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LECTURES: Lecture Times:
STA302H5 – Regression Analysis Fall 2018
Course Outline
Tuesday, 16:00 – 18:00 CC 1140 Thursday, 12:00 – 13:00 IB 150
Instructor: Al Nosedal
Office Location: DH 3030 (Deerfield Hall) E-mail Address: [email protected] Office Hours: Tuesday, 18:15 – 19:15
Thursday, 16:15 – 18:15
or by appointment.
(Office hours may change before tests)
Course Web Site: https://q.utoronto.ca/
STA302 H5 Fall 2018 – COURSE OUTLINE
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Tutorials begin the week of September 10th. Teaching Assistant: Julian Braganza
TUT0101 Thursday 18-19 E-mail Address: [email protected]
Office Location: TBA Office Hours :
IB 150
TA office hours will be announced in the portal website.
Analysis of the multiple regression model by least squares; statistical properties of the least square analysis, including estimation of error; residual and regression sums of squares; distribution theory under normality of the observations; confidence regions and intervals; tests for normality; variance stabilizing transformations, multicolinearity, variable search methods. [36L, 12T].
Prerequisite: STA258H5/ STA221H5/ ECO220Y5/ BIO360H5/ PSY202H5/ SOC350H5; STA260H5/STA261H1; MAT223H5/MAT240H5
Exclusion: STA302H1,STAC67H3
Students who lack a pre/co-requisite can be removed at any time unless received explicit waiver from department.
Regression analysis by A. Sen and M. Srivastava. Required. For sale at the bookstore. ISBN-10: 1461287898
Mathematical Statistics with Applications 7E, by Wackerly, Mendenhall and Scheaffer. Required. For sale at the bookstore. ISBN – 13:978-0-495-11081-1
Statistical Computing
This course uses R. R is an open-source computing package which has seen a huge growth in popularity in the last few years. R can be downloaded from https://cran.r-project.org
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Due date
Term Test 1 Term Test 2 Assignments Final Exam
Oct/02/2018 Nov/06/2018 TBA TBA
20% 20% 10% 50%
The term tests are held from 16:30 to 18:00 on the test dates. There is no extra time for late entrants. The final exam covers material from the entire course. Note: test solutions may be photocopied before they are returned.
Missed Term Test Policy:
If you miss a term test for medical reasons, submit a U of T medical certificate indicating that you saw the doctor on the date of the missed test. If you miss a term test for any other reason, submit appropriate official documentation. Also include your name, student number, and course number at the top of the page. All documentation must be official and written in English. It is your responsibility to submit documentation to the professor within one week of the missed test. The professor determines if the absence is legitimate and is entitled to refuse your documentation if it does not meet these standards.
If you miss one term test, a make-up test will not be scheduled; your final mark will be calculated by re-weighting the other test, assignments, and final exam by a factor of 100/80.
If you miss both term tests, a make-up test combining all the material covered in our course will be held on Thursday, December 6th at 12 pm. It is your responsibility to (i) submit documentation to the instructor within one week of each missed test, (ii) find out if your absence has been classified as legitimate and (iii) attend the make-up test on the given date- further make-up tests will not be given if you do not attend the sched- uled make-up test. Failure to complete (i)-(iii) guarantees you earn zero on all missed tests.
Test Re-Mark Policy:
Requests for test remarking must be made in writing. Submit a note to the instructor (not the TA) explaining why you believe your solutions deserve more marks. Submit this note and your marked test during the tutorial when tests are returned. Your TA will give your remark request to the professor. Late remark requests will not be accepted.
There will be 4 assignments given during the course. The assignment questions will be posted approximately one week before the due date. Assignments must be completed in- dividually. You may have general discussions about the assignments with other students, however, the work you hand in must be your own. You may seek guidance from the instruc- tors or TAs with questions, however, we cannot solve the problems for you. Assignments
STA302 H5 Fall 2018 – COURSE OUTLINE Page 3 of 6

are due during lecture on the due date and late assignments are not accepted. Make sure to include your registered tutorial section on the front page of each assignment so you will be receive it back in tutorial. Assignments are worth 10% of your final grade. Missed assignments earn a mark of zero, no exceptions. Medical certificates and/or other valid documentation are not accepted.
Late Assignment Policy:
Assignments must be handed in during lecture on the due dates. If you cannot make it to the lecture, you can submit the assignment through a colleague or to the Mathemat- ical and Computational Sciences Department (DH 3012) BEFORE the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Homework and readings will be assigned but not graded. However, homework problems will form the basis for tests and will be essential to your understanding of the topics cov- ered in class. You are encouraged to work together in groups on homework to solidify your knowledge of the material. If you miss a class, be sure to check with your work group to see what you missed, if there were new assignments, or if there were any changes in test dates. Assigned homework problems will be listed on our webpage.
Tutorials are held every week and begin the week of September 10th. Tutorials will be used for your TA to review topics, take up homework problems, and help with assignments.
Email is most appropriate for personal questions. In general, we are unable to answer technical questions about the course material by e-mail. Before you send an e-mail, make sure that you are not asking for information that is already on the course outline/ web- site/announcements, or questions about the course material that are more appropriately discussed during office hours. If you do not get a response, this may be why. If your question is conceptual and does not require calculations or an elaborate answer, you can ask by email. Any questions regarding the tutorials should be addressed to your TA. For all other matters, contact the instructor. Please email the instructor and TAs using your *@utoronto.ca address. The subject line should contain the course number, lec- ture section number, and a relevant subject (indicating what the email is about). Be sure to include your full name and student number in the body of the mes- sage. You will not get a response if you email from other email addresses or do not follow the email policy.
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There are plenty of office hours at various days/times offered by the TAs and instructor. You may also book an appointment with the instructor if you are unable to attend the regular office hours or need extra help. The TAs and instructor are here to help you! Ask questions and let the instructor know if there are any concerns.
The University of Toronto Mississauga is committed to accessibility. If you require ac- commodations for a disability, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom, or course materials, please contact AccessABILITY Resource Center as soon as possible: http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/accessability.
• It’s up to you to know all course policies and important dates – read the course outline. It’s up to you to know about any important announcements – these will come to your inbox. Check the portal regularly! Check your *@utoronto.ca inbox regularly!
• You’re responsible for your own learning. We’re happy to help you learn, but in the end it’s up to you! Use office hours early, and use them often. Make an appointment with the professor. Keep asking questions until you’re satisfied. Ask about big concepts or small details there is no such thing as a stupid question! Always take advantage of extra help don’t wait until it’s too late!
• You must follow the U of T code of Behaviour this means that cheaters will be prosecuted. The Academic Regulations of the University are outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. You are expected to be familiar with, and to abide by, all components of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Full details can be found online at http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies
What you get out of the course depends on what you put into the course!
• Lectures will be clearly presented, organized, and have plenty of examples.
• Extra help, remedial and acceleration, is always available – in office hours, by ap-
pointment, and by email.
• Your emails will be answered in a timely fashion.
• Every student in the class will be treated with fairness and respect. Students who wish to excel are encouraged to consult regularly with the instructor. Students who abuse the U of T code of behavior will be dealt with appropriately.
• The lecturer works closely with your TAs. TAs are trained to offer quality tutorials, create valid quizzes, and mark all work consistently and fairly.
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Homework Problems
Mathematical Statistics with Applications 7E, by Wackerly, Mendenhall and Scheaffer. Read Appendix 1. Matrices and Other Useful Mathematical Results.
A1.1 – A1.10
Chapter 11.
Section 11.3
Exercises: 11.1, 11.3, 11.5, 11.9, 11.11 Section 11.4
Exercises: 11.15, 11.17, 11.19, 11.21 Section 11.5
Exercises: 11.23, 11.25, 11.27, 11.29, 11.31 Section 11.6
Exercises: 11.35, 11.37, 11.39
Section 11.7
Exercises: 11.42, 11.43, 11.45, 11.47 Section 11.8
Exercises: 11.51, 11.53, 11.55, 11.59
Review problems
Examples: 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10
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[SOLVED] 代写 R math statistic theory LECTURES: Lecture Times:
30 $