[SOLVED] 代写 R html statistic Erlang Task 1

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Task 1
The dataset kriminalitaet.RData contains data on the number of German and foreign inhabitants in German districts and cities 20132018. In addition, the data set contains a variable with the number of annual crimes in these territorial units.
The population data come from the regional statistics of the Federal Statistical Office Destatis Regionalstatistik. The crime variables were taken from the annual reports of the Federal Criminal Police Office BKA.
a. Read the article The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant. This article serves as a model for all subsequent exercises.

b. Load the record kriminalitaet.RData Moodle! in R and get a rough overview of the data 1 point.

c. Filter the record so that only numbers for cases of violent crime Gewaltkriminalitt are included in the new record 1 point.
Tip: There is a collective term violent crime Gewaltkriminalitt in the variable crimeStraftat.

In the police criminal statistics, violent crime includes murder 211 StGB, manslaughter 212 StGB, killing on demand 216 StGB, dangerous and serious bodily injury 224, 226 StGB, Personal injury resulting in death227 StGB, involvement in a brawl231 StGB, robbery249 to252,255,316 StGB, extortionate robbery239a StGB, attack on sea and air traffic and hostagetaking239b StGB.

Unter Gewaltkriminalitt fallen in der Polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik Mord 211 StGB, Totschlag212 StGB, Ttung auf Verlangen216 StGB, gefhrliche und schwere Krperverletzung224,226 StGB, Krperverletzung mit Todesfolge227 StGB, Beteiligung an einer Schlgerei231 StGB, Raubdelikte249 bis252,255,316 StGB, erpresserischer Menschenraub239a StGB, Angriff auf den See und Luftverkehr sowie Geiselnahme239b StGB.

d. Calculate by how many percentage points the number of cases of reported violent crime within German districts and cities has changed between 2013 and 2018 4 points.

Tip: You need filteryear in c2013,2018 and spread to do this.

e. Calculate by how many percentage points the number of foreign citizens has changed between 2013 and 2018 within German districts and cities 4 points.

f. In which ten districts and cities in Germany have violent crime changed the most and the weakest? In which ten counties and cities has the proportion of the foreign population changed the most and the weakest? 8 points
Tip: Pay attention to population differences between the territorial units!

g. Save the results in a file named kriminalitaetergebnisse.RData and upload this file along with your script and description to Moodle by December 10, 2019.

Task 2
a. Consider two specific districts or cities and compare the two territorial units using the measures discussed in the seminar. 4 points
Tip: To select two cities or counties, you need the combination filter and in again see task 1d.

b. Explain why you have selected exactly these two territorial units and how you proceed. 4 points

c. Then discuss the results of the comparison 4 points.

d. Save the results in a file named kriminalitaetvergleich.RData and upload this file along with your script and description to Moodle by December 10, 2019.


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[SOLVED] 代写 R html statistic Erlang Task 1
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