[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html Go NIT2113 Cloud Application Development Semester 1 2019

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NIT2113 Cloud Application Development Semester 1 2019
Assignment 2
Assessment Overview
This assignment is the second part of the development of an app for an online laptop computer retailer. You will use Salesforce for the implementation of the app based on the design you submitted for Assignment 1. Certain required details will need to be implemented in the app. As an example, the details of a customer of the laptop retailer—their name, contact phone number, shipping address, etc.—need to be accessible from your app.
Your response to Assignment 2 will be submitted using a document written with Microsoft Word. This Word document will contain screen shots of the app from which you will be assigned marks.
This assignment is worth 25% of the total marks for the unit.
Students complete the assignment in groups of two (pairs). Your pair is the same that completed and submitted Assignment 1. Each student in the pair will receive the same marks.
Your pair worked on designing and setting up an app for an online laptop computer retailer for Assignment 1. You will complete the app in Assignment 2, including using real data gathered from the Internet in some parts of your app. The following sub- sections expand on the data you need to place into your app. The sub-sections also indicate the number of marks for each datum you provide in your Word document (in the case of the invoice, each datum is worth 1 mark).
Ensure that all data is meaningful and sensible, even if it follows the data type you set for it in Assignment 1, otherwise marks will be lost. For instance, if you made the status of a particular invoice to be “Abcdef” rather than a real status (like “Open”) this would lead to no marks awarded for that criterion.
Recall that the following were details you set up in your app from Assignment 1:
1. Invoice number
2. Customer number
3. Status of invoice
4. Invoice total
You can invent data (i.e., make up the data) for all the above fields of an invoice. Of course, the data type of each field was set during Assignment 1. Thus, you will invent
This assignment guide must only be used for the purposes of completing the assignment, and not used elsewhere or in other places.

data for each field so that it follows (conforms to) the data type you set for it in Assignment 1.
Recall that the following were details you set up in your app:
1. Number used by the retailer internally to identify a particular laptop model (0.5 mark per internal number)
2. Manufacturer of the laptop model (0.5 mark per manufacturer)
3. Model of the laptop (0.5 mark per model)
4. Price of the model (0.5 mark per price)
5. Quantity of that model in stock (0.5 mark per quantity)
You will invent data for 1. (number used by the retailer internally). However, for 2. and 3., your pair will need to search the Internet for genuine laptops to find true laptop manufacturers and models. You must use true manufacturers and models in your app. You can use true prices of these models for 4. (which of course can vary amongst retailers). Quantities of 5. are invented.
Line items of an invoice
Recall that the following were details you set up in your app:
1. Line item number (0.5 mark per line item number)
2. Laptop model sold according to that line item (0.5 mark per model)
3. Quantity of that model sold according to that line item (0.5 mark per quantity)
The data you use for 1. and 2. should be obvious, and you can invent data for 3.
Customer details
Recall that the following were details you set up in your app:
1. Customer number (0.5 mark per customer number)
2. Customer’s surname (0.5 mark per customer surname)
3. Customer’s first name (0.5 mark per customer first name)
4. Customer’s shipping address (0.5 mark per shipping address)
5. Customer’s billing address (0.5 mark per billing address)
6. Customer’s phone number (0.5 mark per phone number)
7. Customer’s email address (0.5 mark per email address)
All data for these fields may simply be invented keeping in mind that data must be meaningful and still reflect reality.
Screen shots of specifications from Salesforce account
You will need to take screen shots (using any method you like for generating screen shots) for inclusion in your MS Word document. These screen shots will show the details covered in the above sections. Screen shots may be in any image format you like (e.g., .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, etc.) as long as they can be read clearly and are able to be inserted into the Word document.
Screen shots need to be taken from the account of only one member of the pair. There is no need to take shots from accounts of both group members.
Assignment 2

You will need to access the detail pages of your Salesforce account to capture the above data and fields. Recall that Salesforce generates these detail pages to convey the data of objects. Go to the relevant detail pages and screen capture them for inclusion in the Word document for marking. Remember that the following screens shots are from your laptop retailer app, and not from the book store app.
At the relevant detail page, screen capture everything from:
The heading of the detail page that shows the Edit, Delete and Clone buttons1 to its right (inclusive), to …
The second set of Edit, Delete and Clone buttons under all the details for capture (inclusive)
In other words, you are capturing page content from the first set of buttons to the second set of buttons, inclusive. Ensure to capture everything as above as an incorrect capture will lead to loss of marks.
Thus, you will insert five screen shots in the Word document:
One shot of any invoice of the app that shows data about that invoice and line items of that invoice. There must be two line items of that invoice in the shot. Select any two laptops of the app and include a shot of each laptop’s detail page
Select any two customers of the app and include a shot of each customer’s detail page
Do not submit web pages (i.e., in .html, .html or .mht formats) of the above sections instead of screen shots. That is, do not save the relevant custom object pages in any of these formats and submit them. Content of pages must be presented as screen shots (images) for marking purposes. Marks will be deducted if information about details is not conveyed properly as screen shots.
Important issues
Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty, and if students are found involved in this it would result in plagiarism proceedings with these students.
To avoid students plagiarising material, all content that is used in the pair’s submission must be totally their own work and not of anybody else’s work outside that pair.
You should watch the plagiarism-related videos placed on VU Collaborate.
Assignment Mode
Students carry out the assignment in pairs. Students in a pair must not share any part of their work with anybody outside of that pair.
A reminder about the guide, titled “GUIDELINES FOR GROUP WORK”, placed in the “Assignment 1” area on VU Collaborate.
1 It might also have the Renumber Line Items button after you completed Lab 7 3
Assignment 2

Marking scheme
The mark out of 19 will be converted into a mark out of 25, since the assignment is worth 25% of the final grade.
Group assignment cover sheet missing Missing details in cover sheet
Details not provided as screen shots
-5 marks out of 25 up to -2 marks out of 25
Depending on situation
Assignment 2
Invoice and two line items
Invoice number
Customer number
Status of invoice
Invoice total
Line item number
2 line items, each with line item number = 2 x 0.5
Laptop model sold on line item
2 line items, each with model = 2 x 0.5
Quantity of model on line item
2 line items, each with quantity = 2 x 0.5
Number used by the retailer
2 laptops, each with retailer’s number = 2 x 0.5
2 laptops, each with manufacturer = 2 x 0.5
2 laptops, each with model = 2 x 0.5
2 laptops, each with price = 2 x 0.5
Quantity in stock
2 laptops, each with quantity = 2 x 0.5
Customer details
Customer number
2 customers, each with number = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s surname
2 customers, each with surname = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s first name
2 customers, each with first name = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s shipping address
2 customers, each with shipping address = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s billing address
2 customers, each with billing address = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s phone number
2 customers, each with phone number = 2 x 0.5
Customer’s email address
2 customers, each with email address = 2 x 0.5

Assignment Submission
This assignment is due on Friday, 14th June 2019 BEFORE 10.00pm.
Your submission will consist of one MS Word document containing your screen shots as images. This file, together with the group assignment cover sheet covered later, will be zipped for submission at VU Collaborate. The files are compressed into a zip file where the name of the zip file is composed of your student IDs.
In submitting your zip at the Assignment 2 area at Assessment Dropbox, you will need to go to the page with a form (“Submit Files – Assignment 2”) where you upload the zip file. This form contains the “terms and conditions” of the assignment such as declaring that you have not plagiarised, have kept a copy of your work, etc. In uploading and submitting your zip file, you are agreeing to these “terms and conditions”, which you are being bound by in submitting work for the assignment and receiving a mark for it.
You must fill in a College of Engineering and Science group assignment cover sheet to specify who are the members of the pair. Based on this cover sheet, it will be known who is in the pair in order to receive the marks. A copy of the cover sheet is available from the “Assignment 2” area of “Assessment Dropbox”. Assignments submitted without these sheets or with sheets that are not filled in properly and completely will attract a penalty. Please ignore the “Assignment Receipt” section in the cover sheet.
When submitting the zip file at VU Collaborate, note that the system:
allows you at a couple of points during the submission process to verify what you are about to submit (i.e., you can click on links to the zip file to check the zip file’s contents that you are about to submit)
automatically sends an email to the account of the submitting student to confirm successful submission of the assignment.
To help yourself in ensuring that your zip file can be unzipped and the submission is what you indeed want marked, carry out the following. Download the zip file you submitted via the Assignment VU Collaborate form, “Submit Files – Assignment 2” (mentioned above), and unzip it somewhere to check its contents. If there is a problem for you in unzipping the files, then there will also be a problem during marking.
You will submit the assignment from the VU Collaborate account of only one of the members of the pair (not from both members’ accounts). Your filled-in group assignment cover sheet will show who are the two members of the group. When the submitting student receives the confirmation email from VU Collaborate, they should immediately forward it to the other member of the pair for the other member’s record.
Note that the time of submission at the VU Collaborate site as recorded in the unit coordinator’s area of VU Collaborate will be used as the official time of submission.
If there is any exceptional case where an assignment is unable to be marked, which should not occur, the assignment will be marked out 10 and students will receive this mark out 10 as the final mark.
If you submit an assignment more than once (which is unusual and rarely would students do), then the last one will be marked. If the last version is submitted during the lateness period, a lateness penalty will be applied to that last version so that it will attract a penalty according to how many days late it was submitted.
Assignment 2

Assignments will not be accepted and marked 5 days after the submission deadline.
5% of the total assignment mark is deducted for each business day the assignment is submitted late.
Assignment 2


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[SOLVED] 代写 Scheme html Go NIT2113 Cloud Application Development Semester 1 2019
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