commentary
Commentary poorly executed

Partial commentary

Commentary not of sufficient standard
Commentary could be written more effectively

Commentary would benefit from further detail

Commentary demonstrates a reasonable understanding of the code

Commentary is reasonably well written

Commentary has an appropriate level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a solid understanding of the code

Commentary is well written

Commentary has a good level of detail

Commentary demonstrates a good understanding of the code

Commentary is very well written

Commentary is very detailed

Commentary demonstrates an excellent understanding of the code

Testing, including browser testing
No software testing

No browser testing
Software testing not of a sufficient standard

Browser testing not of a sufficient standard
Software testing could have been more comprehensive

Software testing could have been reported more effectively

Browser testing could have been more extensive

Browser testing could have been reported more effectively

Software testing reasonably thorough

Software testing reasonably well reported

Browser testing reasonably thorough

Browser testing reasonably well reported
Software testing is thorough

Software testing is well reported

Browser testing is thorough

Browser testing is well reported
Software testing is thorough and well-conceived

Software testing is very effectively reported

Browser testing is thorough and well-conceived

Browser testing is very effectively reported

No appendices
Incomplete appendices
Appendices largely complete

Appendices could be presented more effectively

Appendices complete

Appendices reasonably well presented
Appendices complete

Appendices well presented
Appendices complete

Appendices presented very effectively


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[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html Java javascript php SQL XML database software Click or tap here to enter text.
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