[SOLVED] 代写 SAS At the end of your document, paste your SAS code from questions 1 and 2. You can use your class notes, your textbook, and any other resources you would like, except other people.

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File Name: 代写_SAS_At_the_end_of_your_document,_paste_your_SAS_code_from_questions_1_and_2.__You_can_use_your_class_notes,_your_textbook,_and_any_other_resources_you_would_like,_except_other_people..zip
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At the end of your document, paste your SAS code from questions 1 and 2.You can use your class notes, your textbook, and any other resources you would like, except other people.

I am happy to help you with question 3.

1. Exports and Economic Growth

The file exports.xlsx has data on the annual growth rates of exports and GDP for the Philippines, measured in percentage points.Run the following regression:

a Report the estimated regression equation.Round coefficients to the thousandths place.Include the standard errors under the coefficients.

b Does the regression support the hypothesis that faster export growth contributes to faster GDP growth?

c How much of the variation in GDP growth is explained by the regression?

d If exports were to fall 10, what is the predicted growth rate of GDP?

e Use the DurbinWatson test to see if the regression suffers from firstorder serial correlation.

f If serial correlation is found, use the YuleWalker procedure to fix the problem.Report the new regression equation, including standard errors.How have the results changed?

2.Carbon emissions and economic development

The file carbon.xlsx contains data on CO2 emissions measured in metric tons per capita, GDP per capita CAP, government expenditure as a percentage of GDP GOV, and trade exports plus imports as a percentage of GDP TRADE.The file has data for 167 countries with all variables measured in 2014.

Run the following regression:

Note that the regression requires the natural logs of C02 and CAP.

a Report the results of the regression.Round the coefficients to the thousandths place.Include the standard errors under the coefficients.

b Does the regression support the hypothesis that greater economic development, as measured by GDP per capita, is associated with greater carbon emissions?

c How much would you expect CO2 emissions to change if there was a 1 percent increase in GDP per capita?

d Does the regression support the hypothesis that greater government expenditure is associated with greater carbon emissions?

e Does the regression support the hypothesis that greater international trade is associated with greater carbon emissions?

f How much of the variation in C02 emissions is explained by the regression?

g Test the regression equation for heteroskedasticity.Use the White test.

h If the regression suffers from heteroskedasticity, run the heteroskedasticitycorrected standard errors procedure and report the new regression, including standard errors.How have the results changed?

i Do you think this regression suffers from multicollinearity?Explain.


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[SOLVED] 代写 SAS At the end of your document, paste your SAS code from questions 1 and 2. You can use your class notes, your textbook, and any other resources you would like, except other people.
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